Instigator / Pro

A fine-tuned universe is not evidence of an omniscient, omnipotent creator god


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics

After 6 votes and with 6 points ahead, the winner is...

Publication date
Last updated date
Number of rounds
Time for argument
Three days
Max argument characters
Voting period
One month
Point system
Winner selection
Voting system
Contender / Con


This is a debate open to everyone. Voting is open to all except the following people: imabench, coal (YYW), Zeichen and SamStevens. This debate will last for 4 rounds, with 3 days to post each round. There will be 10,000 characters available for each round. Voting will last for 1 month. I am taking the Pro position.


A fine-tuned universe is not evidence of an omniscient, omnipotent creator god


1. No forfeits
2. Citations must be provided in the text of the debate
3. No new arguments in the final speeches
4. Observe good sportsmanship and maintain a civil and decorous atmosphere
5. No trolling
6. No "kritiks" of the topic (challenging assumptions in the resolution)
7. For undefined resolutional terms, individuals should use commonplace understandings that fit within the logical context of the resolution and this debate, as well as the definitions brought forth in the debate
8. The BOP is evenly shared
9. Rebuttals of new points raised in an adversary's immediately preceding speech may be permissible at the judges' discretion even in the final round (debaters may debate their appropriateness)
10. Violation of any of these rules, or of any of the description's set-up, merits a loss


R1. Pro's Case; Con's Case
R2. Pro generic Rebuttal; Con generic Rebuttal
R3. Pro generic Rebuttal; Con generic Rebuttal
R4. Pro generic Rebuttal and Summary; Con generic Rebuttal and Summary

Good luck to my future opponent.


I'd be willing ot debate this with you

fuck, I have to throw away my entire argument now. I fucked up and read everything wrong. I just spent 2 hours on this and hours upon hours of deep thought. So pissed.


I need an answer I have to post my argument soon


Quick question, for the purposes of the debate aren't we assuming that we are in a finely tuned universe? this is about whether that means god is omniscient and omnipotent or not.


I feal like I might break my losing streak here. I don't want to, because the debate will be less fun if I taKe the easiest route to victory here but I think it is necessary. I need to change the debate culture on this site and u fortunately you fell prey to adopting an unacceptable paRt of it


I don't know if you're just teasing. You've managed to lose all seven of your previous debates. Perhaps I should be merciful and allow special conditions, just for you :)

I won't use any arguments offered. I was just teasing you.


"I asked for help on the debate. I hope that is okay"

Lol you haven't even written anything, and you've already given up.

I'm not sure asking for outside help, during a debate (after is obviously okay), constitutes good sportsmanship, which was one of the rules I outlined. What's the point in debating someone, when all he/she does is copy someone else's arguments? In any case, all of the rules were outlined before the debate, and I'll leave it to the voters to decide whether asking for outside help is appropriate.

Yeah, clearly it is a debate over what constitutes evidence. I think you are asking pro to define evidence in a way that would basically leave no room for debate.

Well the debate hinges upon whether the fine-tuned universe is evidence of God or not. What qualifies as evidence is critically important.

The definition of evidence is not important. Many semantic issues here, but that is not one.

I'm glad to see that this debate will continue. The definition of "evidence", which is crucial to the debate, has not been defined yet.

I asked for help on the debate. I hope that is okay


Did you thumbs up your own post? Also please PM me your arguments.

that was fucking fast. Do you prepare your arguments before the debate even starts, wierdo?


That was my interpretation as well. I also have an idea of what Pro may argue and how it may be extratopical, but I will refrain from posting it here in order to avoid giving CON arguments. Feel free to message me if you are curious.


How do you define 'evidence'? A piece of evidence leading towards a conclusion can be evidence without being conclusive proof in and of itself.

Ooh I may be interested