I Was Right! White People Have Been Officialy Labelled As Domestic Terrorists
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As the title states, white supremacy has been "Officially" listed as "The Greatest Threat To America" by the Dept. of Homeland Security. News Broke a few days ago about the group of people who are committing the most crimes in the US, and it's not a surprise because white people (in general) are criminal minded to the highest degree. The individuals who I've debated in the past are looking like complete & utter fools right about now because I was 100% correct. If anyone objects to this well-known topic of proof, then you're more than welcome to argue your lack of position.
Those numbers are pretty high. The average income in Zimbabwe per day is $4. To buy a loaf of bread, it is 17.5% of your entire daily work.
Bet they wish whitey would come back and feed them lol.
Your boy's mind is clearly shook after I made the "retrograde comment" earlier.
All I ask at this point is to let him lay in his casket peacefully. Lol...….figuratively not literally.
So, what you're saying is that a loaf of bread costs $30, a pint of milk cost $20 and a snickers bar costs $67?
Am I correct?
oh wow no response...
Hundreds of million dollars can buy food.....unless you're in Zimbabwe and hyperinflation made your money worthless.
You seem to not have any idea that you're setting yourself up for an embarrassing ending because the more you retrograde back, the closure you'll get to the answer. Lol
I guess hundreds of millions of dollars can't buy food. Hmmm
Where did the supplement and institution of tax money come from?...I'll wait
Those tobacco crops don't feed families, now do they?
I'm going to simply flame you with one basic question.
You said that the Irish built the Eerie Canal, railroads yada yada yada.....but....
where did the government get the money from to build it?...…..I'll Wait??????????? Lol
Despite the fact that the US put sanctions on Zimbabwe for deporting the white racists, tobacco sales topped $730 million US dollars in 2018 and $507 US dollars in 2019...
I'm sure you feel pretty stupid right about now. http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2019-08/22/c_138329541.htm
While in Europe, there are countries with people still walking on all fours. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/07/140716151122.htm
Hahaha...I hear ya...…..but one more strike & it's a wrap.
“Who founded and made up the overall majority of White Supremacist groups?”
White Supremacists
Well Africans still can't farm. Kinda why the Breadbasket of Africa, Rhodesia, ended up becoming starving Zimbabwe. Oops.
Irish built the Eerie Canal, rail roads, New Basin Canal, 150,000 fought in the Union Army. The Empire State building. Contributed a lot more than certain other groups....
Population control is a wrap. I've given documented facts in which U can't debunk.
And what did the Irish/Italians actually build? Slaves built railroads, dug drainage ditches built the White House etc but I'm sure you knew that. Hey, Einstein...factories were in the North which were used to turn the cotton & other cash crops into actual products. The South didn't want to share the wealth which led to the Civil War...but I'm sure U knew that...
The first White settlements failed because they didn't even know how to farm i.e. Roanoke. Lol
Those Moorish castles in Europe? Africans ...Britain's wealth? Slavery...………...Please study before debating me....Ok?
I'll just ignore the fact that you have dropped every point you have made thus far about population control.
Mainly the Irish and Italians built America, at least most lasting infrastructure. I don't know if toiling in fields "built" America, but correct me if I am wrong. Generally slave labor holds countries back because of a lack of innovation. That is why the South only had one factory at the onset of the Civil War. So, if anything, they held America back.
Africans definitely did not build Europe. Until recently, white people have been a super majority of most European countries.
How are predominately white countries in Africa?
i want to point out that i recieved a 7 day ban in face book for blaming wite people for terrisim
Hahaha...I hear ya...…..but one more strike & it's a wrap.
Now that's funny. Who built America & Europe? Ooops
If you didn't know, Eastern Europe is war-torn & America's Fiat currency is not backed by hard assets which is why predominately white countries are in Africa...
I'll say it again...Please Step Your Game Up When Challenging Me.
Thanks for the grammar tip :D
White people all think the same, eh? Is that why we are all such hard workers? :)
European countries(a predominately white continent) and America(a majority white country) are some of the richest countries in the world. Africa on the other hand....
I was banned for different reasons
Who founded and make up the overall majority of white supremacist groups?
I'll wait...…………...
Probably so; I tend to misspell words on occasions. If you did your due diligence then you'd already know that Sanger was Republican but political parties are irrelevant because you all think/act the same.
And always make sure to use a hyphen between two words that describes a subject i.e., Ugandan(-)racist group
Black people have always been labelled a terrorist group just for existing so you may want to try a new angle to get your point across.
Did the Department of Homeland Security OFFICIALLY label an entire race of people as domestic terrorists?
If yes, then please provide evidence.
If no, then stop talking.
I think you meant 'differentiate', but you said 'different'.
I went on Sanger's Wikipedia page and never saw mention of the word "Republican".
I failed to mention the "Nazi" connection to Sanger....probably because you did???
I'm not screaming Ugandan racist group. I am quoting your article.
I guess you're dropping the point about minorities voting for the party of abortion?
Well its also clear the fbi has labeled black people as a terrorist group. At least by your logic
Also, your links contradict you. Thats just pathetic. Reading helps.
How am i a victim of white violence? What makes you know anything about me?
Let me dumb myself down one more time.
It's clear that you don't know how to different the quotes from actual statements. The white missionary has been all over the news this past summer so playing dumb isn't helping your case.
Your Republican anti-abortion statement is crushed because Margaret Sanger was a Eugenicist Republican and founder of Planned Parenthood.
Now you're screaming Ugandan racist group because U can't debunk the facts about the white missionary.
And you failed to mention the Nazi connection to Margaret Sanger... Hmmmm
Let me make this 10x simpler for you:
Who labelled white people as domestic terrorists?
People who vote for Republicans are predominately white. Republicans are against abortion.
Minorities vote Democrat. Democrats like abortion.
Not sure what to tell you. I don't like Margaret Sanger.
1st source debunks your point. You said that vaccines were used for population control. The source says fear mongering about them is population control. The population control is achieved by people NOT taking vaccines.
2nd source direct quote: "However, a preliminary investigation by Pulpit & Pen seems to indicate some ulterior motives for complaints against Bach. The civil prosecution efforts seem to be instigated by a racist group, No White Saviors, which holds anti-Caucasian views and seeks to rid Uganda of American missionaries altogether." Oopsie. Maybe you should read your sources.
Keep changing the goal posts, I see. How about you address the way your sources completely debunk your position. I'll wait.....
I don't have access to government documentation. Since slavery is considered a form of domestic terrorism, then I can assure you that over 50% of white people participated, perpetrated and benefited from it.
Case Closed
He's Backkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!! LMAO
Got caught cheating with the votes? Hmmmmmmmmm
It's quite clear that you don't know anything about eugenics.
Receipt #1: https://sciencebasedmedicine.org/fear-mongering-about-vaccines-as-racist-population-control-in-kenya/
White missionary in Uganda killed over 100 children pretending to be a doctor.
Receipt #2: https://pulpitandpen.org/2019/06/17/u-s-missionary-accused-of-killing-more-than-100-african-children/
Hey Einstein...Abortion is another form of population control. Wasn't it a white woman who founded Planned Parenthood, which was a Eugenics program. Please tell me the connection between Nazi Germany & Margaret Sanger?...I'll wait...……...
here we go again
Nope, the EU reports over 250,000 kidnappings per year in Europe. Another source proves European kidnappings.
Receipt #1 https://www.theglobaleconomy.com/rankings/kidnapping/...Just look at all of the white-based countries in the top 20. Hmmm
Receipt #2: Puerto Rican Women Sterilization: https://www.panoramas.pitt.edu/health-and-society/dark-history-forced-sterilization-latina-women
Guide me to where I can find the bloody criminal histories of nonwhites.
Compare nonwhite violence to white violence and you'll see that it ain't even close. By the way, U are a product of white violence.
"Nope, a generalization doesn't mean everyone. It's a broad or vast majority instead of certain individuals."
In that case, show me one piece of official documentation labelling OVER 50 PERCENT of white people as "domestic terrorists".
Then the HLI article is about how we fight for other countries to legalize abortion to control their population. That has nothing to do with vaccinations.
Lmao. Checked your Bill Gates source. The claim was that he said vaccines are so governments can depopulate the world. The verdict was false. Your own source disproves you.
I'm stuck wondering if you are too lazy to check your sources or if you think I am too lazy to check them.
Except some of your own sources contradict you. That is some poor game on your part.
276 kidnapped girls in 1 incident. The number of missing children in africa is obviously much larger. Your making dishonest comparisons to defend a bigoted claim.
What is this claims of man made ebola and aids? You cry about bad vaccines, but then cry that we lack vaccines. Your just mentioning random conspiracy theories without proof. I really doubt you know what your talking about. All i can say is that i would reevaluate your racist and bigoted views. You failed to respond to the bloody and criminal histories of non white people. Is it because they disprove your racism?
You're making a big fuss about 276 kidnapped girls by Africa's Boko Haram (which is bad) but you fail to mention the 250,000+ missing children every year in the EU aka Europe.
As far as vaccines, please show everyone the vaccines for AIDs, Ebola & other (man-made) diseases that white missionaries are spreading. Can you name the vaccine that was used to sterilize Puerto Rican women over 50 yrs ago?
As I said before, step your game up before debating me because I have the education as well as the receipts.
your own snopes link said the story is false.... maybe you need to step up your game.
If someone wanted to control population they would not invent vaccines and let diseases keep killing. your beliefs are illogical.
White people have been just as criminal as every other population. The history of china and japan is just as bloody and abusive to minorities and poor. As for the history of African and other indigenous people... well a lack of record is not proof of a good record. Many African and American tribes were quite war-like, took slaves, and some even cannibalized and sacrificed. Your view of history is bigoted and full of racist beliefs.
And if you dont know anything of Boko Haram, I would recommend looking them up instead of being proud of ignorance. And if your so politically minded, try reading news once in a while, they were all over all the news for a long time after kidnapping and enslaving 276 school girls.
Well, since you say I never use sources then click https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/bill-gates-vaccinations-depopulation/ or https://www.hli.org/resources/exposing-the-global-population-control/
Research Puerto Rico sterilization
"I tell you guys all the time to please step your game up when debating me."
It seems like you are saying vaccines are used to keep populations low. If that were the case, then why aren't polio and small pox a problem anymore? Man, those blasted terrorists, helping us build an immunity to deadly diseases!
If the source is backed by facts/evidence then it most certainly is right. Vaccines are man-made and are nothing more than used for population control which is another form of domestic terrorism that whites have been conducting for decades.
You're digging a hole for yourself.
Nope, a generalization doesn't mean everyone. It's a broad or vast majority instead of certain individuals.
Let's not forget, people of any race can be a white supremacist ;)
"Dude, how old are you? Really?"
"You know good and well that every white person doesn't fall under the category."
Yes. I know that. It's almost as if that's what I was trying to say all along.
"If white people practice white supremacy in the US & since white supremacists are committing acts of terror in the US, then who do you think are being labelled as domestic terrorists?"
The white supremacists committing acts of terror in the US would be labelled as domestic terrorists. You said that white people in general (meaning everyone who is white) has been labelled as domestic terrorists. Big difference.