Instigator / Pro

Judicial corporal punishment


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

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After not so many votes...

It's a tie!
Publication date
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Number of rounds
Time for argument
One week
Max argument characters
Voting period
One month
Point system
Multiple criterions
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Contender / Con

The full resolution is

"Judicial corporal punishment should be implemented in the United states"

1. Judges are required to judge sensibly, by using a cost benefit analysis on whether implementing JDC will be an improvement on the status quo.

2. Con will be arguing to keep the status quo and arguing any counterplans should be considered a forfeit.

3. APA citations must be used in the debate round itself


I appreciate the feedback.

The classism is a point I wanted to avoid because i think this does mitigate it a bit, as for removing the ability to plea bargain, I am not sure it makes an interesting debate. It is a simple moral argument.

The same type of argument that makes the Alford plea unfair. One side (me) would argue that it is more fair to just give everyone a trial, but the other side will argue as they always do that the system would be flooded with too many cases to handle, which is a pragmatic argument, but misses the point hat the system being overloaded would mean that enforcement of crime would have to be more laid back with victimless crimes like smoking weed or car jacking.


I agree with Barney that the debate is not clear from either the resolution or the description. If you wanted to argue against plea bargains and judge trials, you probably should have done that in your opening argument (even better if it was in the description that that was your position) in order to establish the entirety of your case instead of a shifting target. Notably, these additions would also be non-topical, and as a judge, I would be amenable to your opponent perming that part of your plan since it has nothing to do with corporal punishment.

As for specific points against your position a la corporal punishment, I'd say you've got an issue with classism. Who is most likely to see time in jail/prison as the most damaging to their livelihoods and families? Those who cannot afford bail or are generally financially strapped. You're also leaving these same people with a lasting physical mark, one that shows in their day-to-day behaviors and functions as a near constant reminder during that time to them and everyone around them (including police) that they have been convicted of a crime and suffered a punishment.


My biggest issue with your justice system would almost entirely resolve itself by removing the ability to plea bargain. I know, madness at the beginning, but if you see the policy changes that arise from the chaos it will correct so much. Also ban trials by judges. Make them all jury trials by default and perhaps allow them to refuse the default but judges as a default for petty crimes in some areas, man that a lot of people are getting screwed just because it is easier to accept a light sentence than fight for your freedom because you are innocent


Immediately from the description don’t know what is being argued. Glancing at R1, a lot of it seems like it should be in the description.

My attacks would be on how it is unlikely to be implemented in the states manner, as it would be implemented by the same people who currently make our justice system suck.

The problem with this tactic is quite obviously that it does not favor the status quo either.


Tag any competent debater but I wanted feedback on my argument and how you would attack it, even if it gives my opponent ammunition

If anyone else is interested just challenge me to a 4 round or 5 round debate and forfeit the first round. Needs to be the same rules as this debate as well