RAP Battles can be the form of debate on DART.
I accept my opponent's definition of a Rap Battle. I also accept the assumption that a rap battle by its nature will include a derogatory or insulting narrative.
Therefore the only issue is if the nature of a rap battle can be argued on DART based on the current Code of Conduct and related policies. My opponent says that said policies prohibit conduct that would form a necessary element of the rap debate corpus. I disagree.
When a debate is set up, the rules of the debate are either set out unilaterally by the instigator or negotiated between the parties in comments and or private message/question systems.
How the participants decide to operate the debate is a cornerstone of the judging process.
The code of conduct provides latitude in the assessment of abusive, insulting, and derogatory content.
The abusive, insulting, or derogatory nature of a comment will be judged based on how a reasonable individual would interpret it. It is not based upon the intentions of speaker, unless those intentions were stated clearly and explicitly prior to the offending remark. Reasonableness is interpreted solely by the mods. The "just kidding" argument is not a valid excuse for actions which can reasonably be interpreted as personal attacks.
If the nature of the debate was agreed at the outset by the participants to be a "rap battle", with all expected literary component options available, the judges are not forced to condemn the conduct.
Therefore rap battles would be permitted under the following circumstances,
1. The nature of the debate being a rap battle is agreed in advance
2. The intentions of any rap battle insults are qualified in the first round, and ideally at the beginning of each following round
3. The rap battle is not intended to be a personal attack, rather it is an argument style, and that style is part of the agreement of the parties.
While sources can be referenced in a rap battle, they are not needed for judging. If the parties agree to no sources, then that part of the 7 point system will not be allocated, nor will the lack thereof be used punitively in a single point system.
You vote well in debates, even when you vote against me. Please vote.
Keep in mind that there are unrated debates, so it isn't necessarily going to mess up the leaderboard.
Art is in the name.
Idiotic pro argument. Rap battles focus on many aspects that take skill.