Instigator / Pro

The word “Communist” and “Fascist” have become buzzwords


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After 3 votes and with 3 points ahead, the winner is...

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Time for argument
Two days
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Voting period
One week
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Why accept and then forfeit?

I encourage everyone to vote.

DSP is Democratic Socialist Party. (most people refer to it as the DSA. Democratic socialists of America)


Alright. I just set up a forum debate.


-> There’s more crime, more debt, more wars, worse economy, worse inflation, what he did with Taliban is a disgrace, he is senile and he is a puppet for the DSP.

The crime rate has gone up under Biden (and Trump). I know the moment Trump became POTUS, the rape rate went up like 60%. But the annual odds of dying from homicide in the US pretty much range from .004% to .012%. Homicide is extremely rare no matter which POTUS is in charge.

Define economy. The unemployment rate went down under both POTUS'es. The GDP per capita is an all time high under Biden (but it usually goes up regardless of who is in charge). The stock market is high under Biden this year, but the stock market went up about 8% a year under Biden and 12% under Trump. Trump did better on the market; but it's only a slight advantage. He should get credit for this though.

Inflation is a product of the federal reserve, not any sitting president.

I was satisfied with at least the war with the Taliban being over even if the withdrawal was imperfect. I don't see Trump doing a better job.

I don't know what DSP is.

-> I’d love to debate you in it btw. I really want to learn about the presidency stuff.

I prefer Fourm debates; formal debates like this one are too stressful and I don't like doing them because both sides try and prove their points instead of being willing to change their own minds. I'll give Trump credit where it's due on right wing policies; I agree with getting rid of Roe V Wade. But I do think he wants to do some crazy things like Project 2025 (which would ban porn and make him a dictator; leading to the loss of our free and fair elections). He is a convicted felon of crimes like adultery (which I think if you do adultery while over 25, then you should be banned from federal office as politicians should have good moral character).


I’m also pro-rank choice voting. I would put RFK first then trump then biden. But realistically RFK has no chance so I’d settle for Trump. The reason I prefer trump to Biden is simple: My life under the Trump administration is 100x better. There’s more crime, more debt, more wars, worse economy, worse inflation, what he did with Taliban is a disgrace, he is senile and he is a puppet for the DSP. I could keep going but I think I proved my point. I voted for biden in 2020 becuase I hated trump and it was so stupid. I still don’t like trump and I’m still pretty liberal, but he was a much better president than biden is. As for RFK, I think he’d be great, but he’s a third-party candidate and as long as trump is in the race, he’ll lose. Same thing with Jill Stien and Chase Oliver. They got no shot. I’d love to debate you in it btw. I really want to learn about the presidency stuff.


I agree with the UnderDog. I couldn't feel right voting for Trump or Biden, but I'd pick Biden over Trump any day.


If we had Rank Choice voting out of those 3, then I would put RFK first. He hasn't had a chance to rack up the US debt like Biden and Trump did (paying off the US debt is a big issue for me). Biden would be 2nd (Trump is Mr. Project 2025). Trump would be 3rd.

I don't like any of them. RFK preaches, "anti war" but not for Israel. I'm America First for Ukraine and Israel's wars.

I'm most in line with Jill Stein and Chase Oliver. They are both anti-war and are pro Rank Choice voting. I agree with a universal jobs guarantee to help people get off of welfare, so it's why I prefer Jill Stein to Chase Oliver.

I think Cornell West shouldn't be running and should drop out and endorse Jill Stein unless there is at least one policy disagreement he has with Jill Stein (if there is at least one policy disagreement, then he should state it). Cornell West is on less ballots than Jill Stein. If he refuses to back Biden because of Palestine, then fine. But Cornell west is on less ballots and he refuses to state why he prefers himself over Jill Stein. To me, that's having an ego too big.


You too. Would you vote trump, biden or kennedy? I’m just curious because Idk really know yet who I’m for.


Exactly my point. You mentioned that you’re about half-republican and half-democrat; just out of curiosity, would you vote Trump, biden or kennedy?


You are right.

Anytime someone tells me, "You are a fascist" I should tell them, "I'm a proud fascist since it's synonymous with being republican" and anytime someone tells me, "You are a communist" I should tell them, "I'm a proud communist since it's synonymous with being democrat". In reality, I'm about half and half.

America's 2 major parties: Communists and Fascists. If all left-wing ideas are communist and all right-wing ideas are fascist, then it looks like sometimes I'm a communist and other times I'm a fascist and I'm fine with that title as it would be a common title.

Fascist for Trump, communist for Biden. You're right, you hear them everywhere now.


I totally agree with you, but this is kind of a weird topic for a debate. Maybe better suited to the forums.

Technically aren’t all words that at some point in their past?