Instigator / Con

The US government should label white Americans as domestic terrorists.


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

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After 3 votes and with 16 points ahead, the winner is...

Publication date
Last updated date
Number of rounds
Time for argument
Three days
Max argument characters
Voting period
Two weeks
Point system
Multiple criterions
Voting system
Contender / Pro

Mairj23 seems to think he is a legend because he can make an outlandish claim with an argument of 1 day and win.
Aside from the fact that the only reason he wins is because no one can deal with his bullshit in that timespan, I hereby formally challenge mairj23 EXCLUSIVELY to this debate. Prove yourself. 3 days. No bullshit. I am Con.

You have BOP. Prove to me that your outlandish claims mean anything.

R1-Argument (I will waive R1, since the burden of proof is on PRO.)
R2-4- Fluid attack/defense. No set structure here.

Rules are simple:

1.No Kritiks
2.No New arguments made in final round
3.No trolling
4.No getting off topic
5.You must follow the Debate Structure
6.You can not agree with my stance
7.No Plagiarism

**ANY violation of these rules merits a loss**

Accept this debate if you truly believe what you say.

I live in a heavily minority community, and a substantial sum of them see much the same way as mairj23. They see me as a rich, violent profiteer off of their suffering. The goal would be to stop the spread of such evil ideologies. Despite this, I do not see much merit in bitterness over it, no matter if it is justified.

The reason, I think, for the sadness, is that I see radical, evil ideologies born out of personal suffering. Had their lives been more comfortable, would such ideologies develop?


Unfortunately yes, although it was not my intentions.... oh well, it was fun


Bitterness can be justified if you are personally impacted by it. If you are not then I don't think it is justified. Even though you are justified it might not be the best thing to use as a driving force because it can make you think irrationally. irrational arguments are bad if you want to be rational.

I guess you can have sadness for him but it wouldn't really mean anything if you want to change his mind and if you are not close in some sort of way. If you are and you tell him your grievances it might help but don't expect it to be the reason the person stops being who he is.


I suspect that you are right. I am rather bitter about the blatant racism inherent in mairj23’s views, although my bitterness will not change anyone’s mind who holds those views. I am trying to decide if my bitterness is justified, as much as a sort of sadness that people are led to world views like these.


It seems this will turn into another semantics debate. Does ‘white Americans’ mean ‘ALL white Americans’?


Why would he stop having those claims because of a debate you make?

A debate sites main goal is not to change people's mind. It is to house opposing opinions voted on by its users.

If you actually want to change his mind. Simply ask him why he believes it and counter him. Be civil and try to be as charitable as you can. In order to increase the chance of your actually changing their mind.


He is one of the more funny members, yes


Probably because I challenged him so blatantly he knew he would have to either prove himself or cut the crap with his arrogant statements


This will be fun, await my response! :P


don't worry, I laughed when I saw his speech.


I doubt that


Why did you accept this?


Put your pom poms down. His knees is buckling & I got him wobbling all over the place.


You're so frustrated with your boy's lackluster performance to where he's making your eyes glow. Lol.


You claimed I've dug myself a hole, but it's going to be mighty hard trying to pull yourself out that ditch that you're laying in right about now.

Sources for R3 (forgot to submit them):


HE will always dig a hole deep in consperiacy theores


Honestly, it seems that Pro is digging himself a deeper and deeper hole here.


Oh well, just makes my job easier


"Even a fish would stay out of trouble if he kept his mouth shut."

I think that quote applies to you more than it does to me.


He reads about every fifth word, then fills in the rest with what he wanted you to say.


but whatever, i can work with this


ummm... I don't think you really read what I wrote super closely


"Even a fish would stay out of trouble if he kept his mouth shut."


I try, brother


Wow dude. You just obliterated mairj23 with that R2 argument. Great job!


blacks are domestic terrorisrts

But it was just a general statement :), it'snot like I called for congress to label them as such HAHAHA


It's more so a general statement, not an absolute.

I'm now a domestic terrorist!


That's cool.


I'll be busy today, so expect a response on the 8th


Crush him!


Perhaps... although, we must be able to justify that his views constitute as trolling. So, hopefully, there will be a clear giveaway. I do know that I specified "accept this debate if this is what you truly believe."


It's going to be a fun ride

It's too bad you can't insert graphics here....I'd insert one of those "Watching and eating popcorn" memes .....right....about......NOW!

I think the "no trolling" rule might come into effect here

you got this chris!, mairj23 will RUN