Instigator / Pro

Donald Trump is turning America into a dictatorship


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics
Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

After 4 votes and with 12 points ahead, the winner is...

Publication date
Last updated date
Number of rounds
Time for argument
Three days
Max argument characters
Voting period
One week
Point system
Multiple criterions
Voting system
Contender / Con

Actions made by the president over the past 2 years indicate that Trump's vision for America is that of a dictatorship.

Better arguments
3 point(s)
Better sources
2 point(s)
Better legibility
1 point(s)
Better conduct
1 point(s)

I would have liked to see more sources used in Con's rebuttal. However, Pro lied twice in his statements. Pro said that Hillary Clinton didn't break any laws and that she was cleared of all wrong doing. That is false, since her private email server was inarguably a violation of public access laws controlling government information and the FBI confirmed the violation did take place.

Better arguments
3 point(s)
Better sources
2 point(s)
Better legibility
1 point(s)
Better conduct
1 point(s)

Arguments tied because of the numerous dropped or uncontested points by both sides. The individual contentions each evolved just enough as the debate progressed that it would be unfair to award points to either side given that the original points argued for were not ultimately defended or deconstructed by the end of the debate. (Ex. contention 1: Trump's well documented infringement in Justice Dept. matters scrutinizing or affecting him devokved into a back and forth on SoS Clinton's private email server. This whole thing was going to end up being a tie but upon visiting Con's single source calling CNN biased I found a disclaimer link at the bottom of the page regarding claims of accuracy or objectivity in its assessments of bias. Pro's more fact-based sources give him the points.

Better arguments
3 point(s)
Better sources
2 point(s)
Better legibility
1 point(s)
Better conduct
1 point(s)

Sources: pro supported his first primary contention with sources, and supported a requested contention. Con supported none of his primary arguments with sources or references. As mentioned in arguments, pro uses his sources to establish his initial burden of proof in the opening round, establishing the baseline level of evidence which led credibility to the opening round, cons argument (as touched upon in my arguments decision also), was not underpinned by any sources or specifics, which eroded his position.As a result, sources go to pro.

Spelling + grammar. Con made several grammatical and spelling errors that tripped me up l. I didn’t notice any from pro: examples: “You did not rebuttal to this.” “no where”, “completely false left wing agenda's”. “Trump's” instead of Trumps, trump, “lye” instead of lie, and statements such as “The confidence is obviously lower because he is exposing the fake news media.” which made no sense in context. This impacted readability by making me have to go back and forth, and I felt the multiple errors per round that impacted readability were substantial enough to warrant the grammar point.

Conduct to pro. Con forfeited, pro deliberately ceded a round to make it fair: that’s good form - I would have awaded this point for cons forfeit alone, but must also stare that Con was also rude in the comments. Being rude, snide during a debate, even in the comments, is bad form.
Arguments. There were three main points raised. In the opening round pro met the basic burden of proof on all three - and I hoped the rest of the debate would revolve on defense and tear down of these points. The were:
1.) Trump is undermining the rule of law by his usage of the justice department. Cons rebuttal focused on the single example raised by pro - which was reasonable. However pro went on to list several other actions, and con did not present a cohesive rebuttal, making a limited reference to the attorney general being weak and then changing the subject to talk about Hillary clinton. Cons defense fell far short of rebutting pros contention. 1-0 pro.
2.) Trump and Republicans are engaging in voter suppression and gerrymandering. Cons main defense was not that this was not happening, but that everyone does it. Admitting that your opponents primary factual claims are correct on their face concedes the argument unless con attempted to show these actions do not undermine democracy - which he did not. Pro caveated “Trump and the republicans”, while con correctly points out Trump isn’t The instigator of these policies, cons argument that Trump is the leader of the party is a valid rebuttal with this caveat. As a result pro was far more compelling. 2-0 pro.
3.) Trump undermines the free media. Pro explains that Trump is undermining the free media, and is a compulsive liar. Con offers very little rebuttal of the latter, and basically rejects cons source without justification. Pro wins the lies argument. On the undermining of the media, instead of really arguing the point, cons primary argument wasn’t to use a very generic argument - without any specific examples or citations - that trump is fighting back, and the media is biased against him. This appears to implicit be arguing that Trump IS undermining the free media - but they deserve it. As he implicitly concedes the point, and offers no genuine defense or argument to support the media “deserving it” other than a very generic catch all argument with no examples or specific - This rebuttal is wholly ineffective. Pro 3-0
Pro wins arguments on all three points.

Better arguments
3 point(s)
Better sources
2 point(s)
Better legibility
1 point(s)
Better conduct
1 point(s)

On sources: Pro has used a variety of news articles to support his main arguments. Con has used a single source to support his evaluation on the biased nature of CNN. However, regardless of bias, Con has failed to demonstrate how this constitutes as "fake news". That, and due to the ill-defined nature of the term "fake news" in the first place, has negatively affected his counter-arguments.

On arguments:

Disregard for rule of law: Pro has argued that Trump has disregarded the rule of law through his comments and filling the courts with republication judges.

Con has correctly pointed out that Trump has filled the courts with judges that follow the constitution, which can be implicitly understood to mean that Trump has followed the rule of law. Con has however has failed to meaningfully defend Trump's comments. Even were Con to prove his statement beyond opinion, Pro correctly points out, stupidity is a poor excuse.

Subverting the will of the people: Con's arguments against this point revolve around "both parties do it" and "that is simply how our country has always done it". By only attempting to justify trumps behaviour, and by admitting that Trump allows for this to happen, Con concedes this point. This is whataboutism and appeal to tradition respectively.

Trump's truth and demonization of the media:

Con concedes that Trump is a liar as he has failed to fully address Pro's source.
Con has failed to expand on his claim that the source used by Pro was biased, and further has only addressed some small part of Pro's source, leaving the rest of the article, and hence the claim unaddressed.

Con concedes that Trump has demonized the media and hence undermines freepress.
Con argues that this demonization is justified due to "fake news" however Con has failed to expand on his use of "fake news", specifically why it's justified to demonize it or how it is different to inaccurate news and biased news. Con has argued that Trump has not denied the freedom of press. This is a strawman as Pro has not claimed that Trump has denied the freedom of press, but has undermined it. Con has failed to address this point.