Unrated Flow War NON-FAST raps only.
The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.
After 1 vote and with 1 point ahead, the winner is...
- Publication date
- Last updated date
- Type
- Standard
- Number of rounds
- 4
- Time for argument
- Three days
- Max argument characters
- 5,000
- Voting period
- One month
- Point system
- Winner selection
- Voting system
- Open
If the rap is flowing primarily by utilising speed of delivery no matter how smooth it is, it is disqualified. It can be medium speed of course and slightly faster than average but there should be clear anunciation and slower words a decent amount in it, clear delivery being absolutely key here.
I don't care if you cheat and bypass as after all it is unrated.
I am doing this to showcase raps that most won't ever hear. I genuinely love rap and I think that slick flow needn't be high speed necessarily at all.
Voters should punish if the person keeps using too high speed raps.
This is as difficult for me as for whoever I predict will pick this up as usually slick flow is linked to high speed. I firmly believe that medium speed and slower speed raps can at times have impeccable flow by well-utilised pauses that hypnotise and let the slightly faster parts feel pure liquid in comparison.
I will copy-paste my description from a flow contest debate that allowed faster selections:
"Flow is defined as the elegance and slickness with which the lyrics, as delivered, slid over the beat. Pausing between bars can be perfect or terrible flow depending how and when it is done.
God tier flow is liquidlike, fluid, smooth.
Crap flow is jagged, dry, sharp, like sandpaper to the brain and ears when experiencing the lyrics."
4 Rounds, 4 per Round.
This is not just for competition, I want to really showcase good flow without chopper delivery or the level below that.
Many rappers I enjoy utilise faster rapping to flow well, this is not an unfair edge to me.
There are very lax rules here as repeating artists is inevitable if you have a king or queen of slower flow but let's try and make it no more than 3 from the same as a maximum.
Of course there's definitely a rule of no repeats of songs. Do not repeat songs you or your opponent posted.
Round 1 was pretty even but Pro went harder in round 2. Pro stayed ahead in round 3, the flow-quality from con wasn't consistent whereas with pro each song has good flow all the way through. In round 4 pro won hands down.
There were so many more rappers I wanted to include, but there was no way Nas wouldn't make the cut. "Purple" is one of my all-time favorites, and so it became my final submission. I think all the artists submitted from both sides are quite stellar. Win or lose, this was fun.
GG, I was strongly considering some of Nas's stuff.
You missed a lot from Skepta's best album of all time in our 'battle', imo. It's not his most famous one, that's the thing. He was more famous for the one after it as that was the hardhitting one that 'rebirthed' Grime, however his actual spitting was impeccable as fuck on the one prior to it.
Don't worry, I'll leave.
Can you piss off or do I need to go to mods about you cross thread contaminating all my debate comments sections?
Do I need to quote it?
It was your primary, borderline only, genuinely executed diss angle against me.
Neither did I.
What a coincidence.
I have never said I am popular.
"As my absence revealed as you made countless enemies during that time while having a delusion that you are popular."
Hey Rational,
What's that thing I said in our Round 1 Rap Battle about you and projection?
Cheers. :)
Chip is dissing Bugzy xD!!!
That was one of the best beefs of all time, Bugzy brought sheer fire too.
Yeah, one can't go wrong with J.Cole. And Gift of Gab speaks for himself. I like your choices too, especially Chip and Bugzy's songs.
Like the gift of gab one too.
Excellent J Cole choice.
You are blocked.
Ok bitch
Busta rhymes is 100% banned. Forgot About Dre is still faster than what is allowed but less so. Slightly slower than Forgot About Dre is allowed as long as the words are clear.
I changed it to 3 days.
If the time for argument wasn't two days, I would've accepted. And perhaps you can provide a more tangible reference for speed. Are we talking about Busta Rhymes fast? Or Eminem in "Forgot About Dre" fast? Either way, I'll pay attention to this battle.
It's been established on the site by now that these are about song posts.
"I am doing this to showcase raps that most won't ever hear. I genuinely love rap and I think that slick flow needn't be high speed necessarily at all."
How could this refer to showcasing raps that 2 DART users wrote?
I don't get why you are implying it's my flaw and not yours. There have been 2 flow battles/wars recently and both entailed posting songs.
I admit I only skimmed thru the description up until "Crap flow is jagged, dry, sharp, like sandpaper to the brain and ears when experiencing the lyrics."
I read again and still don't see where you mention "song" until the very last line. Ok I see. Well good luck to whoever accepts
"4 round 4 per round" what did you think that referred to?
if you actually read my description properly, you would have understood that.
you are posting songs, not your own raps unless you're a professional rapper, it's like this:
Can I just accept this and rap how I usually rap. No offense bro but I feel like your description is a bunch of rah rah. Not in a bad way but idk. I did read and acknowledge your description
I don't use beats from YT, I know you do though which is dope that's your style.
I don't get the rapping fast thing as that basically applies to real life. How do you rap fast when you type it, it just depends on who's reading it and how they perceive it no?
Plus people on here for some reason vote against me anyways no matter what so I'm sure you're gonna win. I'll be surprised if I get any winning votes.
First prove that you read the description and understand what this is.
based on the other debate, you didn't even read the description and would have assumed you are rapping yourself in this.
Does this mean I’m unwelcome to?
I don't lose or gain rating from this debate. I am scared of your votebombs, not scared of anything else your childish posts can give to me.
I am done replying to you now. I cannot describe what you are without violating you, you are not welcome here.
cluck, cluck, cluck
why, are you scared
fuck off and stay out of it ty, don't even vote.
why can’t i accept