Instigator / Pro

Trump is not Racist: Change my Mind


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics
Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

After 7 votes and with 33 points ahead, the winner is...

Publication date
Last updated date
Number of rounds
Time for argument
Three days
Max argument characters
Voting period
One week
Point system
Multiple criterions
Voting system
Contender / Con

BoP is on con to prove Trump is racist, in present day, using examples from around 10 years ago, give or take. At least a couple of racist things are required to prove Trump is racist. I will pass on the first round. My opponent will pass on his last round. Good luck.

Raciism- Thinking one is superior to another race; discriminating against another race in a way that implies one is superior to another race.


" Finally, you can get creative by abusing exact wordings and phrases."
That's exactly what I'm against. I would love if people would have an actual discussion.




There are several positives to actual debating rather than forum arguments though. You get tangible feedback which can help you improve. There's a definite end to a debate whereas forum posts can sprawl on for ages. Finally, you can get creative by abusing exact wordings and phrases




"Triggered right wingers shows more triggered right wingers."
wth the sentence structure doesnt make any sense its like liberal logic doesnt make any freakin sense




do you brain?


Guess you must be illiterate as well.


English please


Triggered right wingers shows more triggered right wingers. The irony.


I won that discussion, hands down. I am not triggered, and you cant say that when your a leftist, come on

Vape store meltdown-

Ultimate metldown!!!-

Forums are more laid back and better, debates have time limits I don't enjoy


>>he doesn't know what he's talking about. Both sides of the political spectrum are NOT right!, they just diagree,

We had that discussion. I won. You lost. Don't get triggered that you are intellectually incapable. If you felt so strongly on this subject why not debate me? You sit on the forum threads not accepting debates so I'll take that as a no to the challenge. Come back to me when you actually want to defend your case.


he doesn't know what he's talking about. Both sides of the political spectrum are NOT right!, they just diagree, I have been trying to explain this to omar for months, but his feeble mind doesn't comprehend!!!!!!!


>>Your truth. Not the truth.

Contradiction. You need help if you don't know that.

>>"you are doomed until you actually test your views and are open minded to the other side." lmaooo coming from omar 😂😂😂

Do I have to tell you my personal experiences for me to be taken seriously or are you just using pretty much using anything to attack me? Is this is the best you got?


"you are doomed until you actually test your views and are open minded to the other side." lmaooo coming from omar 😂😂😂


Your truth. Not the truth.


I don't see that. I see you realizing you can't handle orogami so you quit. If you seriously are not like that then you are hopeless. I blame your parents but when your old enough I think I blame you for your shortcomings but I'll still feel bad about it. I guess what you could do is learn the basics of formulating an argument like pretty much go through school and complete English but there might be a case where you are indoctrinated into a Religious school so guess you are doomed until you actually test your views and are open minded to the other side. Going to be difficult. You might never change given your circumstance but it is still worth doing. Oh yeah a positive for your current you is that if you find out, given the improved way of arguing, they are wrong. You can now use that in your debates or something.


I've debated over 100 times, I can defend my position without a shadow of a doubt. Like I said, I don't have the time nor the stamina right now to debate. Its ok, you can have your truth.

On the other hand, you are so right. Every time a radical leftist rebuts my point and sources the Washington Post fact checker I get red in the face and so stresed out.


Don't get annoyed when people find flaws in your arguments.
Get annoyed you still take that position even though you can't defend it, get stressed out and concede.


Ok I gotcha


haha true

i will debate at a later time, this stuff takes a lot of time and honestly it kinda bores me sometimes especially when people are semantical and sweaty n stuff like forgot the freakin bop and specific defintions n stuff just debate and have a discussion you know it just gets on my nerves

well he was doomed when we misspelled racism


I'm sad to see this debate turn into a concession. Our_Boat_Is_Right, had a lot of hard facts, that very nearly convinced me.


You're calling leftists on this site radical and unrational when you're the same person making personal attacks for no reason and label all of the top-ranking leftists as "bias"

Which is funny considering these same leftists vote fairly and are free from bias for the most part.

After all wylted crushed me in a debate fair and square and these radical leftists you're trashing on all voted against me. Including orogami and ramshutu.

Not to mention alec who's last time I checked in the top 10 and has been regarded as one of the best debaters on the website.

Concession? Sad


You have no evidence, only conjecture and personal attacks. You can do better than that, can't you? Don't disappoint me.


Look at the calender.

It's a debatable subject and is just a desperate plea to play the race card when you know truly it is completetly irrelevant to the current day. Radical leftists are getting out of hand. I'm sorry you suffer from TDS, get well.


The subject I was referring to was the weight // evidentiary value of Trump's housing discrimination in the late 60's / early 70's which was the subject of the fair housing act complaint.


If you were capable of any logic, you would see I have evidence and rebuttals to claims. Just go to the speedrace debate, or the first round on this one.


You have no evidence supporting your position on this subject. That's a fact.


That is completely your opinion. If you want to vote cheaply, do so. It's not a surpise that most conservatives lose on this site considering 90% of voters are radical leftists who vote on their crazy logic bias.


Not really. Voting moderation policy is not to enforce rules that instigators make unless both of the debaters explicitly agree to them. Voters are free to disregard all of your rules. If your rule is stupid then don't be surprised if that happens. Your position that the housing case carries no weight is baseless. You have no evidence indicating that someone who was racist when he was in his 20s has zero impact on the probability of them being a racist when he was in his 70s.The housing case is relevant evidence. It merely carries less weight than it would if it had more recently. You want to see if he has changed since back then? Go look at his behavior back then and compare it with his behavior today. He hasn't changed in other respects. He's still a thin-skinned pompous liar, for example.


By accepting the debate you consent to the rules. Notice I said give or take 10 years, it was just a baseline.

Your example is 50 years old, it is not relevant to whether or not Trump is racist today, and even those housing claims are debatable.

In 2009, Trump changed to a republican from his liberal ideologies before. That is partly why I said 10 years.

Again it is your opinion that the rule is unjustifiable. You should vote given the rules and based on the actual debate content, not because you are personally salty and think Trump's arguable racism from 1965 carries over to 2019.


Now that is funny- reading Dickey for Miranda is funny but also I assumed there was some scene in Hamilton where someone was kept repeating "objection" which seems not only plausible but also some dim memory of "1776." Coupled with the misposts our incompetence is virtually resonating.


A Hamilton reference, a comment that I accidentally (but highly ironically) posted in this debate rather than another...


I take it that is a "Hamilton" reference which I regretfully admit to having not yet seen.


Trump was 27 years old at the time the housing case was filed. The housing case represented a pattern of racist and discriminatory housing practices that had been ongoing for years. Trump was working there since 1968 and the federal housing case was filed 5 years later.


The rules in your debate don't matter if you are not able to defend it or hope the other person complies. If they don't comply don't just rest on defending it. It won't help you win the debate because is worth almost nothing.


A single incident probably doesn't provide much insight, however a series of incidents spread over time can show a pattern of behaviour that can be used to form an inductive argument. Having an arbitrary cut-off point removes this avenue of argument. This is especially true for Trump, given that he has had a pervasive history of racist accusations levied against him that extends past the 10 year limit.


lmao ur so biased

Rules are rules, and it is not unfair to the other side because they are the ones who accepted it. That is completely your biased opinion. In my understanding, when someone claims Trump was racist when he was a teenager in 1960(cough), it carrys no weight to determine if Trump is a racist in 2019, and just causes more unnecessary debate which is a waste of time. That's why I made the rule.


Breaking debate rules doesn't always merit conduct points to the opposing side. If the rule isn't justifiable then voters may decide for themselves. In this case the rule is designed to unfairly exclude evidence damaging to Pro's position. Pro may argue that it was a long time ago. Incidents from long ago carry less weight because Trump may have changed during the interim period. Yet, it is not as though they carry no weight whatsoever. How much weight they carry, and evidence of whether or not Trump has changed, are issues which are fairly subject to debate. The fundamental purpose Pro's rule excluding that evidence is to give Pro an unfair advantage. Rules such as that have no place in debates and may warrant penalizing Pro's conduct.


Are you referring to death's comment or my debate round? I was just thanking death for trying to help me win, I understand conduct isn't all I need.


Thought you were doing Lin Manuel Miranda there...


If voters think orogami broke the rules then he will lose conduct point. Convincing argument point is worth higher so you need more than he doesn't follow my definition to win.


Yes, thank you for trying to help me win. You should probably read the description, it says in present day, as well as the resolution.


Feel free to re-use my work. Pro's 10 year rule is there because he's scared of it. There's no justification for Pro's rule.


Good and yes CNN is terrible, this guy absolutely tears them to shreds here-


CNN is thriving


I'll get it next round, plenty of them left, I need to split it up cuz I already put a lot of anti-racist quotes in there

laughed at "CNN is shit with gay pedophile Bryan Stelter" lmao