Instigator / Pro

The Theory of Evolution is Correct, and Bible Creationism is Incorrect


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics

After 1 vote and with the same amount of points on both sides...

It's a tie!
Publication date
Last updated date
Number of rounds
Time for argument
Two days
Max argument characters
Voting period
One week
Point system
Winner selection
Voting system
Contender / Con

No information

Part 1/2

Pro Round 1
Pro states out debate, argues for inconsistencies in human body, cites examples Pro argues are evolution.

Source/definition for Creationism might have been nice, though maybe too limiting.
Of course people have a common conception of it, but they also have many variations in definition and belief in it as well.

Heh, tails, one could argue that 'Primates, are what God created, or that man has evolved and devolved some over time since God creation, but that we did not evolve from a fish.
That might work for longer time Creationism, but not for the 6000 year creationism.

For bigger time Creationism, I hear scientists don't like caveman and dinosaurs together, but a Creationists could argue humans were just hiding.
Species 'can manage to grow even with very few members left.
Some people joke about incest and claim impossible, but Minimum Viable Population theory.

Point #1, eh, even if a fish evolves, it's still a fish, even if a primate evolves it's still a primate.
Of course the problem with such an argument are those evolutionary record claims that whales used to walk on land and have legs.
But eh, even humans born without legs, we still call human.

Point #2 'Is evolution the same as natural selection?
Or does evolution claim bacteria to human evolution?
Sorry if dumb question.

Conclusion, argues for 'tie, but I note debate is an either or. Not whether the question cannot be proven.

Con Round 1
I'm not sure that theories 'ever stop being theories.
Interestingly Con seems to take same approach of neither, as Pro.
"The Theory of Evolution is Correct, and Bible Creationism is Incorrect" dangerous title, puts proof on Pro.

Pro Round 2
My suggestion for a title would be,
Evolution, Pro. Creationism, Con,
As well as explicitly stating in the description, that the burden of proof to be shared,
Perhaps allowing ties in voting (I forget if this is possible).

Biblically correct, heh, that'd be a sneaky loophole,
Though there 'are Theists who believe in evolution, so you could still argue that evolution is Biblically correct.
Still, I think you're fine arguing that correct is speaking of what we conclude to have happened, regardless of Bible record or common interpretation of Bible record.

Well, evolution being 'proven, depends what one 'means by evolution, much as Creationism has various interpretations, so too evolution I'd argue.
Wikipidia Alternatives to Darwinian Evolution
Though I might be misreading this.

"neither side can be definitively proven right because it is nearly impossible to prove a negative" - Pro Round 1
I view more as initial thinking that debate title and description styles debate as choosing the stronger position. Eh still, push on.

Con Round 2
Eh, semantically correct maybe, but such reasoning does not allow the existence of 'any facts then.
Common understanding allow for facts as a word we use to accept as most likely true.
I have a theory I'm using a computer right now, I'm so confident I'll even call it a fact, though I admit I 'could be wrong, common usage allows me to call it a fact.

Con makes efforts against how theory is defined,
Still won't effect my voting, unless Pro gives in to Cons arguments in Round 3.
Arguing that accepted theories are not correct because they are technically theories does not sway me,
They might if this was a debate about it being good too allow slight doubt in all facts/theories/assumptions.
But this is a debate about Evolution being correct and Creationism not being correct.
Though I note Evolution and Creationism 'could both be correct, in some people's arguments outside of this debate.

Part 2/2

Pro Round 3
Well, it 'IS still a theory, it's just that ideas have multiple meanings,
And one of our ideas is giving higher status and different name/meaning to certain theories as we 'think them more correct at some given moment.

You 'are backpedaling a bit, but such happens to most everyone in life, we say something not quite as we might have meant, then clarify what we 'did mean.
I backpedal plenty in life.

If I mix a cake batter, and the oven changes the batter into a cake,
Did I not still make the cake?
Additionally if I forge a sword, and the warrior I give it to wraps cloth around the handguard, is it 'not still close enough to my original creation?

Pro makes arguments that the Bible is lacking, to hold it as prime source of all truths in the world.
But this is 'light addressment of part of the debate, remember the title.

Con Round 3
Con points out earlier words of Pro.
Hm, I hope there is a tie option in the vote.

Pro Round 4
It's still bacteria though, not bacteria evolved into humans.
Though it's possible I'm being stupid in my understanding of evolution agreed understandings.

I don't 'like people going against spirit of debate, and using loopholes (Usually),
But it's 'allowed.

Con Round 4
Makes use of Pro statements in Round 4 accepting difficulty in proving one side or another.

When I create a sand castle, is it necessary that I created the sand?
To say to someone I created the sand castle I mean,
I mean, maybe I 'did create the sand,
But one could argue creating the Earth, is speaking of it's current form, changed from another previous.
Well, probably not, my Biblical knowledge sucks.

Hm, possibly I should have voted Con,
Third rereading made me note BOP again,
Ah well, too much effort, and it's not as though I voted Pro,
I voted Tie.

Interesting tactics...

“Yes words are very important. Be very careful and specific with them.”

*continues to completely misunderstand the definition and the difference between A Theory and A SCIENTIFIC Theory, AGAIN* LOL


Atomic theory is just a theory and somehow atomic bombs work, interesting isn’t it?

Electromagnetic theory is just a theory but we are able to communicate through phones and computers now right?

The GERm theory is just a theory too right? But somehow we know all about bacteria, germs, viruses and diseases?

Please google the definition of scientific theory and don’t assume scientists use the word “theory” in the same way regular people do. Scientific theory is not a mere guess. Its the highest possible title a scientific hypothesis can be lifted to.


thanks for the tip! I wrote the opening statement very quick and shoddy, so I'll try to make my next ones better.

“Neither me or you will be able to actually prove that our side is correct, seeing as we can't accurately measure evolution because of how slow it is”

You most definitely can prove evolution and not all evolution requires billions of years. You did start to get into that later on in your argument by saying vaccines evolve fast which is a contradiction of “we cant prove it bc its so slow” . You can and you did just prove that bacteria or viruses evolve much faster than animals which CAN be observed in a lab. It happens way faster because viruses reproduce extremely fast and are able to create multiple generations very quickly. You just need more details on that in my opinion and maybe a different less controversial example.