911 attack on the usa
during the fateful attack on the twin towers. Our commander and chief George bush was reading the book called The Pet Goat to a bunch of school children at a school. He was doing this for his program called no child left behind. The program needed endorsement. He got a bunch of hate by the media for doing this.
With titles like while our nation was under attack our president was to busy reading children's books.
"The Pet Goat," known for the book the President was reading to the children upon being informed by Andy Card that a second plane had struck the World Trade Center
this will be important later
Our president bush was so kind he was helping the students sound out words minutes before 911. the words were. Kite hit steal plane must. he had them chant this ritual over and over before 911 happened. He used the excuse that he was helping them sound out words as an excuse. Very scary video
this is the most clear ritual i have ever seen. Our president had the kids chant kite hit steal plane must over and over and over again in a weird satanic ritual before the plane hit the world trade center
This is a must watch it is at 5:27. Very scary
Pls watch.
This is not an accident the reason why they are having the children chant kite hit steal plane must. over and over again is because 911 was an inside job. So the president having the children repeat kite hit steal plane must in a satanic ritual before the world trade center is hit by a plane was not an accident
The president doing this ritual on tv having the kids chant Kite hit steal plane must is predictive programming. weather it made there magic more powerful or not is up for debate. But the fact that the president did this minutes before 911 shows that it is an inside job and that predictive programming is real and brainwashing is real.
this is not the one time. This one guy has over 60 instances of predictive programming on 911 alone
very fun video to watch takes around 50 seconds to get started. Its not that there seeing the future but that they caused it.
I pet goat 2 is a satanic video that was made. It start off in George bush classroom pointing to dates on a calendar of future events like school shooting man made weather manipulation like harp etc. president trump becoming president. But i don't want to overload you right now. I want to focus on a certain prediction
I pet goat 2 predicted the Notre dome burning down.
In My pet goat 2 at 5:56 the antichrist has flame eyes and then behind him you see the the Notre dome made out of snow and after the anti Christ gets flame eyes. the Notre dome which is made like an igloo melts away. If you look closely his feet are on fire to
The reason why the Notre-Dame is made out of ice in i pet goat 2 is because they plant to burn it down. Which is why it melts away.
This happened when the historic building burnt away in april 15 2019. They did not see the future. They knew because they did it.
alright so my arguments are
satanic ritual with president bush
This is a must watch it is at 5:27 if the link does not work. Very scary stop watching when she is done talking about ritual
911 predictive programming
Have fun. you do not have to watch all the videos watch the first one at 5:27 for about a minute till she stops talking about the ritual
watch start 1 minute in watch 5 minutes of the 911 programming
Watch the i pet goat 2 predicting Notre dome burning down for 10 seconds. pls start at 5:56
Second one is just for details.
Thank you for your time
its not calling bush the anti Christ. It is calling the Jesus like thing in i pet goat 2 the antichrist
The video does, yes it does, it's called is this the face of the afterlife
it does not say he is the anti christ
satanic ritual with president bush
This is a must watch it is at 5:27 if the link does not work. Very scary stop watching when she is done talking about ritual
Where did you get that ???
George Bush is the not the antichrist.
**face palm**
nvm maybe i pet goat is not appropriate.
I think this may be true but I'm going to quite literally play devil's advocate.