Earth is Flat
The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.
After 6 votes and with 12 points ahead, the winner is...
- Publication date
- Last updated date
- Type
- Standard
- Number of rounds
- 3
- Time for argument
- Two days
- Max argument characters
- 500
- Voting period
- One month
- Point system
- Multiple criterions
- Voting system
- Open
The flat Earth model is an archaic conception of Earth's shape as a plane or disk.
Earth: the third planet in the solar system from the sun
I believe I can prove earth is NOT flat in only 500 characters
No arguments about the world being a simulation is allowed
Burden of proof is shared
- NPFE= not possible on flat earth
- Ships disappear over horizon NPFE
- We see lunar eclipse shows round shadow NPFE
- Vision extend when higher, NPFE
- Paper proves curvature of earth, time zones prove NPFE
- Greek mathematician proved with different shadow length at time of year gives 7 degree curve of earth
- NASA international space station photos: no reason to fake, impossible to maintain conspiracy
- Airlines fly based on round earth routes that are NPFE
- Zero expert papers published about flat earth model being true — how do you explain this?
- P1: Moving in straight line results in an orbit. [1]
- P2: Gravity is not a force. Gravity = Bending of spacetime [2, 3]
- C1: An orbit is a straight line
- Appeal to intuitive perception rather than objective physics
- Globe is only one of many models [3]
- Earth is flat regardless of model
- Orbital speed is only needed to adjust velocity through time
- Orbit still a straight line
- PRO rejects science without evidence or logical explanation.
- All R1 Args dropped
- Legal standards say most common definition is most logical
- Debate description involves disk/plane in 3D Geometry, not spacetime
- Search results don't care about space time
- Con doesn't explain why gravity has anything to do with Earth geography
- No motivation/logic explained for why NASA and all world gov. org. "lie about flat earth"
- No reasoning for why Greek philosopher "lied", and we keep secret for thousands of years
- Surface = how much cover, Volume (Spherical) = how much held -> surface =/= volume
- Earth can be described by multiple models
Quoting CON: "Earth surface is flat"So "Earth surface is flat" = fact
In this debate, Pro not only accepted the debate in 100% bad faith but did so lazily and in a humiliating manner not just to his opponent, no not at all, but to all flat-earthers. Too many clowns take the flat earth stance as a joke and misrepresent the logic within the theory, this goes beyond that and flat out humiliates the entire concept implying that Pro couldn't ever defend flat-earth theory itself so has to resort to nonsensical semantics to win.
On top of completely ignoring the debte description's definition of what the flat Earth model is, Pro furthermore claims Con has 'conceded' when Con did nothing of the sort. I take this personally, as I myself believe the Earth is flat and know just how much stigma there is against this theory because it indeed involves conspiracy theories regarding NASA and Roscosmos (other space stations all answer to them). I do not vote based on that bias, nonetheless I am telling you that I don't find this shit funny, it's debates like this that make people assume all flat-earthers are faking it or are morons, instead of that there are intelligent and genuine flat-earthers.
Con uses sources to back up every single point he makes, from that NASA claims to have travelled to space to even turning the satellite point against Pro (which Pro tried to weirdly turn against Con and used a NASA and source to back up flat-earth theory...) I don't know what more to say, Pro doesn't use sources close to as efficiently or without self-harm to his case as Con does.
Pro tries to make the debate about the Earth being curved in 'spacetime'. Spacetime is a concept strictly tied to round-earth theory and is based on us being in a massive universe with galaxies in it (such that lightyears exist as a unit of spacetime), as opposed to flat-earth theory that holds that the sky is largely an illusion and perhaps a destiny map with only the sun and moon being actual objects rotating around the Earth.
Now, I am aware this is me debating against Pro, it is therefore pertinent to notice that Con doesn't need to dismiss any of these ridiculous points because the debate description (which Pro agreed to upon accepting the debate) defines flat-earth model as the archaic model which I know is one with Antarctica as an outer edge/barrier and is by no means whatsoever a 'spacetime' semantic loophole.
Pro does NOT REPLY TO ANY of Con's arguments AT ALL!
He doesn't explain how refraction of light explains ships disappearing over the horizon (due to the 'falling effect' of distanct objects as they mesh with the ground up to a point of no distinction that's more blatant on sunny days due to mirage effects), in fact every single point Con makes in Round 1 hold true by the end of the debate because Pro is too lazy to address a single one in his (absence of) rebuttals.
This is not how to debate. I refuse to reward it.
Argument: Con [initiator] presents 8 R1 arguments, all of which Pro fails to rebut in 3 rounds. Whereas, Pro offers argument “Gravity is not a force, in R1, but in R2 presents same argument with a citation that includes, “The force tugging between two bodies depends…” Tug, or pull, are forces, contradicting Pro’s argument that gravity is not a force. A non-supporting source of an opponent’s argument does not support, but combats an argument. Con may have used this source effectively, but as it contradicts Pro’s argument, the same purpose is achieved. Pro argued in R1 “P1: Moving in a straight line results in an orbit.” Con correctly rebuts that Pro’s source [1] does not say that, but the orbit is caused by a larger object’s gravitation pulls the otherwise straight-line motion of a smaller object [Newton Law #1] into an orbit, and not that the smaller object’s straight line inclination of motion creates the orbit motion on its own. Pro incorrectly argues in R2 the Con agrees in R2 “earth is flat.” Wrong interpretation of Con’s argument. Con said, “Earth *surface* is flat in space time, but does not prove that Earth itself is flat.” Con is clearly arguing against the flat-earth theory. Points to Con.
Sources: Con’s sources consistently support Con’s arguments such as Con’s 9 R1 arguments not rebutted by Pro. Pro’s conflict due to conflicting source use noted above, Con also wins source points.
Legibility: Both opponents had proper legibilty. Tie.
Conduct: Both opponents had proper regard for one another. Tie.
Both debaters have agreed to the definition of a "Flat Earth"
"The flat Earth model is an archaic conception of Earth's shape as a plane or disk."
PRO's case relies solely on a kritik on perception, that as the universe sees it we are living on a plane. Problem is, they've never challenged the definition above... CON of course challenges that we're talking literal geography. I'm buying this because if we're talking about the physical shape of the Earth as a disk as seen in archaic models, it's a given we're referring to literal geography. I'm also missing a reason from PRO as to why we would prefer the perception of empty abstract realms over the perception of physical actors, he only implies that we should.
Even if that weren't the case, the claim that the Earth specifically looks like a flat plane relative to the rest of the universe has a pretty high BoP that I don't think PRO even approaches fulfilling with their vague syllogism.
On the other hand, CON gives us some things to work with in his R1, including arguments about ships going over the horizon and NASA photographic evidence, that are intuitive and uncontested by PRO.
Args to CON.
Pro opens R1 with basically what you would expect a normal person would argue: to our perception, earth is round. However, there is no mentioning that it must be to our own perception, and as a result, Con’s mentioning that the universe is a flat thing resulting in Earth flat in the spacetime continuum or something like that. Con has the upper hand as it reasonably defeats pro’s traditional stuff.
Pro after R2 says that Con’s objective perception is wrong as it is oddly similar to “simulation”, which I don’t find sound at all. Then, he says that earth’s surface being flat doesn’t equate to earth being flat, which I find completely absurd as objectively in the universe, anything traveling like Earth would be flat as a whole, non-rebutted by Pro.
Pro ends by still struggling with our own eyes’ view, despite taking a fallacy of appealing to tradition, as well as ignoring that the objective view of the universe is valid. Con drags this away.
Overall, Con wins.
Con opens with a list of short and to-the-point evidences of Earth's curvature. Disappointingly, most of them have zero explanation but presumably following the links would lead to an explanation from an authoritative source.
Pro replies by completely ignoring these evidences and providing a formal syllogism. I do not say "logical" syllogism because it appears to be a complete non-sequitur, but who am I to judge? I am the voter, that's who I am to judge, and I hereby judge this argument completely incoherent. However, it lies on Con to refute the claim that Earth is flat according to objective spacetime.
Conveniently, Pro's sources are labeled with website names so it is easy to judge the reliability of them, but I shall not award source points since he did not maintain this style through future rounds.
Con highlights the fact his opponent ignored all his evidences, and displays some easily-relatable confusion at the "syllogism". Confusingly, Con goes on to concede that Earth's surface is indeed flat, although they maintain this does not prove Earth itself is flat.
Their warning about Pro taking the spacetime argument possibly too far, out of the bounds of the debate which prohibit appeals to simulation, is noted, but I don't think Pro has crossed the line yet since it's not clear that they've actually made any spacetime argument that transcends mainstream science.
Pro's first rebuttal is too hard to follow. They list 3 points but I don't know what they're supposed to be rebutting, or even what round they're arguing against; the ones they forgot in the first, or the second round?
The idea that gravity isn't a force, thereby proving Earth is not round, seems like another non-sequitur.
There appears to be another malformed syllogism consisting only of a single premise with a fallacious conclusion about velocity through time and straight lines that I can't make sense of. However, Pro does gain the upperhand by pointing out how Con has "basically" conceded with the "flat surface" concession. This I agree with.
By Round 3 I've grown somewhat tired of trying to parse rebuttals completely detached from any context or information that would help understand what they are supposed to refute. I do think the point about search results downplaying spacetime is an interesting take, but not exactly clear.
Pro has never accused anyone of lying so it's kind of presumptuous of Con to pretend otherwise. But this isn't important; what is important is that Con fails to even deny that he has conceded the entire debate with this "flat surface" concession. I am eagerly awaiting his explanation of how a globe with a flat surface can physically or logically exist, or at least a clarification that he was being hyperbolic and the surface is only "relatively" flat at small scales, but his is the last round so I fear such a clarification shall never materialize.
I am taken aback by Pro's closing syllogism A (if it can be called such). I have spent what feels like an eternity staring at the "Volume = sum of layers" argument trying to make sense of it but I am apparently not in possession of the necessary mental faculties to do so. The second syllogism (labeled B) appears to be a mere rephrasing of the first, except it's actually coherent this time. I don't it's fair to raise new arguments at this point, but they did reiterate and reemphasize how Con did indeed forfeit but admitting that Earth's surface is flat.
Pro attempts to argue that due to the relativity of spacetime the earth is technically flat, beyond the generally unimpressive argument, none of the sources cited by Pro support his conclusion; furthermore, Con easily points out the non-sequitur even giving us reason to not prefer Pro's unsubstantiated argument. Even more conclusively one of Con's round 1 argument: that mathematics demonstrates the roundness of the earth, is never refuted by Pro. Let's say I buy that all arguments from Con regarding how we perceive the earth to be round are incorrect, that does not account for the fact that we can mathematically arrive at the same conclusion.
Sources: Actually investigating the sources provided by both debaters, Con's sources directly demonstrate the claims he makes in the round - in contrast, Pro's only tangentially relate, and can only be interpreted to some of the positions he concludes. If you don't buy the first syllogism, then you can't even get that far. Con's sources actually provide impact and linkage for the argument, Pro's do not.
that doesn't prove the Earth is curved, it proves it's circular.
Even real flat-earthers hold Einstein as far superior to Newton (who was largely a poser that took credit for his underlings' work).
FLWR aspires to rival me in casting abysmal votes.
Is it playing dirty to use Einstein against Newton to prove the Earth is flat?
Why are you always so unlucky with you science debates? You want to debate YEC or FET, but some dude like me or Intelligence comes and brings in another field of science. Quantum mechanics or general relativity are used against you all the time it seems.
Lol. I confused PRO and CON.
Both sides playing dirty in this debate.
Look, character space is nice and all, but whoever controls the narrative of the debate, controls the debate. So the more time you get to rebuke your opponent's arguments the better - that's why I think its really bad conduct to make last round arguments, because your opponent can't respond appropriately.
You think it gives con an advantage to have less characters for their argument because they have to do rebuttals that round also?
They do? In fact, Con typically has an the advantage of being able to immediately rebuke Pro's arguments. But you don't even have to include opening statements, that's not really a thing per see - it also means that if you do want to fit in a constructive and a rebuttal you have to be more concise, that's how cross x works. Pro gets more time for their first constructive, and Con has to rebuke and establish a constructive. Pro usually has an advantage in that type of debating.
It seems more fair to give both sides the same amount of time for opening statements. Thanks for the explanation though. Perhaps it makes sense if that isn't the norm.
Because that isn't necessarily the format of the debate, in fact, that usually isn't the format of debates here.
This annoys me and is the second debate I have seen you do this in. Why are you saying arguments are dropped when round one is for opening arguments and round 2 is rebuttals?
I hope I don't screw up against you for a change.
I don't think I defended white supremacy. I don't think there is anything wrong with being a flat earther, so I wasn't using it as an insult. I just thought you were a flat earther. It's nothing to be ashamed of, even if people disagree.
Are you going for my infamous “earth is smooth” argument? I already tried that, ain’t gonna work
Oh dear...
Just because it is round, doesn't prove it isn't flat.
Flat has more than one definition : )
Lol why take this?
Even if a professional scientist backed the hypothesis, there are outliers to every dataset, and it would still have no facts.
You're someone who has spent the entire past two threads he created to defend white supremacy and talk ill of black people and any who sympathise with them against racism. I recommend you don't say shit about me, or I'll talk about you.
Don't need to quote them. They are the only proof of it, all else is based on the axiom that they've proven we are on a curved, rotating earth as this then backs gravity which backs up a lot of other theories.
No... I said "disavow and disproves" that means that they "defeat the hypothesis. Maybe you should check out my "The Earth is, in fact, not flat" I never quoted Nasa or Roscosmos
I think RM is a flat earther.
Idk what you're trying to achieve here. Do you want me to dislike you or others to laugh? Only the former is going to happen.
why not. I always like to create crazy topics to see if anyone has any arguments at all.
You agreed with me then called it a persecution complex. There's extreme peer pressure in all scientific communities to not doubt the round earth theory (or fact that we blindly trust NASA amd Roscosmos). This is not a persecution complex, this is genuine persecution.
You looking for an easy win?
"just shows you know how to make up stuff."
Yeah, I do. I, too, can make a flat earth. Just pull the plug out of my inflated Earth balloon. It will probably still float in the tsunami tank. Join the debris island in the mid-pacific.
That would be news to me, almost every single field of science disavows and disproves such a hypothesis, you have what we call a "persecution complex" Christians have it too.
Your mockery doesn't even make any sense, just shows you know how to make up stuff. Noone is saying that there is a fan causing waves in the flat earth.
There's a lot of grounding to call it a theory but if a professional scientist backs it, they get fired. I'd be in the closet if I were a scientist and I'm not saying I'm not in the closet.
Yeah, one of the best [?] simulations I've ever seen is that which is supposed to demonstrate the effect of a tsunami on beachfront property. It is demonstrated by a large, rectangular steel tank with a flat bottom and perpendicular sides. There's a paddle at one end to create the tsunami, and a miniature beach, with developed property at the other end, and, of course, water. Looks like every ocean I've ever seen [tongue in cheek!], and I've seen them all. The paddle is a particularly fine touch. I guess that's God, fanning himself on the opposing beach, and he just gets a little agitated.
It's the flat earth hypothesis. It has no factual grounding to be called a theory.
"theory" supposes that there is any justification behind the flat earth, when, in fact, there is not. Only speculation and fear of authority.
Now that I've seen the anti-simulation rule, this debate is even more corrupt. Flat earth theory inherently posits that god(s) is/are simulating the flat plane.
Can't make a simulation argument? Then what am I supposed to call the projections on the dome you fools call "sun" and "moon"
Isn't the argument that Antarctica is the edge a simulated-earth argument, which Undefeatable has declared out of bounds?
"Appeal to authority" is the first problem there
rM is right the appeal to authority and bare assertion would unfortunately sway most voters
500 characters to overcome confirmation bias is unfair
So you assert
Yeah very easy to prove in so few characters, you say NASA says so, paste a link to gravity and you're gucci.
Pro can't explain these away in so few characters, especially not when you ask wHeRe Is ThE eDgE? Which is in Antarctica, with encircles the Earth and is not proof against flat Earth, since the flat Earth model makes it clear why you can't go to the edge remotely easily at all.