Instigator / Pro

Free Will is an Illusion


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics
Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

After 3 votes and with 3 points ahead, the winner is...

Publication date
Last updated date
Number of rounds
Time for argument
One week
Max argument characters
Voting period
One month
Point system
Multiple criterions
Voting system
Minimal rating
Contender / Con

“Free Will”
- refers to the ability of individuals to make choices that are not determined by prior causes or external forces

- a false idea or belief

...Yeah, I'm not going to be able to get my vote up in time, sorry. I might still post my thoughts on who won on the forum.


"Furthermore con implies that consciousness, is some sort of supernatural phenomenon, which somehow makes humans special, from the rest of the universe to which I completely disagree with."

That is projected onto my argument, I was explicit that I am not arguing that it is supernatural, I only agreed to the debate under the condition that I'm not expected to argue against that "religious" interpretation of free will that is so trendy with materialists, "libertarian" free will was not argued. Scientifically speaking, consciousness is a feature of human reality, Pro argues that it is a feeling and therefore it isn't an experience. That makes no sense, the term experience implies that there is an experiencer interacting with the environment, what exactly goes away when you say that's just a feeling, that the fact that we experience reality cannot be dismissed because it is only a feeling. I don't even know what it means to dismiss consciousness because we only "feel" it. This word illusion is very powerful, it makes experience unreal, which is ummm, what exactly. If our experiences are dismissed because they are just based on a "feeling", then we should dismiss your vote because it is just based on a feeling.

"In summary I think since our bodies are made of materials, whose reactions and interactions between are completely deterministic, our thoughts and actions are deterministic too, which means free will is just an illusion"

You are just carrying your predisposed opinions onto the debate, determinism was not argued in this debate, only presumed. I think our bodies are made of materials too, but it is astoundingly naive to think that materialism is deterministic, this debate began with my contention that arguments against free will always presume determinism without establishing determinism as a fact, that is what issued the debate challenge, and that is what Pro said he would do, but then Pro went on to argue that free will is an illusionism on the basis of presuming determinism. That's also how you are voting, but determinism has never been established, materialism only assumes determinism must be the case but it has never been established, it has been refuted by science. This debate just became a matter of assuming my argument for free will is religious, and voting accordingly, if that's what you concluded about my argument then I don't believe you even read it.


>Reported Vote: njk25 // Mod action: Removed
>Voting Policy:
>Points Awarded: arguments and sources to pro
>Reason for Decision: See Comments Tab.
>Reason for Mod Action:
Arguments are on the low side of borderline, but passable. Still, I'd add more detail there, such as a contention that went well and/or bad.

Sources are the glaring hole. Even if only one side used them, some impact they achieved must be listed.

Sources are optional and if awarded require a strong quality lead. Sources go to the side that better supported their case with relevant outside evidence and/or analysis thereof. If both sides have done their research due diligence, these points are usually tied.
A side with unreliable sources may be penalized, but the voter must specify why the sources were unreliable enough to diminish their own case (such as if the other side called attention to the flaws, thereby engaging with sources in a more effective manner with impacts to arguments; thereby flipping the source and harming the opposing argument).

07.21.2024 05:13AM
Overall after going through all the arguments, i strongly support pro's since-

Pro explained his view, in a much more scientific way, whereas con was more focused on the emotional, and experiential part, but that fails to account for the fact that pro's argument was that these experiences, could be an illusion

Furthermore con implies that consciousness, is some sort of supernatural phenomenon, which somehow makes humans special, from the rest of the universe to which I completely disagree with.

In summary I think since our bodies are made of materials, whose reactions and interactions between are completely deterministic, our thoughts and actions are deterministic too, which means free will is just an illusion


I am a new user

I've been meaning to vote on this one. I'll try to have my vote up by the end of the voting period.

I wonder whose alt "njk25" is.
Couldn't be baggins alt.


>Reported Vote: LogicalDebater01 // Mod action: Removed
>Voting Policy:
>Points Awarded: 4 to con (Arguments, Conduct)
>Reason for Decision: To start off, I can keep this quite short and simple.
This is very much a debate that shifts itself into the fields of philosophy, therefore the debate becomes more abstract and more reliant on the arguments that each individual makes and it would be ludicrous or absurd to list any source somewhat due to the unreliability of the source that is created by the complexity revolving around the context of "philosophy" which contain opposing views, including when debating any topic that had become philosophical or any topic that has philosophy.

Listing sources here should be considered unreliable and I recommend everyone to focus on the arguments that each individual has made and which one is more logically sounding and less argumentative as well as reasonable..

Major reminder that the topics here debated delve into the fields of Quantum mechanics, Biology (Including neurobiology), Cognition (Psychometrical terms such as "Working memory, executive function, and learning"), Philosophy, and etc.

Each topic has their own limitations therefore each topic should not exceed their own limitation; otherwise inconsistency is brought into existence and the argument will observably be apparent to flaws.

First round, Pro yaps intensely about quantum mechanics and the baby basics of neuroscience and how brain rotting cells function (hyperbole, also the yapping is actually quite irrelevant and unnecessary to the topic of the debate) where as Con professionally remains on topic and not as further away Pro is. Con remains more on stand and more smart about his decision not to get dragged off to any more irrelevant matters and stays in consistency with the topic at hand by not digging down too much to the subatomic scales whereas the subject of "Free Will" isn't that subatomic (especially in this case). Con however opposes Pro's yapping with vigorous logic in a detailed and logical manner; very efficient way. Con does this opposition by remaining logical and on topic, not off topic.

Furthermore, other rounds Con just continues to bring more reasonable materials up. Con probably mogs Pro in terms of reasoning. (speaking based on the reasoning Con has provided so far for each arguments that are highly logical sounding than Pro's arguments). (But really I'm just judging based upon how complex each reasonings are from a psychometrical standpoint, if anyone's curious).

>Reason for Mod Action:

The voter does explain arguments sufficiently, particularly when taking the additional reasoning provided in the comments into account. While the voter does use loaded language to describe some of what he sees in the debate, he nevertheless provides sufficient evaluation of the debate to explain his vote.
However, the voter does not do enough to explain conduct. His explanation for conduct has been provided to me personally upon request, and while he does provide some evidence that certain points may have been worded disrespectfully and/or with a degree of frustration, resulting in statements that suggested a lack of understanding or seriousness, none of these suffice as explicit cases of personal attacks or any other sufficient conduct violation to justify awarding the point, nor is one side being more logical or directed in their presented arguments sufficient basis for awarding it.
The voter may re-post his vote at any time awarding Arguments.


Also, free will is defined as an ability so, just like any other ability, free will has its own limits. Remember that free will is not limitless.


I already spoke about this with a moderator, I agreed upon their conditions.


Maybe the first one, idk.

Would you mind explaining the reasons for giving significantly better conductor to CON?


Was this the face you made when you wrote "Thx con, lets begin..." in italic form?

Or was it this?

Maybe this?



Considering most of that is invisible to him since he can't see you sticking your tongue out and making faces, have at that at least.


Am I still allowed to call him Pumpkinhead, stick my tongue out, make faces, that kind of stuff is still OK, right?


Noted! I have no problem with the debate itself do the talking. I personally treat the comments like a chat room and I enjoy when people show interest in a debate and I try to respond to mostly everything. Reading through the comments as Sidewalker suggests is indeed pointless and unnecessary.


I’m aware that there has been extended discussion in the comments. The debate starts in R1 and ends in R3, so I don’t personally factor anything said in the comments into my vote, just talking about general etiquette.


Another good one.


Did you read through the comments, baggins is on like the round twelve of the debate already.


Noted, I figured it would come up. That being said, while I appreciate the points guys, I think you should let the debate itself do the talking at this point since I will be voting. I know that both your points will come up, so it’s not terribly important, but it’s generally best to avoid using the comments to influence voters, even if that influence is just drawing attention to certain points.


You can be a comedian you know. That’s what my mind just tricked me to say.


You will notice that during the debate and also just now in the comments Sidewalker tries to straw man me and imply that just because I think something is predetermined that means no consequences should follow for anybody. As if Im arguing that we should just allow psychopaths to just murder freely just because they don’t choose their actions.


You didn't actually say that you know, your mind only tricked you into thinking you said that.


Thanks for showing that you still don’t even get what this topic is about.

Whether the votes were predetermined or not, illegitimate votes are still illegitimate votes based on the rules of the website. I didn’t get votes deleted because they are predetermined, they got deleted because they were obvious trolls (and by a moderator not by me)

Some people are predetermined to just not get some stuff, I guess yes… 🤷‍♂️

Again and again, you still call everything else an illusion but not what I argue to be an illusion. Our “sense that we are in control of our decisions” is an illusion. Everything else that you have said is complete nonsense. Now you are trying to say that Im saying “votes” are an illusion lol get a grip buddy


Well played, appreciate that you’re still playing the game. Also, enjoying reading the debate so far.


OK, so let me get this straight, Pro argued that all votes are predetermined, and then gets Con votes deleted because they appear to be predetermined?

Pro also argued that voters do not have the freedom to choose, so shouldn't Pro votes also be deleted, I mean, how can they be valid if they are only an illusion?

Also, Holy shit, there are a ton of comments here, since they were all predetermined anyway, I don't actually have to read them do I?


Would you mind summarizing your reasoning for awarding conduct? I'm having trouble finding it in your vote and in the comments. The closest thing I can find is this statement:

"I believe Con is a very intelligent individual that most people can not understand; he seems apparent and quite gifted in my observation; his reasoning throughout his debates are very well conducted and packs more logic than the reasoning done by Pro throughout their rounds."

That gives me a certain view on Con vs. Pro as individuals, but it doesn't tell me that there were conduct violations in the debate, which is the requirement for awarding conduct. Could you elaborate?


Honestly hadn't looked at Conduct, missed that he voted on that. I'll take another look.


Really? I guess I can see how arguments could be said to be sufficiently explained, though I feel like even that point is borderline, but I don't feel like conduct was sufficiently explained.


I've looked into this vote, and while he certainly makes clear that elements of his vote are biased and he uses some loaded language, it does still meet the voting standards, especially given the extended discussion he's engaged in to detail his thoughts in the comments.

As for his rudeness to you, I haven't seen anything specific that would violate the CoC, but if you have examples, please PM me and we can discuss that at greater length.


> "Either you don't know what xenophobia means or you are just lying at this point."

Forget about it, there's no point in arguing with you. Look at who I'm supporting here (Who is Con). I will no longer respond to anymore comments mentioning me coming from you.


LogicalDebater01 is a loon. Theres no point arguing with stupid.


"I am not a xenophobe." Also, you: "First of all, you are American and I don't think you understand much stuff correctly or in a logical way."
Either you don't know what xenophobia means or you are just lying at this point.


I wont read it but ok


I'm going to reply tomorrow to #69, I'll make sure to help you understand how free will exists and change your perspective completely from tomorrow, if I had the time.


"it's not like these elements give us the conscious control, Right? "

Consciousness refers to our awareness of ourselves and our surroundings, and our ability to have subjective experiences. Free will, on the other hand, is the idea that individuals have the power to make choices that are not determined by prior causes. Brain activity indicating a decision occurs before we become consciously aware of making that decision. This suggests that our conscious mind is not the initiator of our actions but rather becomes aware of decisions that have already been made subconsciously.

Our thoughts and actions are influenced by a complex interplay of genetics, upbringing, environment, and past experiences. These factors operate largely outside of our conscious awareness and control, guiding our behavior in ways we do not choose. This deterministic framework suggests that while we may feel we are making free choices, these choices are pre-determined by prior causes. Our consciousness can rationalize and justify decisions after the fact, giving us the false impression that we were in control all along. This phenomenon, known as post-hoc rationalization, shows that our sense of free will might be constructed after the unconscious decision-making processes have already occurred.

Research in psychology, such as studies on priming and conditioning, demonstrates that our behavior can be significantly influenced by stimuli we are not consciously aware of. This indicates that much of what we consider to be conscious decision-making is heavily influenced by unconscious factors.

If free will truly exists, it would require us to be completely independent of any influence, able to make choices that are not shaped by our biology, psychology, or environment. However, all available evidence points to the fact that our decisions are influenced by numerous factors beyond our control, making the concept of absolute free will impossible.


That marvelling point of mine creates a rigid dichotomy between my clarification and your arguments that plagues your nonsense and allows it to fall; however clarifies and supports in making it more logical but more dependant on my clarification. Also there are way more illogical points in your arguments, I just can't be assed arguing more on this foolish debate. This is why I barely come on this website any more, the denial of cooperation is significantly great and there is some ridiculous sense of "brain proudness" here among some that is very apparent yet ridiculous each time it is considered.


You are literally thinking backwards.


"There's a significant role of genetics and environmental factors that shape our behavior. Our genes influence our predispositions and tendencies, while our upbringing, education, and social environment also contribute to our decision-making processes, all of which are beyond our conscious control."

Bro really thinks that just because our genes influences our "predispositions" and "tendencies" while our upbringing... blah blah blah are beyond our conscious control, "therefore this means that it is a point that does aid in proving that free will is an illusion 🤓", it's not like these elements give us the conscious control, Right? It's not like these genes aids us in having the allowance to have the ability to make conscious decisions, or give us conscious control, or have the contribution of aiding in the development of our conscious control.

Please, stop reasoning. (This way)
Your points are directed in the complete opposition of free will being had as not an illusion. You may think that it does not exist, because it is an illusion (may be your thought) and because it is not of existence (again may be your thought).


Tell me one logical fallacy I committed 😁

Pro has mixed logical fallacies in his arguments, it is ABSURD to assume that the totality of Pro's arguments are "LOGICAL".

Just because you misunderstand Con's explanation it doesn't mean you should vote the opposing side seemingly providing evidence in order to prove that his argument is logical, because THE TOTALITY OF CON'S ARGUMENT IS NOT LOGICAL because IT HAS MIXED LOGICAL FALLACIES.

Bro really thinks I'm xenophobe when I'm supporting Con here who is American, that is incredibly foolish to assume that I'm xenophobe. Also, I don't like the voting against Con when most here don't comprehend Con's explanations, they act upon their incomprehension and mainly their misunderstanding of Con's explanation. It is ABSURD.


> "@LogicalDebater01 needs to have their vote removed and investigated, as their reasoning for their vote violates the rules, and they have been extremely rude to me. They claim that because I am an American, I have low intellect and can't argue logically. Xenophobic behaviour should not be tolerated."

I am not Xenophobe.
No, I am not claiming that you have low intellect, I simply mentioned that you don't understand much stuff in a correct or in a logical way, this simply implies your behavioural responses as in our situation here that has been going on within this page overall. However, I do have beef with the way you reply to me with an attempt of being offensive (that I shall ignore and consider a remark of your beef with me) in which I find simply not important at all.

I do recommend finding solutions to enhance your brain power, we have many ways, including nootropic methods (drug stimulation), electric devices (electric brain stimulation), and working memory exercises.


>"Here you go, being absurd again. Your definition of "yaping" is subjective and ultimately irrelevant. All that tells us is that you didn't bother evaluating the Pros argument when you made the vote, which is against the guidelines when voting. Pro also never went off-topic. So, that's just a lie you made."

Accusing me of "Lying" putting me in the "liar" position and more on making me look absurd when the whole statement you made is making me hysterically laugh about how ABSOLUTELY foolish and mega-minded absurd it is, this makes your people look very ridiculous, please stop this treachery. It is not my issue that you can't see how they went off-topic and how Pro is not illogical, you're simply protecting him because you don't wish to grant yourself the consideration of being incapable of comprehending how Con's points and/or arguments are more logical than Pro's points/arguments.

> "This statement is yet another fallacy. The proponent has provided ample evidence to logically support their argument. The reasoning behind your vote contradicts itself; initially, you opposed the proponent because "adding sources is unreliable," yet now you claim they did not provide sufficient support for their argument. This demonstrates a clear bias and a double standard."

It is not a fallacy because you think it's a fallacy due to how Pro had provided "evidence" as if you think it is the only way to logically support an argument and not how much sense it makes, believe it or not, even in the way you observe it, the sources themselves as you say "evidence" themselves are actually not even logical enough to support his own arguments nor ideas when dealing with proving that free will is an illusion. That's a two-way "Get-Debunked" strike, either way you choose, you are going to end up in the same spot which is "Get-Debunked" L.O.L.

> "You seem to be contradicting yourself. It's not consistent to claim that someone went "off topic" and then assert that 80% of their information is useless. They are either off-topic with no relevant information, or they are on topic, and you believe 80% of their information is useless, which is irrelevant if you haven't demonstrated how any of their information is without value."

The inconsistency is not Pro providing 80% of their information within their debates, it is the provided 80% of their information within their debates and they are basically useless, however this is different from determining whether if it is relevant or not, set aside, the information provided is actually irrelevant, not that it's because it's useless but also because it is useless. I've not whatsoever mentioned that their information is relevant, I have continuously mentioned that it is irrelevant when dealing with proving that free will is an illusion, whatever they had provided within the 80% information is completely irrelevant to proving that free will is an illusion.

You are absolutely misunderstanding me and you seem heavily insulted by my words when they are there to support you in growing better, despite starting beef with you.



Excuse me, I am no Xenophobe and do not assume that I am one. I simply think that "you" don't understand much stuff correctly or in a logical way. (keyword here is "you") Since you inaccurately pointed out what I have said and based your reason on the part where it's "unreadable" is ridiculous, it's like talking about hamsters when we are meant to talk about cockroaches.

> "Furthermore, your argument is not pertinent. You seem to imply that citing sources is unreliable, which is illogical; such reasoning would suggest that empirical evidence is unreliable in debate, which is untrue."

False, in this situation or this specific debate, I recommended all not to rely on the sources as provided but rather the arguments made, even if they contain sources. To focus on the argument being made instead of focusing on the sources given within the arguments as an overall. Philosophical debates are rather a matter of convincing points that allow the others to be responsive to debates being made with more reasonable or logical premises made within each philosophical debates. Philosophical debates are rather much more different from any other debates due to the abstract nature of philosophy and how complex it is. The similarity it shares however with any other debates are how convincing their arguments are, since philosophy is more abstract, it is then more in opposition to what is real. Focusing on the reasoning made within the arguments are much more necessary when dealing with philosophical debates.

> "Your standard of logic is, "Go against anyone's sources, yell personal attacks at anyone who disagrees, and be a xenophobe." Your understanding of logic is different from what the world understands logic to be. Your moral ethics also seem to be lacking. Again, Pro provided empirical evidence, while Con did not. Empiricism defeats logic."

You're just having personal beef with me at this point because you think I'm a xenophobe, also that is not my logic because you totally didn't fail to read properly. Now you're just simply listing your own nonsense which is "Empiricism defeats logic", which is quite absurd really because that is just not logical in other situations and is far too generic, what is this insanity?

> "Continuing to mock my intelligence only undermines your argument further. The reality is that you are aligning with the opposition on illogical grounds and paradoxically criticizing the proposition for providing evidence to support their argument, which is nonsensical."

I recommended psychiatrist for finding solutions, I am simply supporting you, because psychiatrist also work in psychic wards and psychic wards have these devices that are very useful for correcting brain power to a certain magnitude that should be higher than the current brain power one has, considering that there are technological devices that are believed to be capable of correcting brain power magnitudes.

> "I'm starting to believe you may not understand how arguments function. Professionals using information supported by sources is a standard strategy in debates. Indeed, it creates a much stronger argument than merely employing logic, as logic by itself does not constitute evidence. Therefore, it is indeed wise to use information in a debate; without it, there is no debate."

Professionals are not the case here, it is the individual here having the wrong of using those sources to apply in proving that free will is an illusion-- hence it is false because the sources are too weak to prove such materials, or rather not logical enough. Again, no one should depend on sources because they are not to be relied on within philosophical debates. A basis is however different.


@LogicalDebater01 needs to have their vote removed and investigated, as their reasoning for their vote violates the rules, and they have been extremely rude to me. They claim that because I am an American, I have low intellect and can't argue logically. Xenophobic behavior should not be tolerated.


🤣🤣🤣 Maybe they would if I read them. Idk if my brain will be able to understand someone with 47628 IQ (possibly) 🤣🤣


Don't even worry about it. I am going to proceed with reporting you. Talking to you was a waste of time.


>First of all, you are American and I don't think you understand much stuff correctly or in a logical way.

Awesome. Announce the fact you're being a xenophobe and then call ME illogical. That's such a GREAT starting point.

> "listing sources should be considered UNREADABLE", I wrote "UNRELIABLE" at that last part. Please learn how to read and if you have cognitive issues with lacking the brain power to read, then I recommend going to a psychiatrist for finding solutions on how to solve your lack of brain power.

I acknowledge my typo, but given that your statement contains about three errors, you're not in the strongest position to critique. Furthermore, your argument is not pertinent. You seem to imply that citing sources is unreliable, which is illogical; such reasoning would suggest that empirical evidence is unreliable in debate, which is untrue. Perhaps instead of worrying about the psychological mindset of others, you should worry about your own since you think insults and xenophobic remarks make for a counterargument.

>The essence of how debates function is how convincing arguments are, and if you disagree with this then you pretty much lack the ability to understand it's purpose. I believe Con is a very intelligent individual that most people can not understand; he seems apparent and quite gifted in my observation; his reasoning throughout his debates are very well conducted and packs more logic than the reasoning done by Pro throughout their rounds.

Your standard of logic is, "Go against anyone's sources, yell personal attacks at anyone who disagrees, and be a xenophobe." Your understanding of logic is different from what the world understands logic to be. Your moral ethics also seem to be lacking. Again, Pro provided empirical evidence, while Con did not. Empiricism defeats logic.

>. Your inability to comprehend Con shows your lack of brain power, and you don't seem to understand the points illustrated in Con's viewpoint. Also it's probably just you who hardly comprehends Con.

Continuing to mock my intelligence only undermines your argument further. The reality is that you are aligning with the opposition on illogical grounds and paradoxically criticizing the proposition for providing evidence to support their argument, which is nonsensical.

>I believe that Pro has been doing not so much so far, except explain basic baby concepts from physics, biology, and psychology in a very short and simplistic but very non-smart way due to how he uses those information in order to gain advantage in the debate (which is obviously a delusion of his).

I'm starting to believe you may not understand how arguments function. Professionals using information supported by sources is a standard strategy in debates. Indeed, it creates a much stronger argument than merely employing logic, as logic by itself does not constitute evidence. Therefore, it is indeed wise to use information in a debate; without it, there is no debate.

>He spends so much time yapping in order to add details but not add any good reason to his arguments so far. Your inability to see how they've gone ("strayed" is not a word I used nor would use for this situation) off-topic is quite ridiculous.

Here you go, being absurd again. Your definition of "yaping" is subjective and ultimately irrelevant. All that tells us is that you didn't bother evaluating the Pros argument when you made the vote, which is against the guidelines when voting. Pro also never went off-topic. So, that's just a lie you made.

>Also, Pro's citations to support his arguments are quite absurd and ridiculous, because they're not enough to provide a sustainable argument that is logically sounding in order to prove that free will is an illusion, all he did was just cite less-abstract studies that require more investigation and are still being debated within the realms of philosophy.

This statement is yet another fallacy. The proponent has provided ample evidence to logically support their argument. The reasoning behind your vote contradicts itself; initially, you opposed the proponent because "adding sources is unreliable," yet now you claim they did not provide sufficient support for their argument. This demonstrates a clear bias and a double standard.

> Pro went off topic because illustratively he has 80% of information that is useless for proving that free will is an illusion in his arguments (arguments of which are absurd).

You seem to be contradicting yourself. It's not consistent to claim that someone went "off topic" and then assert that 80% of their information is useless. They are either off-topic with no relevant information, or they are on topic, and you believe 80% of their information is useless, which is irrelevant if you haven't demonstrated how any of their information is without value.


I hope that my writings did not melt your brain, forgive me if I used too many complicated phrases and methods to explain the situation to you.

Yes, I can say that because I have taken multiple professional IQ tests, including from psychologists with the license to do so. Any IQ "measured" above 145 + is considered pseudoscientific and immeasurable. My IQ is above 145 IQ, but I am not going to say how much it is exactly as measured.