That's cute, I like that you tried. Time to remind you who RM is.
Let's start with a beautiful, simple Kritik:
Schools should do it and enforce it, not the parents.
Rather than push for parental-enforced sexist restrictions on clothing, Pro is entitled to push for schools doing it and I'd say it should be up to the parents if they agree to it, protest against it (especially via PTA powers) or send their children to other schools.
That was a bit too easy, let's not be a coward, let's slap on a more complex Kritik:
The very protection against bullying and discrimination you want the child to develop can't be achieved by Pro's suggested approach.
Imagine the parent is the bully... Well, they are. You see, instead of it being a teasing session to endure and disincentivise the child from wearing a skirt to school, the parent is quite literally bullying the child via their very authority to punish and discipline the child at home, in order to blackmail them to not wear a skirt to school.
Not only is this hypocritical, it's self-defeating. That young boy will potentially remain trans, effeminate and girly his entire life (or her entire life, if she transitions later in life to their preferred gender). So, what is that child going to do when they were raised to dodge bullying, to be a coward in the face of peer pressure against embracing their femininity? What's gonna happen when the bullies are also older and more sophisticated? What's that child gonna do, is he (or she) gonna know how to handle himself/herself? What's he gonna do when the homophobes and transphobes spit at him, kick him while he's down (metaphorically and physically) when he/she was raised to shrivel up and conform as a habit from a young age by parents who were meant to train him to embrace who he/she is? You think it's gonna get easier later?
Now for a proper non-Kritik constructive contention:
If the parents and society is transphobic and doesn't want 'him' to wear that, then they should perhaps opt to find gender-neutral dress code.
Again linking to the simpler Kritik, the school itself and PTA parents should push for a gender neutral dress code where skirts are just not worn, after all there's girls who dislike wearing it. So, why is it that parents should prohibit the child from wearing it? Why? What reason should it be them and not the school itself? Why are skirts even a 'thing' if they're a sore spot for feminine boys and masculine girls?
*mic drop*
good luck
If you two try this again, with more substantive arguments, I'll vote on it.
Also, I am Con. In America, any person who takes Pro would be cancelled immediately after the match, should it be broadcasted. People in China are nationally supporting and when it comes to social rights, centrists. They are not really exposed to western opinions so it would still make sense for them to argue this. Not here in America though.
The only reason Con lost in the original is because he wasn't even a pro at debating then. He was a fashion designer. He is there to give a speech about himself rather than to argue. In reality, if you take up this topic with any sociologist in the United States you'd be clapped.
Indeed I would have been, I was gone for UIL today, lol
are you Con on this topic?