Instigator / Pro

Abortion should be legal


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics

After 5 votes and with 3 points ahead, the winner is...

Publication date
Last updated date
Number of rounds
Time for argument
Two weeks
Max argument characters
Voting period
Two months
Point system
Winner selection
Voting system
Contender / Con

PGA (Peter) and I will take on the abortion debate. Neither of us will be arguing an absolute position and understand there must be room for nuance. Peter allows abortion when the mother's life is threatened by pregnancy. I accept Roe V Wade has laid out reasonable limits on abortion. I anticipate our main point of contention will be, not in the fringe, but, where abortion is most common. Ie. Most abortions occur at or before 13 weeks of pregnancy. I will argue this should be legal, and Peter will argue against it. Each debater will have their own burden to meet.

There will be no new arguments in the final round - only rebuttal and closing.


...and just so you know, I'm not objecting to your negative vote, but a vote not informed by the debate.


I see no indication you are applying the same standards to both debaters. For instance, from what credible source do we find 'human life is special because of cells and DNA'? Your bias is plain.

My case was not built on negating personhood. If you had read the debate, you would understand that personhood is no defeator of my arguments. My entire point was that there is no right to use the body of another without consent, and, a right to life (along with the whole suite of human rights) doesn't change this.


You argue, "I am not unsympathetic to his argument, but the situation is much [too] nuanced to stop there." However, then you argue, "What makes humans special isn’t our cells or our DNA (which is pretty much all there is at conception)," but you offer no source for that opinion; in particular, the parenthetic clause. Who says that? A credible source? Then cite it. But, you did not. Then you argue, "I have chosen, for the sake of the argument, to imagine the unborn as people," negating your entire argument against your opponent's relative to the person issue. If you also acknowledge that the unborn are people, what's the nuance? That another, the woman, also has nuance? If you admit that is so, I submit your argument is flawed. Thus, my decision. Do not assume I am driven by my personal preference.


As a counter argument by a pro-choice: "In summary, prohibition and restrictive laws do not appear to reduce the frequency of abortion overall, but they do decrease women’s health in a society by forcing women to reluctantly seek necessary medical treatment (at later stages when more complications can occur) without the oversight provided by government regulation." I do not regard that as a "better" argument. Frequency should not necessarily be a legal point any more than a singular murderer is any less illegal that a serial killer. It is matter of moral degree, perhaps, but not legal. Nor, should one consider a debate "lost" until the voting is finished. Let us not replace one indiscretion with another.

But, I will accept the judgment of another moderator.


Thank you.


I'm asking another moderator to handle the review of the new vote.

Without judgement for if this applies to the new one... A basic rule of thumb is that you're not voting for who is right, merely who argued the resolution better. As a related example, when a pro-lifer argued "Fetuses as a replacement for the USD" even if he was right due to being pro-life, he still lost the debate due to various practical considerations.


Boo, bad vote x 2! You are not an objective voter, sir. No where did I say the unborn has no right to life. Take your ideology glasses off, and read the words I wrote and not the words you imagined I've said.

Here is a direct quote - from the debate - which refutes your misrepresentation:

"My opponent argues for human rights as well, namely, that the ‘unborn have the right to life’. I am not unsympathetic to his argument, but the situation is much [too] nuanced to stop there."


Yes, I think it was a slant that had not been taken often before from what I have read.


Finished reading through the debate, still puzzling out my thoughts on the matter. It's a fascinating read (not common among abortion debates I've read, so well done to both of you), not in the least because the points that will have the strongest influence on my decision are not what I thought they would be. Well, that's enough teasing for now. I'm going to chew over this for a bit longer before I come down on a decision, though I have a clear idea of what's going to make or break each side at this point, just not yet sure which side was broken.


>Reported Vote: fauxlaw // Mod action: Removed
>Points Awarded: 0:1; 1 point to Con.
>Reason for Decision: See Comments Tab.
>Reason for Mod Action: In essence, the vote feels like it is the voter's opinion of the topic to say who is right and wrong, as opposed to being about the content of the debate itself (even while some content was indeed mentioned).
To cast a sufficient vote in the choose winner system, a voter must explicitly, and in the text of their RFD, perform the following tasks:
(1) survey the main arguments and counter arguments presented in the debate,
(2) weigh those arguments against each other (or explain why certain arguments need not be weighed based on what transpired within the debate itself), and
(3) explain how, through the process of weighing, they arrived at their voting decision with regard to assigning argument points. Weighing entails analyzing how the relative strength of one argument or set of arguments outweighed (that is, out-impacted) and/or precluded another argument or set of arguments. Weighing requires analyzing and situating arguments and counterarguments within the context of the debate as a whole.
The voter acted in such a way to suggest they did not give fair weighting to the debate content.
Outside content may be commented on, so long as it does not cross into being a determinant factor on the vote. Should the voter weigh things outside of what the debaters themselves presented inside the debate rounds, the vote is eligible for deletion (identified plagiarism is a notable exception).

4 days ago
Criterion Pro Tie Con Points
Winner ✗ ✗ ✔ 1 point

1. Rights/Roles
Pro argues that women do not share the reproductive rights a man enjoys, and worse, declares the "right" as a disadvantage if exercised. This is not a valid argument because women and men do not share the same reproductive biology. A right is ubiquitous. No demographic can separate rights, even by gender. If any demographic is acknowledged in separate rights on the same subject, the right is forfeited, or, rather, was never granted in the first place. Therefore, a "reproductive right" must be considered as something else, but not an inherent right. Further, calling it a "reproductive" right when the preference is to not reproduce in kind, contrary to the nature of separate gender reproductive, contributive biology, seems to cause a legal hiccup not resolved merely by claiming "reproductive right."
Further, the claim of Roe v Wade of a woman's right to the privacy of her body is unsupportable relative to the case decision reference of several constitutional amendments, particularly the 4A and 14A, both of which speak to "secure in their persons" which is an entirely different concept than "privacy," since a person can be insecure in their own home [as by a member of the household] and private in a crowd [as by remaining aloof]. Abortion proponents claim that a woman has the right of privacy of her body, and that a fetus is an invasion on that privacy. In fact, 'privacy' is a non-extant term in the Constitution. However, a woman's physiological structure is such that, when pregnant, although enveloping the fetus, the fetus, the umbilical, the amniotic sac, and its fluid, and the placenta are of completely different DNA than the pregnant woman. No part of these tissues are "part of" her body. Quite simply, nature given its natural course, all of that tissue is ejected from the woman's body, and the fetus remains a separate, distinct being on its own merit. It never was, and never is part of her body. Otherwise, when a woman opened her mouth, her tongue wold fall out.

2. Human v. Person
Both sides argued this point, and, indeed, as Pro charged in round 3, they were "talking passed one another." However, whereas Pro vacillated in the use of both terms, Con argued the "human" perspective much more consistently than Pro argued the "person" perspective. Since the law is at odds with itself on this point, such as the Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 2004, which applies a double-murder charge, which is only perpetrated against a person, to a perpetrator when murdering a pregnant woman, as opposed to 1 U.S.C. §8, which defines a person as born alive, regardless of state of development, the consistency goes to Con.

3. Nazis
I found this whole argument non-relevant to the debate question. That both engaged it, though launched by Con, is a negation to both. As I deem it a non sequitur discussion point, I eliminate it out of hand as a scoring factor.


Thank you very much, SkepticalOne! I appreciate your condolences.


I do plan to get to this - thankfully, there's still plenty of time. I'll be reading through this shortly.


I'm very sorry to hear about your sister, Peter. You have my condolences.


I do hope to see your vote on this debate, but if not, perhaps you'll post an analysis. I tried to implement the suggestions from your last analysis and would like to know how they came across.

im not surprised one bit


YOU: "Pro lifers in Texas have pushed abstinence only sex education, knowing that such increases the number of abortions (the trick is the abortion rate stays the same, so more underage girls are pregnant overall)."

I want to remind you again, when you make something legal more people will do that thing, thus more human beings will be killed. This has been proven by the statistical data on abortions before and after the sexual revolution, before and after Roe V Wade.


I'm not following it so I'm asking for you to clarify it.


>>> "Are all human beings intrinsically valuable? If not then what does it matter what we do with teenagers or the unborn?"
YOU "You may want to be more careful of your phrasing when referencing teenage girls.
As per your question: see my previous answers on it."

YOU, previously: "Pro-life politicians push to maximize teen pregnancy rates even at the expense of increased abortions. And pro-lifers in the general public lend support for this by electing and re-electing them, sometimes as single-issue voters."

And again,

YOU: "Pro lifers in Texas have pushed abstinence only sex education, knowing that such increases the number of abortions (the trick is the abortion rate stays the same, so more underage girls are pregnant overall)."

It is wrong for teenagers to be having sex at such a young age and giving them condoms gives the message that it is okay to have sex at 13-years-old as long as you protect yourself.

What I believe you are missing is that you are promoting doing something wrong and since you promote it then you should also promote killing innocent human beings as the countermeasure. Two wrongs do not make a right. They make two wrongs.

YOU: "You may want to be more careful of your phrasing when referencing teenage girls."

Maybe I am missing your point here but let me expand.

To my point about teens and the unborn. Once you cross the line that all human beings are not intrinsically valuable then anything can be justified as long as you have the numbers, and/or the authority and power to enforce such laws as killing them. In no way do I, in my belief, believe that teenagers are less valuable or more valuable but of equal value to every other human being. Your inference seems to suggest otherwise. Please be clear on that point. Furthermore, the very fact that you take offence to the one and not the other seems to suggest that you place more value on the teen than the unborn human being. Thus, if that is the case, you are treating some human beings differently and more valuable than other human beings. So, if that is the case, you have a double standard. You object to my point while practicing the same thing you are accusing me of.

Both teens and the unborn should be valued and protected against harm. Who made the pro-choicer God in that they want to give the choice on who lives and who dies to the woman? I will remind you that the death toll for the unborn in sheer numbers is the greatest holocaust to date in modern history. Since 1973 there have been more than 1.6 billion such human beings killed/murdered. I pointed out in the debate that with the sexual revolution, then Roe V Wade the number of abortions rose significantly. Human life became discardable for this group of human beings.


See previous message.


>>> "Who is pushing to maximize teen pregnancies? That is nonsense."
YOU: "As already stated: "decreased teen abortions by 48%. The only people opposed to this were pro-lifers" and "in Texas have pushed abstinence only sex education, knowing that such increases the number of abortions (the trick is the abortion rate stays the same, so more underage girls are pregnant overall)."

Rightly so, they should push for abstinence or are you telling me you are for teenagers (i.e., 13-17-year-olds) having sex and getting pregnant? If that is the case you should be pushing for changing the law.

We live in a culture that promotes sex. Education should start at home. Again, it is a moral issue. This issue is, is it okay to kill innocent human beings because you don't want them or they are inconvenient? That is the point we are arguing.


>>> "Who is pushing to maximize teen pregnancies? That is nonsense."

As already stated: "decreased teen abortions by 48%. The only people opposed to this were pro-lifers" and "in Texas have pushed abstinence only sex education, knowing that such increases the number of abortions (the trick is the abortion rate stays the same, so more underage girls are pregnant overall)."

>>> "Are all human beings intrinsically valuable? If not then what does it matter what we do with teenagers or the unborn?"

You may want to be more careful of your phrasing when referencing teenage girls.
As per your question: see my previous answers on it.

>>> "'I'm not sure why you are tying in birth control with abortion in this manner. To me, it gives the appearance of villanizing the Pro-life stance."

When that stance is literally that not becoming pregnant is the same as an abortion (as pro-lifers argued in Colorado), I'll happily villainize it.

>>> "My aunt was murdered and my uncle lost his farm and fled the country."

You have my sincere sympathy.


YOU: "Not being pregnant is the same as getting an abortion?"

YOU: "Pro-life politicians push to maximize teen pregnancy rates even at the expense of increased abortions. And pro-lifers in the general public lend support for this by electing and re-electing them, sometimes as single-issue voters."

"Push to maximize teen pregnancy?" "At the expense of increased abortions?"

Who is pushing to maximize teen pregnancies? That is nonsense.

Pro-lifers do not think abortion should be a form of birth control. I, personally, am okay with contraception use to prevent pregnancy (although I do not think contraception is the ideal choice, neither do I think sex outside of marriage is either), but I'm not okay with abortion and I'm not okay promoting sex for minors by handing out contraception. I think that sends the wrong message. Society, as a whole, promotes sex outside of marriage and all kinds of immoral behaviours. That does not make it right, just acceptable. Education and teaching children what is right is key. Thus, my second previous point is still the question that needs answering. Are all human beings intrinsically valuable? If not then what does it matter what we do with teenagers or the unborn? You seem to feel it does matter for one group but not another.

I'm not sure why you are tying in birth control with abortion in this manner. To me, it gives the appearance of villanizing the Pro-life stance. What I understand you as saying is that because Pro-lifers oppose giving out contraception to teenagers they increases abortions? What I feel you failed to address or consider here is the moral aspects of abortion. Giving out contraception to teenagers promotes sexual activity for younger and younger people. But is abortion just? Is the law on abortion just? Is it just to kill innocent human beings? I feel your first point not from the Pro-life stance but from your counter pro-choice position would be, "There's literally [a] difference between the unborn and a fully functioning adult." That would be the discriminatory and DEHUMANIZING language I spoke of during the debate. What it does is it minimizes one class of human beings, the unborn, to a lesser status of being than you or I (i.e., not as human). That "lesser status" was my criticism of Nazi Germany and I believe what most/all repressive regimes throughout the world do, to some extent. As I said, I lived and vacationed in South Africa. My childhood into my teens was spent in colonial Africa. I've witnessed racism and understand how human beings in these countries have been demonized and dehumanized by those in power. I also understand how after UDI in Zimbabwe the marginalized groups became the white Africans. My aunt was murdered and my uncle lost his farm and fled the country.


>>>3. "Not being pregnant is the same as getting an abortion?"
>>>What does that mean? I don't follow your line of reasoning. How can you have an abortion without first being pregnant?

Pro-life politicians push to maximize teen pregnancy rates even at the expense of increased abortions. And pro-lifers in the general public lend support for this by electing and re-electing them, sometimes as single-issue voters.

Easy examples of this in action:
1. In Colorado public funding for contraceptives saved the state a massive $5.85 per $1 spent, this equaled about $79 million saved in just two years. Further, this decreased teen abortions by 48%. The only people opposed to this were pro-lifers.
2. Pro lifers in Texas have pushed abstinence only sex education, knowing that such increases the number of abortions (the trick is the abortion rate stays the same, so more underage girls are pregnant overall).


YOU: "Three common pro-life beliefs:
1. There's literally no difference between the unborn and a fully functioning adult.
2. Abortion is legally murder.
3. Not being pregnant is the same as getting an abortion."

Thank you.

1. There is a difference but not in kind but in the level of development. The unborn is a human being just like you are. Thus it is a moral issue when you kill innocent human beings regardless of their level of development.
2. In most cases, the unborn are intentionally killed. This brings up the issue of whether human beings are intrinsically valuable. If not then what does it matter if we kill or single out groups of human beings?
3. "Not being pregnant is the same as getting an abortion?"
What does that mean? I don't follow your line of reasoning. How can you have an abortion without first being pregnant?


Three common pro-life beliefs:
1. There's literally no difference between the unborn and a fully functioning adult.
2. Abortion is legally murder.
3. Not being pregnant is the same as getting an abortion.


RAGNAR: "Granted, some claimed pro-lifers consider a woman simply not being pregnant to be the same as her butchering someone in possession of a drivers licence, so to some it's rather simple..."

I'm having a hard time understanding your analogy.


It's way more complex than that, which is why we're able to have so many debates on it.

Granted, some claimed pro-lifers consider a woman simply not being pregnant to be the same as her butchering someone in possession of a drivers licence, so to some it's rather simple...

Abortion is murder. That's all I have to say. We should also consider the rights of the man involved, since he is the father of the child and also has an opinion. The women's health and rights argument has stemmed from the Feminist Movement, which wishes to allow women to do everything, but men do nothing, and that they are higher than the law.


I lost track of time. It was two and a half weeks ago.


Yes, I understood your point about Trump.

I think abortion is a touchy subject because many people rightly recognize the unborn as a human being and understand it is wrong to kill innocent human beings. Thus, I personally think it is a coping mechanism, a way of justifying what should not be justified.

Thank you for the prayers! My sister's grandkids especially took it hard.


Also saw the comment about your sister. I’ll send some prayers out for all of you.


First off, I agree with your position. Also, I don’t think Trump is like Hitler. I was saying that the same way you react to that claim, pro-choice people will react to the claim of their position being Nazi-like.
I do similarity lack some subtly related to Nazi/slavery parallels, myself. They can work if there isn’t a large stigma against your position. I did it in my capital punishment debate, but abortion is a very touchy subject that people have strong opinions about. So while you were correct in your points, it wasn’t good for appealing to voters.


Thanks! I'll switch over to personal messaging to discuss the details.


I’m sorry to hear about your sister. We can discuss the scope of the debate, though just note that justice won’t be the only issue on the table.


Okay. Thank you. I will take you up on the offer. My sister just died last week so I will take a few more weeks before I engage in another debate but please discuss with me in private the scope of the terminology of the debate you would consider engaging in. I think a comparison is feasible and it is the most hotly contested issue, or perhaps even a debate on Roe V Wade as a just law, or perhaps on the intrinsic worth of human beings and what that means in matters of justice.


And, I might add, the woman who chose to end the unborns life hopefully would not treat the unborn as she would any born human being.


If you want to shift to a discussion over whether or not the comparison is apt, or have a debate on our views on abortion in general, I suggest we take that out of the comments on this debate. We can set up a debate or have this discussion in the forums.


Thank you for the discussion! Your opinion and mental acumen are well-known on this forum and the previous one and in most subject areas I see this as so. I do disagree with you on abortion, however. That is why we hold two opposite views.

Is the comparison just? Is it true regarding what is being done? I care about justice. I care about what is done to the unborn. I do not believe justice is served with the pro-choice position. Do you believe all human beings should be treated equally under the law and is not the unborn an innocent human being? I think the wording of pro-choicers disguises this crucial factor. I struggled to get a clear-cut image of what the unborn was thought to be by the pro-choicer in all three debates. Even if it was acknowledged as being a human being and a personal being it was not treated as a human being should be treated and I am convinced the language reflected that.


Alright, I’m done then. It’s clear that you care more about either the comparison or being right than you do about educating people because you won’t take any ownership over the responses you get to this comparison. I guess I mistook your aims with these debates. My apologies.


Hi, bmdrocks21.

First, the comparisons between Trump and Hitler are largely unwarranted and fabricated, IMO, yet we could argue it. I can't shut down your argument until I hear it. I would not shut you down but confront you on your argument.

When discussing "should abortion be legal," as I pointed out, two or three things need to be considered.

1) What is the unborn?
2) If it is human are all human beings intrinsically valuable? If not, what is to stop us from discriminating against any human being or taking its life?
3) Are the laws just and justified?

To deal with unjust laws I picked the most extreme example I could think of and mirrored it with abortion. I showed how Nazi laws were gradually instituted because of the negative view presented of a group or groups of people to the culture. To get rid of or marginalize these groups the attitude of that society was changed through particular tools (words and word images) to influence the majority. Once desensitized, the discriminated and demonized groups could be done with whatever was desired with minimum moral outrage.

When you say, "first prove the prochoice position is devaluing humans," by proving they are human beings I believe I either did that not only with scientific arguments and quotes but also in a philosophic and moral way. In this current debate, my opponent did not challenge that biological connection directly, yet his words seemed to lessen what the unborn is in many statements, some I pointed out.

I understand what you are saying and I thank you for expressing it. Yes, I took the bull by the horns. I am direct that way. I lack subtly. I showed how, when laws are unjust bad things happen with the Nazis as my prime example. Both examples speak of a Holocaust and things I argue should not be done. The argument was shocking. But we are having the discussion. I think you recognize that devaluation was/is used by both groups since you stated it to some degree.

Do you think pro-choicers have justified taking the life of the unborn by advocating for "her body, her choice," or by arguing that abortion law, in most cases, is just?


Then the perception needs to be addressed. The perception in Nazi Germany was not addressed at that time sufficiently. Look what that caused. Is that not what is being done here to an extent. If prolifers try to educate people on how language, laws, and culture can discriminate against others and that is what is being done - discrimination - just like in Nazi Germany, we are presented as kooks or wrong in our thinking.

I'm telling people that what was done to the Jew in Nazi Germany is being done to the unborn via abortion. The Jew and the Slav, for many Nazis, were the "Untermenschen." By discrimination and dehumanization, innocent human beings are being killed. Is that not concerning? That does not mean I am calling people Nazis. No. I'm saying what is being done through language, laws, media, the arts, education to form a negative image of the unborn was the same tactic the Nazis used to change opinion about the Jews and others, and look at what happened. I used the Nazis to illustrate how unjust laws can be passed by such a culture of hatred or indifference. The culture of prochoice is indifferent to the unborn. You are saying it is not educating because people refuse to even consider the argument once the Nazis are mentioned. Then the problem is not with the argument but with those holding the view of dismissal. Thus the culture needs to be confronted on this issue instead of hiding it and ignoring it. It cannot be resolved until it is discussed.

In "Less than human," David Livingstone Smith chose to highlight three groups in his book. He notes the list of possible choices was great but because of the "historical significants" of these groups they have been "richly documented." Thus Smith believed they were "excellent paradigm cases" in examining the "core features of the dehumanizing process." See p.6.

So, I could say that you and prochoicers are so focused on what I am saying that you miss how crucial this issue is. How will prochoicers engage in this discussion unless they are called to task? So the example is extreme, it is shocking, but so is taking the unborn's life, and in numbers so huge it surpasses what has ever been done before to one group of human beings that I know of. And again, in no way do I call them Nazis, let's be clear. What I do is show how what they do is what the Nazis did to make a group of human beings less than what they are. They use language, laws, and culture to desensitize the culture to what the unborn is, a human being. The unborn are not being treated like a human being deserves to be treated. It is a human atrocity like no other in numbers, yet prochoicers fail to acknowledge this in their trivialization of the unborn. They can't even agree that it is being denied a human being's most basic right, the right to life. How many times during these three debates I engaged in did my opponent lessen what the unborn was with words like "a clump of cells," a parasite or intruder, or not yet on the same level of humanity as born human beings because of its development? Does development make it less of a human being or another kind of being? If you go down that road then you could argue a newborn or toddler is less human and less of a human being than a teen or adult human being. You can start to separate human beings into groups with devalued worth. The classification can be used to discriminate against any group of human beings. Thus, we need to establish that this kind of pigeonholing is wrong, unjust.


Yeah, considering the major pro-choice bias on this site, it would behoove your argument to mainly allude to Nazis rather than being so upfront about it. You're correct about their devaluing of certain groups and then killing them.

However, think of how you react when people call Trump a "Nazi". You either zone them out or laugh at them because it sounds so ridiculous to you. In the same way, they are very sure that pro choice is the logical position, and they clearly don't see the connection it has to Nazis, otherwise they wouldn't hold the stances they currently do. So, first prove that pro-choice people are devaluing humans. Once you prove that they are biologically humans, and then prove that this human life is being devalued, and they accept those facts, then you can make progress with people. Then you start subtly pointing to parallels to show them how their manner of thinking might be destructive and that valuing all life is a better option. Let them come to the conclusion that pro-choice arguments are similar to Nazi arguments, rather than telling them right away that it is the case.


This is my last effort at explaining this. If it’s not clear after this, it never will be.

Your goal is education, correct? You want people to understand and engage with your points, including pro-choice people, correct? That’s your main aim? Well, telling people that their thinking is akin to Nazi rhetoric does not bring them to the table on those issues. It brings a lot of negativity aimed at the comparison, and practically no discussion of the topic you care so deeply about.

When I say that you’re not focused on what I’m saying, I mean that you are so engaged in the discussion of whether your comparison is apt that you’ve lost sight of your goal. Again, if your goal is to educate, you’re losing it by comparing the people you’re trying to engage with to Nazis. It can be 100% accurate, but that doesn’t make it a good tactic when you’re trying to educate. You keep foisting the blame for the antipathy that you face every time you make this comparison on pro-choice people, so let’s assume it is their fault for being unwilling to go beyond the comparison. You have the power to change that, and all it takes is not comparing pro-choice mentalities to Nazi mentalities. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: if your goal is to be right and show off how right you are, keep doing what you’re doing. If your goal is to educate a group you view as intransigent and unwilling to listen, then the least you can do is take down one unnecessary part of your argument that you know clearly raises their hackles. They won’t be any more educated for hearing that they are like Nazis, but they are a lot more likely to engage with anything else in your argument if the comparison is not there.

This is not about comparisons to the Nazis being taboo. It’s not about a flaw in your logic. It’s about how other people perceive your points based on what’s included and what’s easiest to focus on. If you want to educate someone, you need to ensure that they’re hearing the points that matter most, and, forgive me if I’m wrong, I don’t think your Nazi comparison is your most important point. Throwing out red meat only keeps the attention on that red meat. You can blame everyone else for pointing that out, or you can just stop throwing out the red meat and put the focus on the substance of your arguments. It’s entirely up to you.


Why would I not stay focused on it? It is the topic that both Ragnar and you chose to criticize as if it had no or little validity in the case against abortion? Why would you single it out other than to create a negative point of view as to its validity in its comparisons for those reading the debate? I remind those reading this that I believe the argument is valid.

The Nazi comparison seems to be a bias Ragnar, pro-choicers, and you hold against my argument, seeming almost like censorship to me. It seems taboo to bring what the Nazis did up in conjunction to abortion. Whether that is a true evaluation by me is perhaps another matter. According to you, it triggers pro-choicers from reading anything further once they come across it. They shut down the argument immediately at that point. Thus, they are not open but very narrow-minded on this subject. Why is that? Is it because the Reductio ad Hitlerum counter has been slung around like a propaganda tool? Although the point does not require the Nazis to be made known it is the one I used and I believe the Nazi comparison is valid and gives a very clear example of how language, laws, and culture can negatively affect the way people view particular groups of people. The Nazi example highlights something that is dreadfully wrong. Pro-lifers believe the killing of the unborn is dreadfully wrong also, yet the subject is continually glossed over and it always boils down to the woman's "right" to choose to kill her biological offspring used with bodily rights arguments as okay. So, the rights and value of the unborn are constantly diminished. The rights and values of the unborn are seldom mentioned in such debates by the pro-choice crowd except in a negative, harmful way to create a negative spin.

You say,

"So, when you ask, "Do you think we would be having this discussion now if I did not use such a morally repulsive example?", I agree. You're exactly right: we wouldn't be having this discussion. Instead, we might be discussing the validity of your argument about dehumanization and examining whether pro-choice language actually feeds into it."

You agree!

It seems like a roadblock pro-choicers have that bars them from evaluating the argument or immediately reacting biasedly to shut down the validity of the points. You commented without reading the full debate. One thing seems sure to me, you find the horror of what the Nazis did in taking innocent lives, yet no reaction to what pro-choicers are doing by taking innocent human lives. The thing that gets me is why do you think there is less validity to the Nazi examples in comparison with the pro-choice position in dehumanizing and devaluing human beings than other examples?

You said,

"I had thought you cared more about the substance of your argument rather than the comparison you're making."

So you think there is less substance in the argument once the unborn is mentioned in connection to the Nazis and what they did in creating a negative view of particular groups of human beings. Both examples point out it is wrong to kill innocent human beings because they are unwanted.


To be clear, I'm not providing my specific objections with the comparison here. If you want to discuss that, fine, but I want to finish this conversation first, so every attempt you're making to shift over to that discussion is only distracting from the matter at hand. And yet, you keep going back to your justifications for the comparison, which, again, has absolutely nothing to do with the point I'm making. I'm saying that it doesn't matter how justified the comparison is, it matters that the comparison automatically turns anyone who is pro-choice off to reading the rest of your argument. I'm saying that your efforts to educate pro-choice people are, thus, hampered by presenting this argument. It's a very simple point, yet you can't seem to stay focused on it.

"I am saying the arguments presented by pro-choicers are fundamentally dehumanizing. Not all human beings are being treated equally under the law. Not all human beings are looked upon with worth. Not all human beings are given the most basic of all human rights, the right to life. Language is used to shape the culture to a negative view of the unborn human being."

This point, the one I just quoted, doesn't require any comparison to the Nazis to be impactful. It provides the same message you're trying to go with throughout your argument. And, to be clear, this language isn't hiding anything - it's straightforward and direct. Yet the very next sentence you use delves into the comparison to Nazis again, as though that somehow makes the point stronger. All that comparison does is draw attention to the comparison. It doesn't help your point, it doesn't elevate your impacts, it does nothing to improve your argument. It's interesting that you talk about hiding the issue when the use of the Nazi comparison basically does just that: hide the actual argument behind a comparison that incites strong negative emotional responses.

So, when you ask, "Do you think we would be having this discussion now if I did not use such a morally repulsive example?", I agree. You're exactly right: we wouldn't be having this discussion. Instead, we might be discussing the validity of your argument about dehumanization and examining whether pro-choice language actually feeds into it. I've had lots of really strong, substantive discussions with people on this site and elsewhere regarding that very topic, and I'll say straight up that I think some aspects of that argument are valid. Of course, we're not having that discussion because, instead, we're talking about the "morally repulsive example" you've provided. So, great, you've incited response... to your example. I don't think that's what you wanted. Maybe it is, in which case, keep doing what you're doing. I had thought you cared more about the substance of your argument rather than the comparison you're making.


The issue at hand is the same regarding abortion and the Jews in one sense. Human beings in mass numbers are and were exterminated. The exploitation of such great numbers is also noted with other groups. American slavery, women, Rwanda, the Cultural Revolution, Soviet gulags and the Great Famine of 1921, North Korea, etc., as just some of the many examples that could have been used where language and laws cause(d) dehumanization and devaluation. But the Holocaust is perhaps the best-known example. Would the same moral outrage have been triggered to draw attention to the situation with those other examples? Should we use that moral outrage to draw attention to the plight? Is it the most effective tool to bring scrutiny and curiosity to this mare's nest? The reason many pro-lifers have this abortion debate is to draw attention to the wrong of what is happening. We believe the unborn are worth fighting for just like we believe these other groups were and are worth fighting for. So while the Nazis or Hitler are not required to make the point, they are perhaps the best-known example that could be cited.

You may disagree that it is an apt comparison but are your objections well-founded? Are your objections that other examples could have been equally effective founded - perhaps!

I am saying the arguments presented by pro-choicers are fundamentally dehumanizing. Not all human beings are being treated equally under the law. Not all human beings are looked upon with worth. Not all human beings are given the most basic of all human rights, the right to life. Language is used to shape the culture to a negative view of the unborn human being. Look at the Nazis to see what you are doing. Look at the numbers of aborted human beings. So, the Nazi example is used to say, don't let what happened with the Jews in Nazi Germany continue to happen to the unborn around the world. Let's stand up for justice. Let's not downplay what is going on here.

You continue to think, IMO, that comparing the plight of the unborn to the Nazis is not a good thing to do. How quickly will we forget history and do the same things over again? Do you think we would be having this discussion now if I did not use such a morally repulsive example? Do you think that pro-choicers would be aware of their devaluing and dehumanizing language if I tried to hide the issue more, or would the issue have been forgotten long ago with other examples? Do you think the argument would stick? So a jolt has been given, a reminder of what we are dealing with here - valuable, vulnerable human beings that need our mouth-piece to stop this atrocity.

Now, do you think the unborn are not human beings? Or if you think they are human beings then do you think they are being treated fairly and with equal justices as all innocent human beings deserve or should deserve? Do you think that some innocent human beings should not be treated with the same equality as others and then how is that just?


I don't think the comparison to Nazis is required in order to make the points you're trying to make about the moral pitfalls of the pro-choice position (and, to be clear once again, I disagree that it's an apt comparison, though I'll spend the rest of this assuming that it is). To you, it appears to be the most direct and resonating way to address the issue, and while it does accomplish that basic task, what you're actually pushing people to do is engage with this point rather than engage with the basic issue at play here. This is just my perspective, but why not just say that the argument presented by pro-choice people is fundamentally dehumanizing without comparing that dehumanization to the mindsets that were the impetuses for the Holocaust? Why employ the comparison at all? If your goal is to get more people to listen to you, why not go with the most basic and fundamental explanation of your argument: it is wrong to dehumanize and kill any subset of the population, the unborn are a subset of the population, ergo it is wrong to dehumanize and kill the unborn. You don't have to compare mindsets to the Nazis to make that argument stick, and it doesn't come with the swastika-labeled baggage that the Nazis bring with them.


The question is not whether I feel right but whether I am. Glad to hear you do not feel hurt by what I have said, and thank you for clarifying that here. Abortion is a divisive subject. What these debates seem to emphasize is the great divide between the two camps so it is "tasteless" in two ways, the beef by the pro-life camp is how the unborn human beings are treated and villainized. That is our bias against your pro-choice position.

I revert to justice and justification because I do not believe it is sufficiently addressed. It is important. Yes, I believe pro-choicer's talk around justice and apply it only to the one group, the woman, not the unborn. That is not right.

I get it, it detracts from my argument because pro-choice don't like to hear it, but is it wrong to point out such things if the comparison is true - dehumanizing language is used; the worth is diminished and unjust laws are passed?


It's honestly really baffling to me how you keep responding to my comments. I'm not talking about myself personally, though I do think it's tasteless (not hurtful - I've seen this kind of rhetoric enough that it has very little effect on me personally). I've also acknowledged, multiple times, that I'm biased in my perspective. I don't know why you feel the need to keep pointing that out when I've clearly stated as much. I'm talking about how other people perceive these kinds of arguments, and I'm informing some of how they might perceive it with how I perceive it. Maybe your thought is that how I perceive it is problematic, but I think that gets to the heart of my whole point here: if I'm perceiving it this way, how many other people are doing the same when they read through your argument? You seem to think that my comment is somehow what's damaging incisive scrutiny of your arguments, when in reality, it has a lot more to do with the content of those very arguments.

You keep on reverting, again and again, back to your justifications. It's what you do because you want to feel right in your perspective. That's fine, and if your goal here was just to be right and show how right you are, then we wouldn't be having this discussion. I would simply disagree with you, and we'd part ways. It's when you talk about educating people that I take pause. And, much as you keep trying to address my point by addressing Ragnar's about Reductio ad Hitlerium, mine actually has very little to do with it. My point is that it distracts from your argument by drawing attention to it. You're likening the perspective of pro-choice people to Nazis because they are, as you've said multiple times now, using the same rhetoric to dehumanize subsets of the population. That argument, the choice that you're making to present it here, is actively working against you. And yes, people will see it as you essentially equating them to Nazis, largely because you're not employing much nuance in your argument and you're not making efforts to keep the two distinct in any other regard. That may not be your aim, but it's what people can see, will see, and have seen. It's not a risk. It's a certainty. And yes, I've seen pro-choice people use pretty awful language of the type your describing. I've got my issues with comparing it to Nazi rhetoric, but that, again, is a separate issue. If you want to have that debate, we can do it, but that's not the focus of this post or of any of the posts I've made on this debate.

And, just FYI, the red flag came up when we first discussed this privately via direct messaging (again, you might recall we had a really long discussion over this), and I've seen it come up on several debates since then. Seeing it repeated so many times made me feel the need to respond.