Instigator / Pro

All psychoactive substances should be legalized for adults to purchase and use, sold from dispensaries in a regulated fashion as we do with alcohol.


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After 1 vote and with 7 points ahead, the winner is...

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Contender / Con

I contend that all drugs, from heroin to cannabis should be legalized and sold in dispensaries like alcohol and nicotine are today.


My website is glitching out, saying I’m 25,000 characters over the limit before I type anything. Gonna try and figure this out before I have to forfeit.

Barney do you know how I can fix this? Or anyone else reading this


“ A long term user of meth, crazed by the drug, ought not be trusted in many jobs,
Ought not be held to be in reason or control of themselves in court.”

The vast majority of people who use methamphetamine, do not fit the description you just described.

We allow people to legally ruin their bodies and minds with alcohol, we allow people to destroy their bodies with tobacco. The vast majority of alcohol and nicotine users do nothing of the sort.


By insane I mean,
"Unsoundness of mind or lack of the ability to understand that prevents someone from having the mental capacity required by law to enter into a particular relationship, status, or transaction or that releases someone from criminal or civil responsibility"
Merriam Webster Dictionary

A long term user of meth, crazed by the drug, ought not be trusted in many jobs,
Ought not be held to be in reason or control of themselves in court.

I suppose you could convince me that people should be allowed cause in themselves insanity,
But I'd require they be banned from public office, be taken into custody if too insane, regularly be evaluated by mental health.

Not really sure how well it compares to alcohol. Banning alcohol was pointless because everyone can make it at home. Like, it was too easy to make in large quantities.

I have no problem with being sold in pharmacies, as long as they aren't issued as freely as medicine for the common cold. You shouldn't just stroll in and take it from the counter. Such drugs should require strict enforcement that will ensure they are only distributed to those that need it, in acceptable doses.


Analysis is necessary, I’m not advocating Stores to Just have a bag of random powder saying “Here ya go” just like with legal drugs they have to know what they’re purchasing and how strong it is.


A psychoactive drug, psychopharmaceutical, psychoactive agent or psychotropic drug is a chemical substance that changes functions of the nervous system, and results in alterations in perception, mood, cognition, and behavior.


And part of my argument is that the biggest downfall of prohibition is contaminated substances which legalization and legal Sale on a regulated market would stop that.


It does matter, alcohol is analyzed, so is nicotine and cannabis. And the reason I say Independent is because Land have been caught exaggerating THC concentration in their weed to charge more money.


"analyzed by American analytical chemists independent of the synthetic chemists"

Does that matter? You're arguing it should be legal no matter what it is.


Maybe. Any precise definition of a "psychoactive substance"?


Interested in having this debate with me?


The drugs will be sold out of dispensaries like we do with cannabis in some states, they will be synthesized by American Chemists, analyzed by American analytical chemists independent of the synthetic chemists, then sold by Americans to Americans


Yes it should be sold the same way alcohol is, same for heroin, PCP, etc.


"All drugs should be sold" is a heavy burden of proof on PRO. You're not just saying that meth should be legal but that people should actively market it.


Accept the debate I hope I can change your mind and make you a supporter.


I’m not making an argument for breaking the law.

What do you mean by “insane?” Do you mean someone being violent? Abusive? What? Those things are already illegal, there’s no need to add drug possession and use into the mix of charges. There’s already laws protecting people from dangerous and harmful behavior towards others.


I suppose there's a fair argument for that,
However, once someone becomes insane and confused on a drug, say meth,
Then I'd argue they ought be taken into custody until sane again.

Same logic as removing a drunk individual from their vehicle,
They become a clear and present danger,
And should an individual 'continue using meth and going insane, they ought be forced into rehab and disbarred from purchasing it.
. . .

And even if legal in a 'country,
I don't see why organizations or cities can't exile people for not following their rules,
(Assuming the entire city was owned by a single organization)
Say for example banning drugs.

