Instigator / Pro

Electronic Music Battle


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics

After 9 votes and with 1 point ahead, the winner is...

Publication date
Last updated date
Number of rounds
Time for argument
Three days
Max argument characters
Voting period
One week
Point system
Winner selection
Voting system
Contender / Con


Each member takes turns posting one song per round. The community votes on whoever they think posted the best songs. This means that voters do not have to go super in-depth about their choices.


Should've been a tie though.


I voted.


Now that you're here, I'd like to see who you vote for.

Dont even bother listening ralter. Drop the pretense of pretending to analyze debates in an unbiased matter. These debates arent moderated


I'm planning to vote since RM asked me to awhile back. I just need a good opportunity to listen to all the songs.


plz vote


Vote plz


I have flagged your vote. You need to listen to them all. Listen to them all and then you may vote. Try using another device to listen if you can.


Do you really wwant me to vote on this? Because I will.

As far as I'm concerned, it's a tie.

I wont be biases. I hate all this shitty music so I guess I will vote for whose songs I thought were least shitty


Of course, this meant I would lose some '2-3' votes like SupaDudz's vote, but I figured it would be worth it overall.

All in all, I think both votes so far were great votes.



Interesting. I just figured I would go with some variety. I was willing to sacrifice some rounds in the eyes of some in order to win others. Everyone would at least have some rounds where they'd thought I won.

My goal was not to beat you every round, but to get a ton of '3-2' votes like Virtuoso's.


As the debate progressed I realised you were going to beat me in the eyes and ears of people actually into electronic music in a specialist sense but I knew that even people who part-time did it would prefer my songs as they are pleasing to the ear drum and incorporate real voice and sounds in a way yours rarely did. I was shocked I lost the virt vote, he was one I was sure I had in the bag but we'll see how this plays out.


Then I noticed that your song choice was very repetitive despite being good so I knew I had to avoid mine being too repetitive and they had to be funky. Why not just mirror you? Well, since you go first, it's easy for you to constantly be out-picking me as you were clearly going by some kind of hierarchy although for some reason you left the most obvious mainstream picks for the final 2 rounds which perplexed me as your first 2 would be the least likely ones for me to find but you seemed desperate to not let me get them and thought I may know them which made me smirk with pride in a way. Maybe you were trying to make the audience go WOW from the get-go but that's the issue. Your R1 and R2 were really your best pieces technically and you put them first, for me that was a sign 'try less with these songs' but somehow my R2 was my statistically most liked song so far except I am certain my r4 and r5 should get most likeability and credit if more users vote, I think strange taste is happening right now.

Aside from that, I had a strategy in tempo, I know how people of all moods think and this drove me fucking insane, which song had perfect tempo BUILDING not just constant throughout like yours, I knew that would be the niche I'd attract; people who get bored easily. My songs stimulate start-to-end and so I explicitly said this and was happy you helped affirming that as important. Yours in R1 and R2 are impressive at first and as background music but if you focus on them, they are kind of headachey imo.

I realised my r3 should be something you wouldn't pick up on my style with for r4 and r5. I didn't know you couldn't hear the songs, so I wanted to set you up to think I'd stick to female melodic and then shock you in r4 to unsettle you but then reshock you in r5 with female melodic once more.


I knew some would go round by round so I judged the quality of yours and tried to match it but overall I have selected 3 of these 5 for sure before I posted my R1.

I was also sure you wouldn't know they existed but anyway one of the 3 I never posted. I was quite interested to appeal to many audiences. I knew that the ones who didn't go purely round-by-round (which there haven't been any yet) and who are not into EM at all are going to like mozart's house (well Virt contradicted this but I don't get why it was a masterpiece of you dislike electronic music both technically and eargasmically). I had to appeal to the technical but I knew that you were specialising in that. If I had brought pegboard nerds etc, I'd be appealing to the specialists which would vote for you ANYWAY. This is why I knew my speciality in female-melodic shit and also delving into trap and some weirder electronic shit like that clean bandit song would come in handy to appealing in a different way to the voter than you.

I combined emotional intelligence with musical intellect to pick like 20 or so songs i was dead sure qualified but it came down to not keeping many of the same type etc. I could have had all female melodic trap shit etc like my R2 which is doing well in all voter's eyes but I knew that not only I had to pick a really off-kilter trap to appeal to people into female voice more so than trap but that my next trap song should be totally different (my R4 one) and appeal to very masculine-voice-seeking people who love a dark tune. My R1 was my worst one in actual pleasure to the ear in and of itself despite being extremely pleasing to my ear I knew some wouldn't enjoy it especially if they actually like electronic music but if you see more voters like Swagnarok who hate electronic music, it's an absolute masterpiece at satirising electronic music and still making it good as fuck despite it in a major display of skill.


Hyping up the battle to break the tie.


Then vote for the lesser of the two evils, please.


Please get here and vote.

Do not be biased.


So what was your strategy?


Yes. My strategy was to have a variety in my picks. I also picked songs that not only I liked, but I thought others would like.



I don't know it didn't' fit well with me. It seemed extra with the synth and sounded like aimless non tuned slamming


Yes didn't you?


We'll have to wait and see who Swagnarok votes for.

This debate is quite interesting because you're putting your taste out there to be evaluated by others who have their own tastes. At the end of the day, do either of us have a better taste than the other? I would think not, considering the subjectivity of it.


Did you have any sort of strategy for what songs you were picking?

I think I should have posted this instead of Mozart's house:


It's funny because mhars r3 was really good Imo, this is such a hard thing to know the audience with haha


Did we both have equal average?


Thanks for leaving bias out of the debate.


#3 by you was awful

And...I hated both Round 5 entries.

*Mharman, that is, not SupaDudz.

Round 1: RM
Round 2: RM
Round 3: Supadudz
Round 4: Supadudz

So I guess it'll boil down to Round 5. (Might I add, I usually dislike this genre of music but whatever. A few of the entries here were interesting enough.)


I don't understand how you value some things above others or how you compliment the r4 song of mine and criticize it for the message that you compliment it for. I don't understand why you go round by round either, it's like saying if Pro has 3 good song and 2 terrible ones he can win even if all mine had a better average.


If you have any questions about my vote, please let me know. I did the best I could to be objective and explain what I liked about each song.


Measure also on how soothing and how complex the DEVELOPMENT is not just repeating a highly technical thing over and over again but evolving the song as it progresses with slight alterations to the repeating elements.

I’m going to vote in be he next day or two. As an amateur EDM DJ I nearly accepted this myself.


I promise to leave a fairly good RFD


Cheers, Hombre.


Ok. Will listen after work


It's done.


We are now at the mercy of the voters. 'Twas a good battle.


I meant barracuda not battlestorm, fixed it


We'll just wait and see who wins. Either way, it was a good battle.


Based on your taste, I think you'll be better off listening to my fourth song first.


I will take a bit of time to think of the last one, I have a few that I was like unsure which to pick etc, good match.

Your taste is a lot more 'pure E' whereas I prefer meshing the electronics with something acoustic be it voice or instruments like that.

I like the Barracuda song but I find yours is less pleasing and impressive to people not specifically into that subgenre of hard dubstep etc


All of it. I'm sure it's good; I'll listen to it on another device eventually.


All of it or just the allie x remix?

I wish I could listen to my opponent's music. It's blocked by my school laptop :/