Instigator / Pro

Will more socialization benefit society?


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After 2 votes and with 12 points ahead, the winner is...

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Time for argument
Two days
Max argument characters
Voting period
Two weeks
Point system
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Contender / Con

Pro: Benefit

Con: Harmful

Due to the nature of this topic, I do not have to prove why anything is moral, You have to prove to me why it is immoral. I will be providing a few reasons why more socialization would be moral however the BoP rests mostly on pro. However, before we begin I would like to define Socialism and the Redistribution of wealth.

Socialism: A state at which they redistribute wealth which is used for the collective good.

Redistribution of Wealth: Redistribution of income and redistribution of wealth are respectively the transfer of income and of wealth (including physical property) from some individuals to others by means of a social mechanism.

Tiwaz is banned from participating in this debate due to him continually pulling red herrings, dodging questions and points, and attempting to character assassinate several people.

If he accepts he completely forfeits the debate.


-If that was the case then explain how more socialized countries in Europe actually have better living conditions as seen in life spans.

" Healthcare is not a basic right. Rights don't require infringing on others' rights to fulfill. You violate someone else's right to the pursuit of happiness. "

- Ok, so you're once again implying you're an anarchist.

This logic can be applied to taxes as well, the same concept.

Taxes shouldn't exist since they violate others right to happiness as well since we're sacrificing their needs for the collective good.


Just curious, what is the 70% socialism and the 30% capitalism?


". The nation has to be wealthy in the first place, which is what capitalism has historically done."

- America is wealthy, what's our excuse?

And again I personally am not in favor of a 100 % socialist market. More of a 70 - 30 split favoring socialism.

" This quite simply isn't the case. They are more capitalistic than us in some ways. Sweden has school vouchers and a privatized pension plan."

You found one country in Europe with a few capitalist policies as an excuse to argue that they are less socialist.

The majority of these countries have more regulations, socialized medicine, and socialized education.

" You are assuming that punishing entrepreneurs with huge taxes and stifling regulation won't cause jobs to get shipped to other countries"

- Considering countries such as Germany, Switzerland, and other more socialized countries still have very powerful economies, it's a false statement to make that jobs are being " shipped " to other countries.

This also is once again ignoring the fact that employers also benefit from higher taxes.

Do you not think employers benefit from a more educated, healthier, and safer population?

". I believe creating a good economic environment for businesses is what we need to do to help create jobs and therefore help the poor."

- This is a false utopia that would never exist.

Encouraging radical self-interest does exactly what it sounds like.

The industrial revolution is a prime example of your version of a utopia with limited regulations and taxes.

In case you don't recall in the industrial revolution there was horrible wealth inequality, short life spans, horrible working conditions, disgusting living conditions, and disease ran rampant.

Historically encouraging radical self-interest and capitalist ideals haven't helped the poor at all.


If healthcare would help out businesses so much, I repeat: why wouldn't a business provide a healthcare plan?????

Many companies do, but not all. Government healthcare also creates a negative incentive once again. Why should I be required to pay for healthcare for people who refuse to be healthy? If someone eats junk food and fast food frequently, they never exercise, and they smoke weed, they will have a plethora of health problems. I have to pay for these increased healthcare costs, not them.


You are trying to argue that healthcare is an investment. It can be, and I would support it in cases that it is. However, you are assuming two things: that that person will work and that their work will outweigh the cost. In order to ensure they become a functioning member of society, you would have to force them to work, even if they didn't want to. That is called slavery. Also, what if they want to become something worthless to society like a gender studies professor? They won't pay back anything to society that the "free" college and "FrEe" HeAlThCaRe paid into them.

The Nazis were socialists.... just very racist socialists. I read the communist manifesto and I don't remember ever seeing the word "altrusim". Socialism is selfishness, pure and simple. Once you get facades out of the way, you see that capitalism is a much more moral system that socialism.

Imperialism has literally nothing to do with capitalism. Let us just live in a world without self interest..... Oh wait, that is impossible and why every socialist country ends in destitution. I think it is a rather foolish claim to say the Soviet Union was more capitalistic than socialistic. A claim you didn't substantiate.

I'm against a progressive tax. Rich make more, so they would pay more under a flat tax as well.

You need "redistribution" in terms of the military because it is impossible to run a military any other way. If an enemy is invading and you didn't pay some military toll, would they let the enemy ransack your house? No, a country defends itself and the most effective way to pay for it.

Education: if 10% of our population could afford schooling, we would all be screwed. If anything, this is fairly capitalistic. It takes the tax burden off of whoever the educated business owners would be. You need a high school education to work at any non-minimum wage job. A college degree guarantee is super excessive and unnecessary to make a living.


Well communist governments of the past had the largest influence on the lives of their people. They were definition "big government". Mao's China, Stalin's Russia, Nazi Germany, all led to mass starvation. I think there is a lot more to the equation. The nation has to be wealthy in the first place, which is what capitalism has historically done.

You act like these European countries are huge socialistic countries. This quite simply isn't the case. They are more capitalistic than us in some ways. Sweden has school vouchers and a privitized pension plan.

We are assuming increased government spending improves the quality of living for the poor. The poverty rate has remained stagnant since the War on Poverty, which included huge government spending increases and new government programs. You are assuming that punishing entrepreneurs with huge taxes and stifling regulation won't cause jobs to get shipped to other countries. I believe creating a good economic environment for businesses is what we need to do to help create jobs and therefore help the poor.

People benefit from increased health and education, but not to the extent you suggest. That is my position.

I don't see how throwing food away saves money.

Healthcare is not a basic right. Rights don't require infringing on others' rights to fulfill. You violate someone else's right to pursuit of happiness. Should someone go to jail if they don't jump in a deep lake to save someone else? Of course not. We aren't required to save everyone at risk to ourselves.

I don't believe in enacting a purge or going out of my way to make someone's life worse. You have to understand that that is also a violation of rights. Killing violates rights. Using the government as a tool to encroach on the pursuit of happiness is a violation of rights. Please stop strawmanning this argument by projecting arguments on me which are incompatible with my individualistic beliefs.


>>Nazism: national socialism

Where did you get the definition from?
Are you referring to the name of their group the National Socialist German Workers' Party?
Need I not remind you that if a person calls them self something but does not adhere to the principles of said group then they are lying about who they are.


Nazism: national socialism

Don't know where you get your anti-reality indoctrination from


Don't waste your time. He has the courage to debate you in the comment section but is to much of a coward to actually accept the debate he is having with you in the comment section.

You can also see that he gets his news from right wing propaganda. He would call them right wing news sources but we both now they are propaganda channels like Steven Crowder which I am sure is where he got that Hitler was a socialist meme from.

Steven Crowder claiming that Hitler is a liberal socialist:


" Sure some rich people have a leg up, but hundreds of rich people lose their wealth and hundreds of poor people gain that wealth. It is not impossible to succeed if you're poor at birth."

- You're missing my point, my point isn't that it isn't IMPOSSIBLE.

It's the fact that certain people very obviously have starting advantages over other people which is why we have a progressive tax.

" Redistribution of wealth is bad. That doesn't make me an anarchist. I just want to limit redistribution of wealth when possible. In terms of military and schooling, it is necessary."

- So why is in terms of military and schooling necessary yet food, housing, and healthcare are different?

You are stating that the redistribution of wealth is " evil " which includes taxes. This does make you an anarchist.


" Perhaps not everyone wants to live off the government, but do you want to allow people to do That?"

- It's more important to see the majority of innocent people living in poverty who want to contribute than to see a selective few be parasites.

And again this doesn't ruin incentive since we would only provide the basis of services such as food, housing, education, and healthcare. Do you not think people want more good than just the basics? Many would work a job to attain more food for their family, better housing, and more goods IE T-shirts, TV's, Cars ETC.

". But people make worse decisions when there is less weight on those decisions "

- Ok, so how about we enact the purge.

This would encourage poor people to get ahead so that they can afford better security and protection.

How about we narrow streets, decrease living conditions, and decrease working conditions.

This would encourage poor people to get ahead.

You have to spend money to make money.

It would cost money to provide basic needs to people, but this argument is one-sided.

If I give a poor person sandwiches, now that they aren't starving to death now they can contribute and make more sandwiches.

If I provide someone with the healthcare they need, not only do they get to live and be healthy, but now they can be a functioning member of society.

" Nazis were socialists by the way..... "

- No, they weren't.

The Nazis literally believe in natural selection which completely contradicts the socialism ideology of altruism.

" What was the cold war? An attempt at world domination to spread communistic ideologies."

- The soviet union is an extreme example of communism and a pure misrepresentation.

If anything by capitalisms logic the soviet union was more capitalist and imperialistic.

The communist manifesto literally criticizes imperialization and radical self-interest similar to what the Soviet Union did.

" Also, charities such as churches are much better than the federal government because local charities have a much better idea of how to fix problems in their community and incentive to use money more effectively (they can't tax for more revenue). They won't throw money at the problem like the government likes to."

- Firstly again this is false since if charities were so effective at solving the issue world hunger wouldn't be as prominent as it is even in more advanced countries such as the US and some parts of Europe.

- Secondly, where is your proof that the government wastes money and is ineffective with said money?

In more heavily socialized countries in Europe with higher tax rates more nationalized sectors such as healthcare and education very obviously aren't just wasting money and are very effective, even more so than charities.

" You think that a slowed down economy won't cause more starvation?"

- This is assuming giving poor people better conditions would slow down the economy at all. I am still not convinced it would.

Do you not believe wealthy individuals benefit from a healthier and more educated population?

" If you would look into it, you would find that starvation is super rare in America. "

- Not exactly starvation in more wealthy 1st world countries but food insecure.

Statistically, a good portion of American families is food insecure which wouldn't be an issue if the government redistributed food from greedy corporations which would rather throw away food to save money than to give it away.


Honestly, the main flaw of socialism is the false presumption that people aren't innately self-interested.

Ok, ignore my whole example. If you want to be entirely serious, absolutely no one grows up in the same exact circumstances, so it is completely illogical to presume they will end up the same. My point is that not even children in the same family end up as wealthy as one another. You must consider that some people make much worse decisions than others.

Sure some rich people have a leg up, but hundreds of rich people lose their wealth and hundreds of poor people gain that wealth. It is not impossible to succeed if you're poor at birth.

Redistribution of wealth is bad. That doesn't make me an anarchist. I just want to limit redistribution of wealth when possible. In terms of military and schooling, it is necessary.

I will look into your "born into wealth" claim when I get home from work


Really hard to read on my phone, but I'll do my best lol. I'm saying that government spending has a tendency to reduce private donations. Also, charities such as churches are much better than the federal government because local charities have a much better idea of how to fix problems in their community and incentive to use money more effectively (they can't tax for more revenue). They won't throw money at the problem like the government likes to.

You think that a slowed down economy won't cause more starvation? At the least, the government would have less money to tax with and would need to borrow more to accommodate these increased expenditures. If you would look into it, you would find that starvation is super rare in America. It is so negligible, it is often not included in our death calculations. Very few people even starved during the Great Depression.

Perhaps not everyone wants to live off the government, but do you want to allow people to do That? Sure, we should have something in place for people truly looking to be self-sufficient and can't find a job. But people make worse decisions when there is less weight on those decisions. And no, I'm not the first to make this argument.

If it would be so good for a company to have less worker sick days, then the company would obviously offer health insurance. It would be foolish not to. Many companies do this, but government healthcare raises medical costs and makes this difficult(I can provide my source if you want).

Nazis were socialists by the way..... You make a fatally flawed argument here. You act as though your socialistic governments don't have self-interest. What was the cold war? An attempt at world domination to spread communistic ideologies. It was in their interest to try to fight capitalism and spread their influence. You pretend as though the leaders in socialistic governments have no incentive to keep their immense power.


People don't know about mixed markets... I don't want to believe that, but I do.

Anyway, best of luck to you on this debate.


1. Great glad you agree and I'm not the only one who thinks this.

2. Oh shit I just copied and pasted this from DDO my bad I'll change this.

3. I use the word completely since whenever I do debates regarding socialism and I point out that mixed market economies do well they're always like,



A few things about your setup:

1. Having debated Tiwaz (, I totally understand why you'd ban him from participating.

2. You are not actually waiving a round by writing the description, so there's no need for pro to waive the last round. I'm guessing that's a copy paste from DDO, but even there it would be R1 for acceptance only. Worse, you've created a setup that does not allow the person to defend their case.

3. The resolution is deeply slanted, perhaps to the point of being a truism (thus troll debate), due to using an absolute qualifier ("completely"). To give an example; an atomic bomb detonating within a populated city is not completely evil via the definitions.


It was a question.

The contender can't say no because Con is the one saying no not Pro socialism is completely evil.

Saying Yes is not a good argument you need to say why.


Yep exactly.

Just say NO and jobs a good un!

Bearing in mind that the contender is expected to waive the second round.


>>completely alters the tone of the question.

It alters the tone so much that the person on the other side needs no evidence or explanation with their claims?


The presence of the word "completely", completely alters the tone of the question.


" Why should the majority be allowed to oppress the minority at Will?"

But again I specified by stating as much as reasonably possible.

There is no good and logical reason for the Nazis to do what they did.

Even if there was, we can't ignore the billions/common good that'd suffer.

If anything like I previously mentioned this would prove your point incorrect.

" Three brothers, all grow up in the same town and go to the same school. "

Inaccurate scenario, the reality is we all grow up in different areas, households, and economic opportunities.

Let me ask you, who is more likely to succeed and have more advantages?

Donald Trumps Son or the average person/I'm assuming to be you then again I do not know your economic situation.

" Why under any valid system should we take money from people who work themselves to death to gain their wealth and give it to people who throw out any chance he gets?"

- People don't start off in the same circumstances, those that did " earn " their wealth started from FAR different positions than anyone else.

This is also assuming rich people throw away their money, many rich people don't donate to charity and besides, it's more important everyone has their basic needs than for a rich person to buy a new car.

" Redistribution of wealth sets a bad mindset. "

- Are you an anarchist? Because by this logic you must be against taxes which is a form of redistribution.

" Most people who are rich aren't born into wealth. People move around income brackets all the time"

- False the majority of people born wealthy will stay wealthy when they get older.


- not to mention the unnecessary amount of deaths we'd avoid.

". If they think their policies are the best, what should stop them from genocide?"

- Their policies weren't for the greater good and this actually disproves your point.

From a 100 % individualistic standpoint, the Nazis were in the right in their attempts at world conquest

They had a very strong country ( for the most part ) capable of taking over the world, who cares about the other countries in Europe, Americas, Asia, or Africa.

By a capitalist standpoint, it would be a moral virtue for them to take over the world as it's in their self-interest to do so which is the idea of capitalism.


" Ok, but in your example, you forget a vital element: charity. Often times, a church or non-profit would send in food to starving people out of their own volition. You don't need to steal from anyone."

- Considering that millions are still starving every day, including those in our own country, it's correct to assume charity isn't effective. I don't see it as stealing especially for a great cause. We already redistribute wealth from everyone towards a collective good IE Military, schools, infrastructure ETC.

" The thing is, it might be good in the short term to redistribute the food. But, if by doing so you undermine our system of private property, you're going to end up with a worse economy and less motivated workers."

- This would slow down the economy, however, what is more important.

The economy slowing down, or millions dying and starving to death.

Workers will still work normally, just in the hands of the government and not greedy corporations.

I fail to see how this would motivate fewer workers when we'd still have plenty of food left over, I could imagine workers will still be fighting for better food and more food. This system would just guarantee everyone has basic needs.

Do you not think you're the first person to make this argument?

Philosophers in the 18th century used the incentivization argument to decrease living conditions and excuses to cause food shortages.

Obviously the more empathic in the past two centuries hasn't disincentivized workers.

Believe it or not, not everyone wants to live off of the government for free, everyone has hopes or aspirations.

" Smart workers helps everyone, but I don't know if thousands of dollars for one person's surgery is always worth it."

- Do you not believe that more healthy workers would fuel the economy? Less sick days and more productive and happy workers who have to worry less about sickness or high medical costs always boosts productivity.


Let's tell another story.

Three brothers, all grow up in the same town and go to the same school. Let's name them Jake Blake And Arnold. They all have the same economic position.

Jake has a full ride scholarship to an in state school because he was an athlete. He starts doing drugs, drops put of school and decides he doesn't want to work. He makes $10k gambling

Blake gets a factory job and works 40 hours each week, not a minute longer, and he doesn't put any money into a savings account. He makes $60k

Arnold studies 20 hours each week in high school and scores high enough on his SAT to go to Harvard business school. He passes with a 4.0 GPA and he helps invent new, more efficient ways to construct automobiles. He works 80 hours every week and never takes vacation. He makes $1 million each year for his efforts.

Why under any valid system should we take money from people who works themselves to death to gain their wealth and give it to people who throw out any chance he gets? That's unfair to everyone involved. Redistribution of wealth sets a bad mindset. One that says that no matter what decisions you make, we will take care of you. Don't you think GM would make better decisions if they weren't "too big to fail"? If you promise to bail people out whenever they make poor decisions, they will continue to make poor decisions.

Don't take money from people who earn it. Most people who are rich aren't born into wealth. People move around income brackets all the time


Ok, but in your example, you forget a vital element: charity. Often times, a church or non-profit would send in food to starving people out of their own volition. You don't need to steal from anyone. Yet, the government often likes to crowd out these private sector groups. The thing is, it might be good in the short term to redistribute the food. But, if by doing do you undermine our system of private property, you're going to end up with a worse economy and less motivated workers.

I think that a very limited form of healthcare could be beneficial, but that is questionable. Smart workers helps everyone, but I don't know if thousands of dollars for one person's surgery is always worth it.

Well, it would support the Nazis to kill off political rivals. If they think their policies are the best, what should stop them from genocide?

This isn't a crazy hypothetical. This is how they thought, and they had the power. Under a system where the "common good" is out above personal self interest, you leave the door open for atrocities and violations of rights. Why should the majority be allowed to oppress the minority at Will?


" I don't quite know about the healthcare example, but education is something that promotes social good."

- Do you not believe society would benefit if everyone had the healthcare they needed?

Happiness would increase, worker productivity would increase, and fewer people would die or be sick.

" What about Nazi Germany? If the majority is Nazis, should their interests surpass those of their victims? If you base decisions off of personal liberties, that can never happen"

- The goal is to please the collective good as much as reasonably possible.

Killing an entire population for a goal ( which isn't enough correct ) isn't reasonable.

Let's state that in an alternate scenario the ENTIRE as in 100 percent of the Jewish population were murderers, rapists, and thieves, and society would be better without them than I believe they should be put in prison and receive the mental health they need. Not executed as I don't believe in the death penalty.

Obviously, this isn't the case and to that, I'd say,

" It is super easy to justify anything with these wacky hypothetical that would never happen like the world needing a sacrifice not to end."


" . It is super easy to justify socialism with these wacky hypothetical that would never happen like the world needing a sacrifice not to end."

- Fair enough, if you want a more realistic example, how about this.

You have 10 people.

1 of which comes from immense wealth and because of this they have more opportunities and are better raised, because of this they stay rich.

4 come from some wealth and are raised decently and turn out decently.

The other 5 come from poverty and as a result, turn out to be mostly poor with one making decent money.

A snowstorm hits leaving the town in a food shortage.

As a result, the bottom 4 are starving to death.

However, if we redistribute the top person's food and some of the middle 5's food, the 4 won't starve. However, it will require a sacrifice for the greater good.

Taking a 100 % individualistic lens will state that the 4 people starve.

Taking a more collective approach will state that everyone has enough food to survive.

This is a more realistic scenario which happens daily,

As of right now, we have enough food to feed around 10 billion people yet we only need to feed 7.7 billion.

Even so, many go hungry any night and many starve due to the capitalistic system which would rather see people starve to death than to see companies lose money.

In a mixed market economy with a higher emphasis on socialization, the food would be redistributed and we'd have more than enough to feed everyone.


I mean that is a fine example, but that is all it is: an example. It is super easy to justify socialism with these wacky hypothetical that would never happen like the world needing a sacrifice not to end.

I don't quite know about the healthcare example, but education is something that promotes the social good.

Ok, I have a big problem saying that the majority should be out above the majority like that. What about Nazi Germany? If the majority is Nazis, should their interests surpass those of their victims? If you base decisions off of personal liberties, that can never happen


1. Harmful to society is a good measure.

We need to stop looking at problems with a 100 % individualist lens and instead consider the collective good as much as reasonably possible.

For example, if the world was going to end unless we sacrificed one person and that one person refused, would you really let the world end just because one person was selfish?

Same with this, socialized healthcare and education would be beneficial to the collective good of society but would also hurt a small portion of the population.

The goal is to please the collective good as much as reasonably possible.

2. Society is the majority of the population and this would be confined mostly to America.


I don't think "harmful to society" is a very good measure. Who is society? The majority of the population? Is this confined to a single country?


>>The Contender only needs to say No in the first round and the debate's over.

If he/she says no then that person wouldn't be against socialism which would mean they are on the same side as the instigator. The contender doesn't win. He/She is just an idiot if they do that.


Welcome back!


The Contender only needs to say No in the first round and the debate's over.