UFO(Unidentified flying objects) have existed in human history
The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.
Winner & statistics
After 2 votes and with 8 points ahead, the winner is...
- Publication date
- Last updated date
- Type
- Standard
- Number of rounds
- 2
- Time for argument
- Two days
- Max argument characters
- 10,000
- Voting period
- One week
- Point system
- Multiple criterions
- Voting system
- Open
>Reported Vote: CaptainSceptic // Mod action: [Removed]
>Points Awarded: 7 points to Pro.
>Reason for Decision: By the rules, this is a full forfeit. So I am voting it as such.
>Reason for Mod Action: As half or more of the rounds are forfeited, this is technically akin to an FF. However, the Voting Policy is clear on the following:
"In the case of awarding conduct points solely on the basis of forfeits, there is an exception to these steps: a debater may award conduct points solely for forfeited rounds, but only if one debater forfeited half or more of their rounds."
In other words, only conduct points can be awarded. I apologize if I said otherwise in the past. I forgot the caveat and was recently informed about it from another user. This was likely an old DDO rule.
"CON passes the talking feather to PRO."
"Could see this from a mile away"
No you can't, unless you are at least 1,609 meters from a display screen that can connect to internet.
"Don't skip rounds especially the first. Don't eat yellow snow, and if a stranger comes into your room and night and says they are the tooth fairy, scream for mamma."
Is the latter part an old saying back in the good old days?
You forfeit 50% of the arguments including the first one.
Thats the rule. Kinda sucks in a 2 rounds debate, but that is the rule. Others can vote on the merits. I have opted to vote purely on the rule.
A lesson for all you kids out there. Don't skip rounds especially the first. Don't eat yellow snow, and if a stranger comes into your room and night and says they are the tooth fairy, scream for mamma.
How is this a full forfeit?
mmm mmmm yummy semantics
Could see this from a mile away
One time I thought I saw a bird flying, but it moved pretty fast, so I'm not sure. To this day, that flying object remains unidentified.
That is. not proof. Thats the point.
Remember, if you can see this message, it means that I typed on a computer which means that I exist. Being in a simulation doesn't mean I don't exist.
This is not about what I can prove.
You said:
"You literally can't disprove me."
And I said, well can you prove you exist. If you cant prove you exist, then there is no one to disprove. Solipsism is an individual justification of your existence. It does not prove you exist. You could be part of a big simulation. You could be an entity of someone else's dream.
The point is don't be so obnoxious and say something like you did above.
Can you prove that none of us exist?
In an altruistic and objective world, all of us exist. In solipsism, I exist.
But can you prove that you exist? If you cant prove you exist then you cant prove your perception.
You literally can't disprove me.
First, I will accept your claim of being "below average" since I am just 14 and I am not that experienced yet. Second, even if I am in solipsism, then I could define UFO from my point of view, meaning that if I see something that I don't know what it is but it is flying, it is a UFO with no doubt.
I refuse accept debates I would win all the time. I'd beat you by arguing for solipsism. An average debater I would lose to with the solipsism argument. You are below average though
Nope, you aren't accepting this debate if you aren't going to win, Wylted.
Actually pro made this unwinnable for con, but I could still beat him
Of course they have.
They are things that fly that cannot or have not been identified.
This is a no win debate for the contender.
I just finished a debate about UFO's existing. Of course, there are things it the skies that have Unidentified. Flying things. Objects really.
Are you talking about aliens?