Instigator / Pro

Here's how it would be possible to eliminate the taboo of pedophilia or stigma of all adult and child sexual relationships


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Taboo - Something that is strongly discouraged to associate with

Stigma - Something condemned to associate with

Pedophilia - Sexual activities between an adult and a child, or a sexual attraction towards children

Sexual relationships - Sexual activities between two persons

Child - Person under age 15


wtf is wrong with you go get therapy


Best.Korea simply will NOT let the topic of pedophilia go...and now he is actively debating FOR IT!!!

Talk about F.U.B.A.R.!!!


Please do make the debate then. I will gladly show you how wrong you are.


I have no idea what you are even trying to say. If you want to debate, I will make the debate. If not, I have no interest in watching your emotional outbursts listening to how offended you are because someone has a belief that you dislike and because someone is map.

I didnt even read your arguments that you posted here. I dont even know why you bothered writing them.


I'm not trying to debate with you. You are so obviously in the wrong. In my eyes, and maybe I am wrong, you actually believe this and are trying to justify your own beliefs. That is why I am giving my opinion. Not to try and debate, but to show you that this belief if sick. If you are just doing this for the sake of debate and practicing debate and don't actually believe this, than I apologize for coming on so harshly. Even if that is the case, you should still look at what I wrote because it shows some flaws in your arguement.


Okay, what part of "I dont feel like debating in the comments" made you think "this person feels like debating in the comments"? 😀

I have no debate with you. Maybe this topic upsets you, but it was never directed at you.


Theoretically, there could be a situation where everything was okay and the child didn't have regrets and neither did the adult. But this is unlikely as pedophilia is often a result of mental illness, making it more likely the "MAP" causes harm. And by legalizing it, we as a society are inviting this harm. Furthermore, a child may believe they are happy in a relationship, but don't have experience to understand if they are being treated right. They may realize as they get older that they were being mistreated and manipulated.

I also want to point out a contradiction in your arguement.
"Actually, child marriages protect children from STD. STD are mainly caused by having multiple sexual partners, which is what happens when child marriages arent respected."
"Besides, sexual activities carry health benefits."

Your arguement is filled with fallacies and illogical and unempirical claims. Your view is disgusting and I hope you genuinely read through my arguments and realize what is wrong with what you are saying.


Okay 1. those two people CAN get married they just need adult consent. 2. Getting married doesn't solve any financial problems. It matters for taxes, but guess what, they are children so they don't pay taxes in the first place. They can still share a house together without being married. It is VERY common for people to move in together before they are married.

"Great majority of adult-child relationships are not violent"
I couldn't find a source anywhere that confirmed this. It seems you just made it up. If you are considering all types or relationships, like friends, coworkers, child-parent, I am sure it is true. But violence and abuse is very common is adult-child romantic relationships.

" Allowing child marriages helps adults, teenagers and children who are attracted to children"
The way to help these people, is to get them to a therapist. Pedophilia is often a result of mental illnesses, that are sometimes treatable through medical help.

" It is not possible to prevent children from having sex"

This is why it isn't enforced often when it is two minors, as no one is really a victim. Minors can and do have sex, but it should be with someone on the same level of maturity of them to prevent abuse and them being taken advantage of.

"If child has a parter, if child is in love with that partner and if that partner makes child happy, to separate them would cause trauma for the child. They should be allowed to love each other and give each other happiness. Banning child marriages causes trauma for the child."

This is rarely the case, and typically minors in this sort of situation lose that love when they mature and gain a better understanding of the situation. If you are the adult in this situation, you should keep your distance until the child is older and make rational decisions. Keep in mind keeping distance means more than just not engaging in sexual relations as if the adult did everything but that and then had sex as soon as they turned 18, it would be a case of grooming.

"Stigma or taboo causes violence"

I explained this is my first comment, but decriminalizing it only causes more harm. If a "MAP" doesn't act on it and instead goes to therapy and tries to improve, they will most likely not be targeted by violence.

" Child marriages help prevent violence over children"
Another stupid arguement. Being married doesn't "make the relationship more known". If there is abuse in a relationship it will occur whether or not the child is married. Again marriage is just a legal title.

"Child marriages give the child more autonomy"
Children CAN make these types of decisions. Often though they need parental consent, again this is because children have worse-decision making. A child doesn't have the right to make all these decisions because they can't consent to them on their own.

"Children are held accountable for their actions"
Minors are held significantly less accountable for their actions. If a child commits the same crime as an adult, they will be sentenced EXTREMELY lighter. And the crimes will be hidden once they turn 18.

"Future consent exists"
Children don't need to be groomed to learn about relationships. In fact adult-child relationships teaches minors a dangerous precedent about power levels in a relationship. We can verbally educate kids, and they can learn on their own with people of their same maturity level as people have done for centuries.

"Child doesn't need to fully understand. Partial understanding is enough. No one else has authority to decide instead of the child, as child's body belongs to no one else but the child."
The problem here is that partial understanding isn't enough. When you have an adult who has a complete understanding of the situation, and a child who has little understanding, the adult is in a position of power, where they can easily choose to manipulate and abuse the child.

"If a child is happy, if an adult is kind and friendly to her, if he doesnt force her to anything, where is violence there?"


judgment. Sometimes a teen is forced to have an abortion due to stigma, and due to the lack of marriage that is needed to have economical stability and support to raise a child. Allowing child marriages would prevent this. Being allowed to marry, and father being made responsible for his child would help pregnant teens and unborn children. Child marriage protects pregnant teens and unborn children."

Legalizing child marriages doesn't do anything. The father can leave anyway and that still happens often even in people over 18. Marriage doesn't provide "economical stability". Adding a legal title wouldn't effect the support the child would get. If the parents choose to stay together and raise the child it doesn't really matter if they are "married" or not. That title only has legal implications. The father is still financially responsible for the child regardless of if he leaves or not also.

"If a child is treated badly by her own family, allowing child marriages would allow that child to leave family and marry for someone who will treat her better. Allowing child marriage gives child a choice."

Or they could reach out to child protective services? This doesn't give the child any new choices, if they are in a bad family, they can call CPS.

"Banning child marriages harms innocent people who are in prison"

You don't fault the crime, you fault the judicial system. If someone is falsely imprisoned for murder, you don't say the solution is to legalize murder, the solution is to better regulate our judicial system.

"People often justify their evil actions by saying that they are still better than others. For example, a person might justify polluting the environment by thinking that it is not bad because he is still better than map which he judges. Judgment causes harm by harming children who are futute scientists. It harms innovation. Judgment causes general harm."

This arguement is utterly meaningless. There will always be worse evils that people can compare themselves to, legalizing them doesn't solve anything.

"If children dont fully understand child marriages, that does not mean that child marriages are wrong."

This can be true. Which is why marriage can be permitted under the age of 18 with legal consent from a parent. But the point is, certain decisions a child shouldn't be making as they don't have the maturity to make a mature and well-thought out decision. If something effects a child for the rest of their life, like being married, they shouldn't be able to freely make those decisions all over the place. Same reason why a child shouldn't be able to buy a gun. If a parent cosigns some of these decisions, it makes it less likely for the child to end up in a situation they regret.

"Our ancestors married sometimes very young, at age 12 or 11. The age of consent 1000 years ago was usually 12, but it was not enforced and people married even younger."

Our ancestors also enslaved people and did many other awful things. Child marriage is not an crux for any culture, and it is stupid to continue it just because people in the past did.

"Allowing child marriages controls birth rates much better"
We are already dealing with the issue of overpopulation. In China, they put limits on how many kids people can have. This is not a pro in any way.

"Allowing children to marry gives them more control over their lives. If two young people have known each other since childhood and decide they want to get married before reaching adulthood, then this would give them more stability in their relationship than if they were not allowed to marry until 18. "


You didn't refute anything I said you spewed nonsense. And I find it important to clarify how wrong you are because your views are gross.

Like come on "Banning child marriages increases prison population".

Yea and banning murder increases prison population. That isn't a reason to legalize murder. " Stigma or taboo causes harm". Now the one thing I can agree with is that if you have these urges you should seek medical help, the same way you should if you have urges to hurt people or do other harmful things. We shouldn't just let everyone go out and act impulsively with no repercussions.

"Children have problems in controlling sexual urges".
This is true, that is why people masturbate, or if there are minors who choose to do so they can engage in sexual relationships with people of the same maturity level. As I stated before, a minor can't give the same level of consent as an adult so it is irresponsible for an adult to engage in a relationship with a minor.

"Having multiple sexual partners is harmful. However, children will act on their urges. Marrying to a person and committing to that person is the best for those children who have problems with urges..."
This arguement is utterly ridiculous. College students engage in more casual sexual relationships than anyone, and they are allowed to be married legally. Children do have the maturity to make decisions like getting married, hence why it is illegal.

"In Afghanistan, child marriages are common." Another stupid arguement. In Afghanistan, women are extremely oppressed, which is why 80% of suicides there are by women. Not to mention the population there isn't as informed and might not get tested when they show symptoms. Furthermore, a better solution to STDs is safer sex using things like condoms. Child marriage is problematic as I stated before because they can't consent to that life altering decision.

"Child marriage improves education for children" this is just ridiculous. Why would the child have to marry someone for educational help. There are tutors, online help, help from teachers, etc.. Another stupid stupid arguement.

" Allowing child marriages allows society to better regulate adult-child relationships"

They should be regulated by criminalizing them. The adult is in a position of power and it creates a dangerous relationship that most of the time leads to abuse. The relationships are most of the time never discovered because the children are often manipulated and threatened into not telling people.

"Pregnant teens often have their reputation ruined by pregnancy. Sometimes they end up as single mothers. Sometimes the father of the child leaves the pregnant teen due to society's

Ok, but why?


I dont feel like debating in the comments right now. All those arguments were refuted in the debate itself. If you have the interest, follow the debate.

The reason why a child can't consent to sexual relationships is because they don't have the brain development or life experience to commit to many life-altering decisions. This is the same reason why minors are treated differently when they commit crimes. "removing the stigma" around people attracted to minors is a ridiculous notion. Sexual and emotional (like marriage as you suggested) relationships can have serious effects on one's mental and physical health. When two minors engage in a sexual or emotional relationship, it can be technically illegal, but it is ethically okay because neither of them is being taken advantage of. When someone older is with someone younger it can create ethical problems. For example, power dynamics, if someone is much older it can place them in a role of power in a relationship, whether physically or emotionally, which can lead to abuse. Secondly, an older person has the maturity to understand the possible outcomes of engaging in a relationship so they can make more reasonable decisions, but someone younger won't have the same maturity and won't be able to make decisions as decisively, which can result in unhealthy and unwanted relationships. Sure "MAP"s who act on it can be ostracized, but that is because they are causing harm. As I have established a child can't consent, and non consensual sexual relationships is obviously a horrible idea. Your arguement is the same as saying rape should be allowed because some people are rapists. It is illogical and disgraceful, please strongly reflect on your beliefs.


See if this works for you. Let me know if anything needs to be changed.