Instigator / Pro

There are only two genders


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics

After 5 votes and with 3 points ahead, the winner is...

Publication date
Last updated date
Number of rounds
Time for argument
One week
Max argument characters
Voting period
Two weeks
Point system
Winner selection
Voting system
Contender / Con

I believe there are only two genders.


Pro had unwarranted assertions, and abandoned the debate once I took it seriously in R3.
That I needed to take it seriously at all is a huge compliment to his skill level.

In order to win, he’d basically have had to prove Native Americans do not exist. This is in addition to the hole in his logic which reduced the number of genders to just one; which he had no defense against.


by reading debate.


How do you figure that?

pro would have won if had not done forfeit.


Thanks, that it clear now.


For me argument strength is often determined while I am casting a vote. I may wholly agree with the side I vote against but find their reasoning in support of it to be lacking. This debate in particular due to one side missing too many rounds, left the outcome in my favor requiring no analysis.

Gender is a fairly ambiguous term. Pro argued it was simply synonymous with sexual organ identification but also more limited. I argued it’s a social term for part of someone’s self identity (thus far more diverse).


I am new to this site and to the concept of debating.
I have 2 questions:
- do arguments strength have to be weighed before one make a vote? for example, those who voted for CON have been convinced by your arguments?
- Also, what did PRO mean by "gender"? Male and female or genders as chosen sexual identities?


Thank you all for voting!

lol I fucking quote the voting policy and it gets reported? Were they too lazy to check or just bad at math?


>Reported Vote: K_Michael // Mod action: Not Removed
>Voting Policy:
>Points Awarded: 1 point to Con
>Reason for Decision: see voting tab
>Reason for Mod Action:
See the voting policy under "Forfeitures":
"Repeated forfeitures waives the need to consider arguments (you still may, but by the choice of one side to miss at least 40% of the debate, the requirement ceases. And yes, this does apply to Choose Winner, which otherwise would not allow conduct to be the sole determinant)."


If pro hypothetically might have had great defenses to my R3, doesn't make it so. Nor does your offense that I had arguments at all instead of merely conceding, invalidate the arguments I put forward.

You've already admitted you did not read as far as my R3, so your opinion that I lost isn't based on the debate anyways.


You did not win in arguments, Pro just forfeited too many Rounds.

So you won by that.


Thanks both for voting, and for being able to disagree with me but still accept that I won.


No, you had it right the first time, however I agree Pro worse the rebuttal in a not so eloquent manner, muddying the precise meaning.


"essentially conceding that there are 2 genders."

In the vote, I meant "that there are more than 2 genders." Sorry for forgetting to type a phrase there.


The only way to really win is to notice that a butch MMA woman, a high vlass slim lady, a ghetto prostitute and a nerdy scientist womam are actually different genders within a gender series.

Make females be a gender overarching series.

Make a thug a different gender to the sissy to the cop to the business man to theathematician to the hippie vegan etc

Then the semantics of gender- expression vs gender will become the true war.


Lol... by not doing it... ?

Pro never had such logic.


>Reported Vote: ENDLESSBACKFLIP // Mod action: Removed
>Voting Policy:
>Points Awarded: 1 point to Pro
>Reason for Decision: better arguement
>Reason for Mod Action:
Not an RFD, doesn't explain the reasoning.


Please clarify how pro defended that his own logic does not reduce the number of genders to less than two.


One day remains for your final argument.


One day remains.

Apologies, R3’s source list contains an error.
#9 got listed twice, so #10 should be discounted.
11 becomes 10, and 12 becomes 11.


You too!


The changes have been made my friend. Looking forward to learning more about this topic, and looking forward to a great debate!


Thanks for challenging me. However, could you please change the "Time for Argument" to 2 weeks? I'll be gone for 1 week during Christmas, but the rest of my rounds will be very fast.


Alright, you can challenge me by clicking on my profile, and then clicking "challenge user to a debate." I'd prefer for the argument time to be 2 weeks, since I might be gone for 1 week during Christmas. Looking forward to a good debate.


Of course. I am new to debating competitively, and I am not well educated on the topic, but my goal is to learn and open my mind.


Do you want to do a debate on the same topic? It's something I'm interested in discussing.

Two genders:

NPC and Real person


I’m bored at an airport, so I’ve started my case. Expect me to use the following source:

There are two genders: man and non-man


Would you be interested in debating the proposition that we ought to recognise one through their sex as opposed to gender?