Instigator / Pro

RESOLVED: President Joseph Biden Probably Has Dementia


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After 4 votes and with 4 points ahead, the winner is...

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One week
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Contender / Con


President Joseph R. Biden of the United States of America Probably Has Dementia


PRO must only argue that President Biden probably has dementia.

CON must only argue that President Biden probably does not have dementia.


The following will determine the definitions for this debate:

All terms shall first be defined from MedicineNet's Medical Dictionary available here:

And if MedicineNet's Medical Dictionary cannot provide a definition, then Merriam Webster's Online Dictionary available at will be used for all other words.

Dementia is defined as: Significant loss of intellectual abilities, such as memory capacity, that is severe enough to interfere with social or occupational functioning.

Probably is defined as: insofar as seems reasonably true.


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2. The rules and definitions of logic shall come from the webpage, and not Merriam Webster's online Dictionary or any other Wikipedia page. This debate shall be governed by the laws of logic, meaning burden of proof is required by both parties.

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7. For the purposes of this debate, evidence shall be defined by "something that furnishes proof," and "proof" shall be defined as "the process or an instance of establishing the validity of a statement especially by derivation from other statements in accordance with principles of reasoning" statement shall be defined as "a report of facts or opinions." Opinions shall not be substituted for facts and facts shall not be substituted for opinions. And facts are inherently superior to opinions.

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10. Voters agree to vote in favor of the party that was second to violate the rules, e.g. the first person to violate these rules shall be penalized by voters voting that the first person to violate the rules lost the debate.


Nothing I said against TWS was a pivot.


Read the title of the debate, then decide who is the pivoter.


All bullies are sociopathic, all, every. Single. One.

They often do not be severe enough for long enough obviously enough to get diagnosed with ASPD or narcissism though.


I pivoted just like you did with TWS when he stated observations of Biden.


Fair enough. I guess I tend to operate under the default assumption that someone is not abnormal in X way, even in the absence of evidence that that is the case. But that's more colloquial than logical.


Naw. It means there's no good evidence they're a narcissist. They could still be a narcissist. Your conclusion only works if there is evidence they aren't one in addition to no good evidence they are one.

But I think we both agree that Biden probably isn't a narcissist.


I guess it's technically possible because I can't determine conclusively if anyone is a narcissist or not. But I think it's fair to say that when there's no good evidence someone is a narcissist, they're not a narcissist.


Sorry I think I misunderstood you. I thought you were saying it's possible he is one but unlikely.


I'm kind of confused. In this comment section I have been defending the idea that biden is not a narcissist; I don't think there's really a compelling inverse argument unless you really expand what it means to be narcissistic. I also don't have time for a debate.

I don't know, you could be right about Trump. He's very abnormal. But I'm always careful about concluding that these public figures are mentally ill.


I'd be willing to debate you on if Biden is a narcissist. I'd want to take the negative position, that he isn't. But this debate would likely have to take place sometime two weeks from now. I am currently in two and work full time lol

But the far more interesting debate is if Trump has schizophrenia.ive actually seen people make an argument for this.


You have a point, but even people close to Trump have described his actions and they align with narcissism. I think how he conducts his public image is in line with how a narcissist would.

But that said I do not think Trump is an evil guy. He knew Epstein but when Epstein tried to recruit st his club he threw him out and severed all ties with Epstein. He also never went to Epstein Island despite being offered multiple times, and none of Epstein's confirmed victims cound name Trump as a sexual abuser.

Moreover Trump has a history of helping black people and Jewish people who were marginalized in his day.

This doesn't mean Trump is a saint. After all, he did cheat on multiple women. But as to the rape allegations, I think only one of them holds any truly credible testimony to it, and at best it is Trump vs. the woman. I am just saying I don't think he is nearly as depraved as many other people in Washington.


With Trump the case for narcissism is much more compelling, but even there it's unclear since he's a politician and we largely just have his public appearances and statements to go on, which may not reflect his interpersonal personality.


It would be a fun exercise to debate if Biden is narcissistic. I personally do not think he is. I also don't think he has ASPD. You may be right that he has traits of it, though. But I am unconvinced. Some people in politics are not part of the dark triad or Machiavellian. While I do not like Biden, that doesn't mean I think he is a psychopath.

Trump is definitely a narcissist though. This much is true. But being a narcissist doesn't immediately mean they are malignant. I really don't think Trump is malignant. But he is still a narcissist.


You are pivoting.


Biden is incompetent as fuck. Another old fossil like Trump that cannot resist a power grab even ad dementia huts.

It is sad, blatant and the denial of it is just clinging to some blind loyalty to the wing and hatred of Trump.

The man does not just fuck up speeches, he walks the wrong way off stages such that his wife has to guide him by embracing his arm and pulling him by it. He said go brandon and smiled, in response to a sarcastic live questioner that switched tone fast to bait him, you could see his wife wince.


An establishment politician changing their opinions on something over like years, or even being dishonest about their opinions, is an incredibly weak indicator of clinical mental disorder. I'm not aware of that much evidence that he's some kind of predator, either, though most of the accusations I've seen are stupid.

If you want to say that narcissism and psychopathy are endemic to politics, that's a more defensible statement, but usually when someone accuses someone of being mentally ill that implies that they are more abnormal than their situation requires them to be. Also, there's a lot of cruel behavior in every social structure, fuck even high school. But I don't think most bullies are psychopaths.


I definitely see narcissism and ASPD (psychopath/sociopath) traits in him.

Biden is a snake who went from being racist and making inappropriate close movements to young girls to being the barely put together man he is now, cleaner and yet clumsier with his words and moves all at once.

All politicians in the regular public eye that do not want to quit are mildly narcissistic, that is a given. It is actually a necessity for them to enjoy their otherwise stressful and shitty jobs, the eo rush from attention and the reward of seeing their opposition get worse press than them is the primary fuel that motivates them to keep going.


What's your background in psychology? Criminology?

I have an academic background in both. I've worked in law enforcement, been a background investigator for an entire county for all new potential hires.

I have the knowledge, training and experience to clearly and accurately identify those traits and attributes. Do you?

Yeah, didn't think so.



I guess he "clearly exhibits those traits".... if you say so. But that's easy to claim, so easy an amoeba can claim it.


It's not a negative you clown.

He clearly exhibits those traits. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that, let alone a licensed psychologist or psychiatrist either.

Don't care what you think, feel or believe. The only thing that matters is what you can prove. And all you've proven is shit.


Can't really prove a negative (and I'd challenge you to prove the positive), but biden is really just an establishment politician, not really a uniquely narcissistic or psychopathic kind of person. There's no evidence to my knowledge that any patterns of grandiosity or callousness in his interpersonal life. The accusations of pedophilia don't seem credible to me, either. Obviously, you could strain to make anyone meet the diagnostic criteria for anything, but that's really not how psychiatry works. Therapists don't check boxes, they look for patterns of dysfunction that seriously affect people's lives, or people come to them with those problems.

I think your perception of the arguments people have on this site as some kind of intellectual pissing contest is kind of silly. Arguments aren't about people.


Easy to claim, so easy an amoeba can claim it.

Takes actual emotional and intellectual intelligence to prove it.

Let's see your "guaranteed" evidence to the contrary of what I posted.


Delusions of grandeur
Anger management

I can guarantee you biden meets the criteria for 0% of these. Maybe anxiety. Everyone's anxious.


Thanks for voting!




Yeah, will do. Same as Barney said, just let me know when the round ends.


Appreciate it!


Sure thing. Please remind me once their round ends.


When this one ends will one of you vote on it so I don't get an automatic tie. My opponent has so far failed to respond to my round one post. If he doesn't respond in the final round it is essentially a clean sweep, and currently it also is a clean sweep, so the vote should be extremely easy and not take up too much time. I just don't want to lose a debate where my opponent forfeited it.


Two days left


The chances of having both psychopathy and narcissism are extremely low. I agree with pedophilia. Delusions of Grandeur is often a symptom of narcissism, not a separate mental illness. Anxiety is a symptom of dementia. I don't know of any proof Biden has anger management. But I do think Biden is a pedophile. I hadn't thought about the idea of him having narcissism or psychopathy in addition to that. But I'd have to guess narcissism over psychopathy. Biden exhibits empathy and emotional processing. Psychopathy is the lack of empathy in general and usually, though not always, stunted emotions.

The gross majority of Narcissists actually do have empathy and they can love, and they also can overcome much of their narcissism. Many just have a severely damaged psyche. It is a mixture of severely low self esteem but also an acknowledgement that they are not like other people, are more logical and generally smarter, and are not emotional trainwrecks (that is how many narcissists see it), but they do also have an understanding that other people are humans like them and they do love and many try to be good people, not the malignant ones. There's two types of narcissists.

A good example of the differences is Barack Obama and Donald Trump. Obama was a malignant narcissist. He only cared about his career and his fame. He didn't care who he had to hurt or use to get to the top. Trump actually cares about other people and tries to be a good person, to the extent a narcissist who hasn't accepted they are a narcissist can. But they are both narcissists.

This isn't to say Trump has never gaslighted or tried to ruin people who slighted him. He has. But the difference between malignant narcissists and non-malignant ones is the first foot they put forward. A non-malignant narcissist will often act in good faith until you slight them. A malignant one will never act in good faith to begin with. They are just using you to accomplish their purposes. Trump acts in good faith until you seriously slight him. Then he goes in for the kill. Obama rarely acted in good faith.

Delusions of grandeur
Anger management


Name one mental illness you think Biden has.


No, he does have dementia. Among other mental illnesses. That's crystal clear.

Round One Sources:


My implicit point was that probably of him having had criminal charges filed against him for it, and the media never mentioning that, are slim to none.

That said, yes, it’s weird. If it crosses into outright sexual assault would pretty much depend on how you define sexual assault. It is inappropriate, and does likely cross into harassment.


I'd be willing to have a follow-up debate on Biden sniffing women being a longstanding sexual assault issue of his.


That's quite the hyperbole... But yeah, Biden is weird.

he probably also has criminal charges for sniffing women