Instigator / Con

Islam is a religion that supports terrorism


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Contender / Pro

Islam is a terrorist supporting religion
I am against this statement


If you go heavy hitting in final round people see it as bad conduct and ignore any new points regardless, to me it was a very simple debate. I won't explain more as it will lead to me being labelled Islamophobic or worse... An Islamic extremist.

I have very little love for the faith and would even admit I have a fear of it. My beef isn't with any average Muslim at all, it is actually with Islam and that is maybe worse or better, I cannot tell.

I read the Qur'an and Hadith with an open mind, I used to resent people that preached against Islam and thought it was rude and disrespectful to disparage and tarnish a wonderful ideology... I didn't enjoy what I read.


I thought your last argument would be a bit more heavy hitting in my opinion. I can still lose this debate, but you should have exited a bit more stronger but it is what it is.

But yes, please understand both mine and Pro's points, take it in and again,

May the best man win


Please vote if the debate interests you, I understand how controversial it is.

I keep confusing Pro with con in this debate because the instigator is Con, sorry for this lexical error.


May the best debater win. My points have been finished. Your move, Pro


Get him rayhan, bring out your inner Muhammed Hijab.


it turns red when within 100 characters, it doesn't mean you are in the negative.


Is it possible to go over the character limit? I think I did it in one of my other debates and it was fine but I do not know if that is a glitch or not


I used all the characters I could use minus 5.


I haven't even seen that part yet, but with the cherry picked quotes, good job.


I said 'help Pro' I meant 'help Con'. I confused our sides sorry


I knew you were going to do this, lets see what happens


I have no interest in debating on Dms because what fun would that be? No one to see our points, our rebuttals and most importantly our failure. I would like to debate publicly and as you said you are not interested, so just stop diminishing Islam when you clearly have been watching to much David Wood and others to make this quote that you gave fit your narrative. All I am going to say regarding this quote, Muslims are not allowed to leave a mark, not allowed to hit the face and not allowed to cause pain to their wives, so how could men strike their wives with an intent to hurt them when they are not allowed. Men should only tap a woman, not hit them until blood flows. Misconceptions galore.


I'm not currently interested in debating about Islam again, it just becomes a semantics game of, "context" or no the word really means "insert word". Although, if you want to debate that quote inparticular in DM's we can do so as i understand the Arabic terminology PERFECTLY in that quote so you cant use the fact اضربوهن translated into "strike them" has multiple meanings as an argument against me.

I'm not a catholic Christian or really a Christian at that, I'm a pantheist, like Einstein and many modern philosophers. I could be said to be a Quaker if i were anything Christian but i don't follow the book. Read my current debate on, "all is one".


Again, you need to understand what a debate is. I would happily answer these for you but please make a debate if you want me to answer them, preferably 2 days writing time because I have Eid tomorrow. Also if you want to play at that game, women have to be quiet in churches, Jesus called a woman a dog. This is just me showing you double standards.

Lets debate. You make it, you be pro, call it Islam supports oppression against women or something like that, and I will join it. And then we can debate in a proper environment, this comment section is not a debate platform


"Men are in charge of women by [right of] what Allah has given one over the other and what they spend [for maintenance] from their wealth. So righteous women are devoutly obedient, guarding in [the husband's] absence what Allah would have them guard. But those [wives] from whom you fear arrogance - [first] advise them; [then if they persist], forsake them in bed; and [finally], strike them. But if they obey you [once more], seek no means against them. Indeed, Allah is ever Exalted and Grand." 4:34

This verse is fairly self-explanatory. It instructs Muslims on how women should be treated. The verse states that men are in charge of women and how they spend their wealth, good women are those who obey, and if a woman disobeys then her husband can warn her, forsake her, and finally beat her. This verse clearly demonstrates that women are inferiors in multiple ways. The first is that men are in charge of them and their wealth, this sets a hierarchy among the genders where men are placed above women.


These are both misconceptions on your behalf, if you want to debate about Islam oppressing/hating/being unfair to women then be my guest and start a debate and let me know. If you do not want to, please do not speak ill about my religion


"Islam is not mysognistic"

meanwhile Muslim women cannot marry non Muslim men, but Muslim men can marry non Muslim women. Girls are said to be less intelligent in the Quran by prophet Muhammad.


I appreciate your concerns, however Islam is the most beautiful religion out there. It is not a pacifist religion, you have to consider that. Yes there are some parts of violence there, but all this is justified. I say time and time again, I will not leave the religion of Islam. No one pressured me, I was born in a Muslim household. I love the religion of Islam and in no way shape or form will I leave. I know every single quote that non-Muslims use against us, I can rebuke these, just as long as they are willing to listen. Islam is not a misogynistic faith because it respects women, all to the point where non-married Muslim men cannot even touch a women's hand, out of respect. I have definitely made up my own mind, and if someone can prove that Islam is a wrong faith, be my guest. I can use these arguments and crush them. I will have 12000 words left. I don't have much space, but I will try my best.

My faith also has nothing to do with starting wars nor oppressing innocents nor forcing non Muslims to be Muslim. Not even homophobia as if you wanna be gay then be it however do not be Muslim and vice versa.

I know there are people in countries such as Iran and Iraq etc that oppress people and I know that you think it is to do with Islam. However, don't you just think these people that are doing these things, are using their free will? Because it is blatantly obvious. I will be responding to every single one of your quotes and clearing up every single misconception, all in the space of 12000 words. Whatever happens after is the voters choices.

I do not wish to attack Christianity. The reason being, I respect all religions. My religion, Islam, teaches to respect all faiths. 'Surah Al-Ankabut verse 46 states: And do not argue with the People of the Scripture except in a way that is best, except for those who commit injustice among them, and say, "We believe in that which has been revealed to us and revealed to you. And our God and your God is one; and we are Muslims [in submission] to Him."

I know that you don't hate Muslims, however you hate the faith. And to this, I say that is your opinion. However calling Islam a barbaric faith when it teaches to be peaceful until the last resort is ironic because I assume that you are Christian. This is not me attacking Christianity, but just calling the double standards. I believe Christianity teaches peace but if you want to call my religion barbaric then why does Jesus call a woman a dog? Why should all babies be killed and women taken as slaves? I know Christianity does not promote these things, but it is in your scripture. So this is just me calling out the double standards. Please do not answer these questions as I know what you will say, just me calling it out. Rhetorical, if you may.


I see from your profile that you are approximately just 16 (the username matches so I am quite sure) if that really is your birthday it must suck that new year's overlooks you (but not as much as Dec 31st).

I am not here to bully a teenager, Muslim or not and by bully I don't mean beat in a debate I mean that I do not resent you for the religion you were raised into, pressured to adhere to and that your family would no doubt reject you and isolate you if you parted ways with (I am presuming but this is based on a lot of experience, documentaries, books and knowledge on Islamic communities).

I do not resent you for being raised Muslim 'rayhan', at all. I wish you the best on your journey in becoming an adult and starting to make your own mind up for yourself and I ironically and unironically all at once pray that you find a way out of the misogynistic, homophobic, pro-circumcision (it doesn't rule it out for women btw and this is practised on some in the name of Islam), extremely warmongering faith.

If you wish to attack Christianity, be my guest, you can attack anything you want (intellectually), I welcome it and would stand up to a racist cunt who abused you, without a second thought (well, depends how much our lives would mutually be at risk but still I'd stick up for you). You have a very wrong idea of me, I don't resent Muslims, I respect that many have tried to adapt Islam to modern times but I do not understand why they cling to a blatantly barbaric faith. I understand if that offends you and if you cannot like me but I don't hate you, I can already tell you are a good thinker.


I have already answered this in round 2. It is not the word of God. God is not a deceiver. They think that the word 'maakir' and the root word 'mkr' have the same meaning. They are decepted by this view. The root word does not always mean the actual word. For example, the root word for 'vowel' is 'vocalis' and this means 'relating to the voice'. By this logic, the word 'vowel' means 'relating to the voice'. Where is the sense in that? There is nowhere in the Quran that says spread Islam by the sword either. I know exactly what you think of Islam and the verses you give me, I know trust me' are going to be cherry picked and I will be explaining all of them. However, as you are the master of deception, I will not have anymore arguments left, so your last round will probably decide that you will win. But we will see. Please continue to explore the angle of your view of Islam fully.


What is it they are quoting and referring to? Is it the word of Allah or no?

Regardless, I will not be Islamic in spirit and will 'lay down my sword' here. Plus, you don't know what I really think or not about Islam, though I am not going to pretend the verses aren't right there in front of you.

I will explore all the angles fully, including an interesting angle of how Islam constantly teaches to doubt laws themselves if one thinks they stand in the way of Allah.


Of course you quote an article from wikiislam known for its islamophobia. There is a donate button top left of the page, and it redirects you to donate to ex Muslims. I am not amused.


I thank you dearly for this compliment but let us both remember who the greatest deceiver of them all is.,_the_Best_Deceiver_(Qur%27an_3:54)


The dilemma you gave me is now I cannot explain all the points properly as I only have 1 left. Master of deception you are, voters only see 1 side to the story


Worry not, all will come in round 2.


The test is to follow the religion of Islam. There are things you have to give up, alcohol, sex before marriage, smoking etc and this is not only good for you, but part of the test. People get tested in different ways. The Quran is the book of guidance as well as the Hadith being the supported. Look into the Quran and the Hadith and let me know what you do not get, is incorrect and unlawful. I will answer it


The pragmatic answer is the fact the universe has always existed in some form and is eternal. The only reason the something from nothing theory came about was due to Einstein's theories not working at the quantum level, we will soon come to a point where we know the universe has simply always existed, as we already know energy cannot be created or destroyed.


To use an analogy, if life is a test for us, it's almost as if God has given us a test with questions we haven't been given revision for or haven't learned anything about. Is it then the students' fault for failing this test because they are unaware of the answers? To further illustrate the analogy, suppose you fail this test and are thrown into a meat grinder, but if you succeed, you are rewarded with unlimited riches. Would anyone in their right mind willingly take this test? Would we consider a teacher just for implementing this test? if it wasn't an omnipotent God but an ordinary person we would see them like the antagonist in the SAW franchise, horror film.


No scientist can say how the universe was created. Because it just keeps on going back and back. Big bang theory, still doesn't answer it. Because where did the matter come from. no such thing as nothing, so there always has to be something. cannot be created by another universe as the universe is dependant on time and space. you can name nothing that is independent of everything except God. This is why only God can create the universe. and all non believers go to hell eternally. Why should it concern you if you don't believe in the Islamic version of hell? you can disregard it if you don't believe and we will see what happens


I'm unsure why you find eternal damnation fair for simply being ignorant. Many scientists are sincere to know the truth of their existence, according to Islam they will rot forever, eternally. For simply being unaware. How would you justify eternal damnation to someone who asks a question like this? You can be a truly loving person and all accepting, do immeasurable good for humankind in charity work, but simply for not knowing God exists and therefore refraining belief, you will suffer forever.


Lol, untrue. Maybe you are the sceptic


Being smart and a deceiver are not mutually exclusive. He uses underhanded tactics when he's losing. He Starts unplugging microphones and censoring you. He would never upload a video of himself losing a debate. He also deletes THOUSANDS of comments on his videos to keep his viewers from questioning him or his followers on his takes. Watch Cosmic Skeptics video on him.


That's just your opinion. He has great intellect, not a deceiver. Whatever he says about Islam js true bur just has a different speech to him. Very good speaker, bullied David Wood in all his debates


I remember you bringing up Mohammad hijab in one of our debates. This man is a snake, a deceiver. You should watch Cosmic Skeptic on him. Cosmic Skeptic is a philosopher from Oxford University. You will see how much of a deceiver he is when he debates someone who knows their stuff. He will use any tactic to make him and Islam look in a good light.


I believe it's a really good argument. At least 20% of the Quran is about nonbelievers and how repulsive they are. I recall listening to the audiobook for it and hearing for at least the first two hours about how none believers will go to hell and how much they will suffer. After that, I lost interest in hearing the the rest and shut it off. When we refer to nonbelievers as lower than creatures, It appears clear why Muslim extremists can do what they can against non believers when the Quran talks about how stupid, lame and evil they are for hours on end of endless writing.


Please read then


Yes he may have a surprise for me, however talking about individuals does not represent the entire religion. Hitler was a Christian etc. Doesn't make sense. Needs to be the teachings of said religion


That's why i chose to only talk in the scripture and not people. As people aren't the book. But maybe he has something up his sleeve.


Islam and its teachings do not support terrorism, yes some individuals do but not the religion


In fact 'terror' has been central to Islam in both its spread and its maintenance of authority within its realm from start to now.

Not in the sense of extremists with rocket launchers and bombs but in the sense of true, paralysing terrorism done by sufi leader and sultan to the populace.

That said, do not be confused... Do not be misinformed of the history of Islam and its evolution.

Tell me about Khalid ibn al-Walid

You will get schooled in 12,000 characters per Round, believe me.


Just no one is viewed as the winner i suppose.


Lol, good debate, could go either way. forgot to cite my texts but I feel like we both made good points. what happens if no one votes?

never mind, i see you're con now. My bad my bad.


I see i've convinced you! xD


Obviously the person is not Muslim, he is saying that Islam promotes terrorism


Yeah I saw that. I don't know whether or not the person in the debate is another Muslim, but I haven't read it in its entirety.


But you are biased. I have the same debate with me being pro but the opposite topic.

This would be too easy of a debate for pro. Islam obviously supports terrorism. This is simply a fact.