Instigator / Con

Is supporting the meat industry justified?


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After 3 votes and with 3 points ahead, the winner is...

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Time for argument
One week
Max argument characters
Voting period
One month
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Contender / Pro

In this debate, I, being con, will argue that we are not justified in supporting the meat industry. I understand if someone is in a third world country and can’t stop eating meat. I am talking about people in 1st world countries who are eating meat because of the pleasure meat gives, and not out of necessity.


Can you remove my vote to correct my grammatical errors?


I almost did the exact same thing, I was halfway through voting when I remembered that Inteli was Pro, and Imminent was Con, xD


Can Trent recite so it is more clear?


No I didn't correct my misuse of Pro and Con


No matter how good I am I can’t deny things that exist. It would require me to play rhetorics in order to win.


I suppose I'll weigh in


Did you revote

I messed up Pro and Con a few times in my vote.


would you like to debate con's intended topic? "It is justified to support the current state of meat industry in 1st world countries". I'll take either side.

I think Con wanted to debate, "It is justified to support the current state of meat industry in 1st world countries". Being more specific helps.


Intelligence can definitely be beaten, even in this debate, I just think Imminent could have started off with a better case, forcing the BoP on Con, and having an easy time rebutting Intelligence.


Well, I suppose we will see if my strategy works then


That won’t work with intelligence. If you read Oromagi debates, he always starts off very strong and he has never been beaten


I suppose yeah... but it wouldn't it better to do that while having a stronger case?


My second argument is a lot stronger. I tend to start off weak because usually people will start off strong and pour out a lot of their points at once, and then I can attack all their points they just made, while now revealing all my points, which makes people struggle immensely in an argument


Wow... I am.... very underwhelmed..... Um.... maybe it's a bait? That's all I can see. A bait and switch is the best this argument could be.


Really, is that all you have for 30000?


that wasn't as nearly as strong as I expected for your username, lol.


let's just hope Imminent Downfall isn't as strong as Undefeatable, lol. I think he was daunted by his own research. If Bsh1 was con I would not want to be pro.


I had debates where I opened up 30,000 characters but ended up using only 5000 of them.

yeah sure why not


eh... yeah. But look at the character count. This guy's gonna destroy any egoist argument possible. If it was 15k it would be a bit harder, but 30k means he gets infinite time to weigh the environmental effects to ultimately harm yourself (you eat meat, and your lungs get polluted). Egoism doesn't work here. Kant's Universalism might work if we can convincingly show reformation can assist the animals well enough.

An ethical egoist could justify it from a moral perspective.


Nice topic. I'll be skipping out of this one because I know Con has two strong angles of attack (moral + environment), which is pitted against potential solutions (no obligation, financial gain, reformations, cultural necessity). But Pro side is very difficult to support, and I'm not confident that I can keep my namesake. XD