Instigator / Pro

The most highly anticipated rap battle of all time


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics
Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

After 2 votes and with 10 points ahead, the winner is...

Publication date
Last updated date
Number of rounds
Time for argument
Two days
Max argument characters
Voting period
One month
Point system
Multiple criterions
Voting system
Contender / Con

Rap battle me bro. You have a lot to say but you won't step to me and get battled. Bring it .


You can ask mods to delete your vote to revote btw, regarding regret votes.

The inventor of the hate based diet is a sleezebag. Try again


Wylted doesn't affect my decision on this issue at all. I've only voted on these other issues in two debates. I voted conduct on a debate where one side called the other side a literal slur (and I regret that decision, as the other side should have called it out, but we only get better with mistakes) and one where I was told to explicitly in round 2 of 4 and the other person didn't contest it. Grammar, sources, and conduct are not metrics that a debate should be "won" on and I stand by that opinion.


He can get the votes removed due him taking his concession back in Round 5, trust me, he has no integrity.


Wylted is the filthiest liar on here, never underestimate his sleaziness.


Sorry, I personally don't vote on grammar, sources, or conduct unless I'm told to in the round, explicitly, not in the last round. They're optional on the voting policy, so I'm not doing anything wrong and I think that all three are problematic metrics to count "points" for.

I literally told him to vote for you and you are still dumb enough to think I am recruiting voters


Those voting for Wylted are going to give him all 7 points, it would help if you give me all 7 to anticipate votebombs but ty.


I conceded so just say "pro conceded" and vote

I feel bad, I've voted on every debate that had no votes except this one, but I just have no clue how to evaluate it.


You have redeemed yourself


I honestly thought "Vermin Supreme" was a brand name you had made up to be sponsored by. I spent two hours watching Vermin Love Supreme on YouTube yesterday to be caught up. .....I wish had known about this guy sooner. I was too young to have known of him when he became popular. I hope he is successful in making our nation's teeth shine from sea to shiny sea ;). I am also down for a free pony


No, that’s Vermin Supreme.

The Andy Kaufman of US politics.


The old dude in that video is actually vermin supreme and it is sad you don't know who he is. Fucking learn how to use Google that endorsement wasn't cheap


Love that bit of Round 2 that was Super Mario inspired

Is that old dude in the Vermin Supreme video supposed to be Wylted?


I'm slightly disappointed, but it's your prerogative, nonetheless.


I need to hate you and really lust the win to really do this stuff anymore, I am sadly outgrowing my battle hungry mindstate, I blame it on maturity.

Only rage and such can drive me to want to really spar in this style anymore.


You will probably win, there is nothing to really mock about you, youve been so neutral lately.

This isnt a rap battle website, people are unpredictable in which bars they like more and your style of simple flow and rhyming fits them better, I have already seen it. I only won that debate if i recall correctly, due to the logic not the rapping.

I dont want to risk a situation where I see it as 55 vs 45 and Im only the 45 odds one.


Since Wylted has conceded, which has assured your certain victory, shall we commence our "slightly less anticipated than the most highly anticipated rap battle of all time," soon, RationalMadman?

That almost makes me want to try, but it won't work.


Good girl

I overestimated my ability to rap.


I am going to forfeit. I don't think you should wast your time coming up with anything if you want. I tried. I spend like 15 hours at work trying to come up with raps and stuff and I just can't. I would also rather use my mind for things that actually make a difference if my mind is going to spend that much time on it

I should have made this 3 rounds. Already losing interest. Wli will still bang something out before I go to sleep


yes that's true. But I am sure RM must be having many other cards to play.


"I will use that. Thanks"

It works so much better against you though. "da Koopa King Bowser"/President Wylted


I will use that. Thanks


You a goomba
Getting stomped on by Super Mario
Watch out, he's comin' with his fire flower power
It's game over for you, da Koopa King Bowser


I am rapping circles around him so far, he will lose on so many levels, needing to plagiarise just adds to the harsh skillgap.


I was. I stand corrected.


Well, fair enough then. I obviously won't vote solely based on plagiarism, but I probably will give the first round (of five) to RM.


Copyright law is pretty clear. Once you write something down it is considered copyrighted material. You were thinking of trademark law


Just to clarify. I have no actual ability to stop votes against me or to get my supporters to do counter vote bombs.


There's nothing to debate. RM's work IS copyrighted. Whether or not Wylted's cribbing constitutes fair use is a totally different question and not one that I'm qualified to answer, or particularly interested in discussing. Whether or not voters consider this plagiarism to the extent as defined in the Voting Policy is up to them. I haven't decided either way as yet, and may not even vote at all.


Do you really want to debate this?

RM's lyrics are unquestionably covered by US copyright law as intellectual property, the instant that the "original works of authorship fixed in any tangible medium of expression, now known or later developed, from which they can be perceived, reproduced, or otherwise communicated, either directly or with the aid of a machine or device," is created.


Off to an auspicious start as president - using your authority to stop votes against you.


First, settle down. Second, I merely expressed levity in the fact that he would dare use lyrics you originated against you. Third, there's no "plagiarism" since your lyrics don't fall under intellectual property, unless you'd like to show certification of some trademark. You neither own the words, nor the sequence in which they're stated. Last, all I'm saying is that this is funny, and tried to put my own humorous spin on it--i.e. "there's nothing more 'gangsta' than taking someone else's shit." Take a chill-pill, I haven't declared favor toward any side yet, especially considering there are still four rounds left. If you want a preliminary report on how I gauged each of your openings, then my assessment would be that neither of your lyrics have impressed me so far. But you guys have time.

I am the president and I will not accept votes against me for jacking RMs beats


This is a troll debate, you don't even need to really justify your point allocation.

It's a rap battle, of course I will be more votes because I am more gangsta


If you vote him for that, you are just a scumbag.

Won't surprise me or be my concern. This site has more than a few.


I also called him a snitch and then he snitched to voters about it. Fell right into my trap


There's nothing more gangsta than taking someone else's shit. Let it stand. I'm in stitches right now because Wylted had the audacity to poach RationalMadman's lyrics and use it against him. Haha!


"Plagiarism is passing off the intellectual property of another as your own. Plagiarism poisons the very spirit of debate. Plagiarism is such an extreme offense, that even if identified outside the debate it may be voted with prejudice against the offender in all categories. While there exist minor cases that do not necessitate such grave sanctions, the determination of the degree of it generally rests with each voter." (From DART's official Voting Policy)

If you keep arguing that plagiarism should be ignored, then I will vote against you on all four points - as I have the right to, as enumerated in the voting policy quoted above.

Nothing personal.


Voting is supposed to be based on who won not your personal morality. If my raps defeat his. Vote me.


He plagiarized the 2nd stanza too but I think type1 wrote it, not me, I didn't have time to search deep for it unless I wanted to wait hours to post my Round. I recognise it somehow and I have a good memory like that

I also didn't explain 2 references to do with my noobsniping line, it is a very clever quadruple entendre line to do with Muhammad Ali, Wylted encouraging us to assassinate politicians and punchlines vs boxing and an earlier bar from me in the same rap.


Ngl, your plagiarism isn't exactly inspiring me to vote for you.


You are a clown act, people are here to laugh at you. Keep going.