Instigator / Pro

Islam vs Christianity: Trinity is illogical (Untrue) vs Allah (one and only is real)


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics
Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

After 9 votes and with 42 points ahead, the winner is...

Publication date
Last updated date
Number of rounds
Time for argument
Two weeks
Max argument characters
Voting period
Six months
Point system
Multiple criterions
Voting system
Contender / Con

Embark on a compelling debate between Islam and Christianity as we scrutinize the theological concepts of the Trinity and the oneness of Allah. Representing the Islamic viewpoint, we contend that the doctrine of the Trinity is inherently illogical and untrue, contrasting it with the unequivocal monotheism upheld in Islam.

In this intellectually stimulating discourse, we will unpack the logical inconsistencies perceived within the Trinity, arguing that the notion of three distinct persons in one Godhead defies rational comprehension and violates the principle of divine unity. Drawing from Islamic theology and philosophical reasoning, we will present a robust case for the absolute oneness of Allah, emphasizing the transcendence and indivisibility of the divine.

Conversely, our Christian counterparts may defend the Triune Godhead, affirming the mystery and sacredness of the Trinity as central to their faith tradition. They may appeal to scripture, theological doctrines, and historical interpretations to elucidate the disconnectedness of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit within the divine essence.

Throughout this dialogue, participants will critically examine the implications of these theological positions on understanding the nature of God, salvation, and human existence. By fostering respectful discourse and thoughtful engagement, we aim to deepen our appreciation for the complexities of religious belief while affirming the core tenets of Islam in the face of theological divergence.
Debate Rules:

Burden of Proof Shared:
Both sides are responsible for presenting evidence and arguments to support their respective positions.
Use of Bible and Quran:
Both sides can reference the Bible and Quran to support their arguments.
No Heretical Beliefs:
Arguments must adhere to orthodox interpretations of Islam and Christianity.
Respect for Religion:
Debaters must refrain from disrespectful language or derogatory remarks towards religious beliefs.
No Vote Bombing:
Participants cannot engage in false or biased voting practices.
No Forfeiting:
Participants can only forfeit in unavoidable circumstances and if both parties agree.
Final Round for Conclusions:
The final round is reserved for concluding remarks rather than presenting new arguments.

These rules aim to ensure a fair and respectful exchange of ideas while maintaining the integrity of the debate.

my debate now needs voting if u hv time, u could go n vote for either of us


yeah sure, u did ur homework quite well, i assume.


Let's see, some people wanted to debate with me, I will ask them to debate me with close voting, just finish your 3 debates, so I can add you as voter as well for my debates, one would be best.korea and I would ask 2 voters from my opponent which he likes.


uh huh, well u should keep on going,
n u r welcome. [ameen]


LOL= league of legends, though the character is but controversial as far as islam is concerned.. I have many other platform on which I present my arguments. Yet maybe I am continue debating here with close voting.
Thanks for reminder, I do rely on Allah, and pray he may give me patience and courage to be steadfast and serve the purpose for which he created me ameen.


character from lol? what's that supposed to mean?
Vi is the nickname I use, n well it's fine, no prob, I just intended to correct.
well, yes I did see that and uh, even if everything is unjust you do know why, so
يَـٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوا۟ ٱسْتَعِينُوا۟ بِٱلصَّبْرِ وَٱلصَّلَوٰةِ ۚ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ مَعَ ٱلصَّـٰبِرِينَ ١٥٣
[“O you who have believed, seek help through patience and prayer. Indeed, Allah is with the patient.”]
you know this, right? keep on going then. u r doing just fine, especially the thing that even thou he forfeit, u put in the same effort as the first round. it is appreciable, forget what the world says, blindfolds r on.


Sorry, sis vi probably a character from LOL, so I could not guess if a male is using the name or female. Vi being real name I am also not familiar. As English not my first language this mistake I do sometimes. Apologies for that.
How are you by the way. This platform was my best bet but unfair voting is reffrainnng me to participate more. I could not win unless my opponent forfeit otherwise it's so biased and unjust.


r u reffering to me? if yes then, bro, i'm ya sis
n actually younger one.


Thanks brother, I appreciate it.
I meant vi and sorry sis.


I highly respect u, the way you're doing it all and proving it. It is indeed a job well done.


Ok take your time

will do. I may respond to it with a video of my own if i can get some peace where I am at


Np, there is image somewhere in video double check it for references.

2 minutes in and freezing up on me will try to watch later with better connection hopefully. I am uploading a large file so it may be an issue.



Please do


It's more complex then that but I would share my video about how trinity is related to problem of evil.


I might be wrong about that. There is a few ways and all of them combined could work.

1. Natural forces such as humans, animals etc. Are not the only ones on the earth, demons, Satan etc could influence a lot of the evil. I think you guys mention something called the DJINN or Jin for the same thing.

2. A perfect God allows free will and humans decide to use their free will for evil purposes and it's not on God but on humans essentially.

I know certain arguments popular in Islam are similarly popular in Christianity to answer theological problems. This is unrelated to the POE (problem of evil) but I have seen Christians and Muslims use the Kalam cosmological argument for example.


So how Christian answer the problem of evil?


I was currently just explaining Christian beliefs not debating the validity of them.

As far as the Problem of Evil is concerned, Jesus doesn't explain it nor attempt to. Jesus is an answer to the Jewish belief in a coming Messiah. Christians and Muslims i believe both answer the problem of evil in similar ways


Dear, why getting into such a trouble, why something which is always interpreted from bible verses and never mentioned clearly be taken as truth. Bible consisting of old testament and new testament, why God himself not solved the mystery why we need priests and saints to explain for God let alone his existence which is another big challenge we are facing from atheist.
Also, what Islam has given is far more better in fact perfect.
I have debated a lot in 2012 to 2015 with Christians and atheists, though more with atheists less with Christian but last two years I have been debating Christians.
Well it's far more better to considered jesus as prophet then God and in fact trinity, you do not know why trinity was invented to deal with problem or evil, which it failed but greek and Roman or that time were very much convinced of it as they liked complex matter and also gods who were always asking for sacrifice of human could never be better then triune god who sacrificed himself for human. That idea changed those people and little bit solved the problem of evil. Well this topic is so big. I would like if you guys give un biased and just vote for my dream related debate.

"The Trinity is the Christian doctrine that God is one being who exists as three co-equal, co-eternal persons: the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit. "

It might be more accurate to call them the 3 nature's of God instead of treating it like 3 separate individuals but even that fails to capture it. It just comes closer than seeing them as 3 individuals.

It's just like you have an angry side and a happy side. We could call that the 2 nature's of you and name one tiger and the other lion, but it wouldn't really make them separate people though they are distinct enough where you also wouldn't necessarily call them the same thing

This is where the issue of trinity is hard to grasp. It's literally that no human on earth has the IQ to comprehend it. It's like explaining physics to an ant.

"The Trinity is the Christian doctrine that God is one being who exists as three co-equal, co-eternal persons: the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit. "

Wrong. I understand the difficulty in grasping the concept because we are so much inferior to God that it isn't possible to comprehend but.

Jesus is entirely God. The holy Spirit is entirely God and the father is entirely God. They are all one and the same exact thing.

They are all also completely unique.

As soon as somebody tries to pin down the concept to debunk it, they get it wrong.

You have to first understand it to debunk it and it's impossible to understand.

One time Saint Augustine was walking along a beach trying to understand the trinity. He couldn't quite grasp his head around it and he saw a boy digging a hole.

The wave would come and fill the hole with water and Augustine asked what he was trying to do?

The Boy said "I am trying to catch the ocean and put it in this hole"

Saint Augustine said "that's impossible you can't fit the ocean in that hole"

The boy responded "and you cannot fit the concept of the trinity in you puny human brain"

I am paraphrasing this of course, but the boy disappeared afterwards and that is when Augustine realized that the Trinity just has to stay a mystery.

It's uncomfortable for humans to admit they can't wrap their head around a concept, but we just can't.

Hahaha, voting for forfeited debate, what a gift. Go vote for dream debate then I would say you have done something against atheist vote bomber.

Plz vote

Plz vote

I can do debate with atheist. No problem at all.
Any one wants, come forward.

How would the government stealing everything help Christians to give everything to charity?


The globalists try to get us to believe in God; and I (as a conspiracy theorist) think the concept of God is all an excuse to get the sheep (the peseants) to sell all they have and give to the poor to make the socialist dream of George Soros a reality.

I'm not a fan of the new world order; I stand for the flag; I don't kneel for the cross; that's part of the socialist world takeover!

It's all an excuse to try and get us to drink Judeo-Christian blood (by that; I mean the blood of christ; aka communion)!


I certainly am not Islamic but Muslims are not arguing the Quran itself is proof of God. God is quite obviously real, the rest is up for debate.


What is your response to Islam vs Atheism?

Saying Allah is real because the Quran says so is like saying Posiden and Hades are real because this book says so:


Now wana debate?


Its matter of fact people do not know about Islam much.
In my debate there are three elements.
1 debating
2 education
3 preaching
That is why I formulate arguments like that.
Thank you all

These doctrines are internally consistent, though they rely on elements of mystery and faith that transcend purely logical analysis, meaning that the trinity is rather more complex and it is established through faith. I assure you, Christ is the truth and the way.


Yeah, iirc a majority of accounts that are created on this site never complete a debate.


It's a shame that there was no real debate and TigerLord ended up debating himself. This seems to happen a lot. No one wants to commit.

It's a shame that there was no real debate and TigerLord ended up debating himself. This seems to happen a lot. No one wants to commit.


Tomorrow one of the 2 things will happen:

1. There will be hundreds of iterations of text in the sky saying, "Islam is real", "Christianity is real" or whichever religion happens to be correct.
2. No such iterations will happen in the sky (so either god is fake or god doesn't care if he is worshipped).

Whichever happens tomorrow is the religion I will subscribe to. All other forms of evidence can be argued to be mere coincidences. Like, "If the flying spaghetti monster wasn't real, then how come DNA is shaped like Pasta?"

There are 2 types of debators; the one who can make a really good argument with over 10 pages of text (you) and the one who can be much more to the point and condense their arguments. The 2nd will be more successful in changing other people's minds because normal people (even most DARTers) won't just read 10 pages of text for fun.

If you want to convert consenting individuals to Islam, then find out a way to condense all of your points into something simpler for people to understand, because very few people have a reading SAT score of 800 regardless of their religious beliefs.


Ok on Saturday I will instigate it.


Sure. But make sure that is clear in the description.


Debates are suppose to be difficult and my faith is important and necessary for me.
We can go like this I will pose the argument and do rebuttals for your arguments though I will compare both stances for people not for the sake of debate but for information while you can just talk and deal about trinity.
Ok? And voting would be based on trinity and arguments related to it.
What you say?


A comparitive debate of The Trinity versus Allah to see "which one makes more sense" is useless. That is not a debate. It is a comparitive study.
If you want to promote Islam, fine, use Muslim sources. But why does it have to be comparitive? That is adding way to much to a debate which really should be focused on the veracity of ONE proposition, and it is a totally unnecessary overload on voters and both opponents alike and definitely lends itself to irrelevent points being made throughout the debate making it unecessaryly difficult.


For every debate I must put my stand point and i am here to promote islam not christianity so i will add comparison as well not only trinity 30000 words should be no problem for you to present your case and discuss another topic which is correlated. Also I want voting which of the theology make more sense and is true.
You cannot take this debate i guess. But we can have a new one.


But, You need to make it clear that we are debating the Trinity.

The oneness of Allah isa totally different topic.


If you want I will take this debate.

That guy ff the debate any Christian on site want to continue?


yup, that is true, but it is better to make things clear to those who may not have gone through those references, believe me in my first debate I did not do that, but most of the time people are lazy to go through the references and start blabbing nonsense.
I could make it short, but as I said before, it was a draft and I could not refine it because I was busy with stuff.


Just looking over your R1 arguments, you spend a lot of time on definitions, full explanations of basic doctrines of both Christianity and Islam, and whole quotes directly from the Bible (as opposed to just citing the relevant scripture). In my personal opinion, there is lot of wasted space here that could be better spent on actual logic and rhetoric.


it's not that, actually about this topic there is so much detail and arguments, no matter how concise I become still there is a lot to talk about. After all this debate about God and everything related to it.


Honestly, if even 30,000 characters isn't enough for you, you need to find a way to make your arguments more concise. There's no reason you should need that much space in your opening arguments.