Instigator / Pro

Steven Crowder by associating with racists and white supremacists has endorsed those views


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This is about whether or not Steven Crowder is a racist and white supremacist by allowing them on his show and not challenging said views.

Racist: a person who shows or feels discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or who believes that a particular race is superior to another (implied that discrimination and prejudice is based on race. It doesn't have to be intentional to be racist).

White supremacist: White supremacy or white supremacism is the racist belief that white people are superior to people of other races and therefore should be dominant over them.

No forfeits.

I take Pro stance of Steven Crowder being a racist and white supremacist.

The instigator has the sole burden of proof so the contender requires only to rebut the claims brought forward.


>>I don't think it is fair to bring up the n-word as a hypothetical like this.

Are you going to answer the question or not?

>>Stephen mentioned facts, not slurs.

Did you not see the part when he said you were only hired because he was Mexican and gay? Where was the facts? Even excluding that everything else was insults not facts. It was a fact that Steven said it about Carlos but lispy queer is not a fact and his imitations weren't either.

>>I said that there is nothing inherently wrong with being gay or Mexican, then you proceed to ask me if I am against homosexuality and mexicans. Don't know how much more clear I can be on the matter....

Re-read what you said earlier and come back to me or better yet let me quote you "Ok, being gay and Mexican are inherently bad.". Don't believe me go check for yourself. If it isn't your position I'll move on.

>>but being gay or Mexican isn't something bad. Autism is bad. So, I don't think there is an equivalence for making fun of one vs the other.

I was speaking about how he was using Mexican and being gay. He was using it in a derogatory way. From something that isn't bad he used it in a bad light.

>>We shouldn't be so sensitive.

Not everyone can take jokes or insults. We ought to value people's mental health over someone saying derogatory things about people. You mentioned you are white. Being white it is more likely you go through less harsh experiences due to the color of your skin but with other races that is not the case. Some due to the majority picking on the minority and other about the minority in question engaging with the stereotypes. There are other things but I will leave it at that.

>>The point is that we culturally sometimes pride people for being gay or Mexican.

Why do you care about what people do with their own time that isn't impacting others in a harmful way unless of course you harmed by Mexicans and gays being represented by media.



I don't think it is fair to bring up the n-word as a hypothetical like this. Stephen mentioned facts, not slurs. It would be applicable to make that comparison had Stephen called him a sp**k and a f*g but he didn't. My comment literally said the opposite of what you asked me. I said that there is nothing inherently wrong with being gay or Mexican, then you proceed to ask me if I am against homosexuality and mexicans. Don't know how much more clear I can be on the matter....

Yes you cannot change being gay or Mexican or autistic... but being gay or Mexican isn't something bad. Autism is bad. So, I don't think there is an equivalence for making fun of one vs the other.

We shouldn't be so sensitive. I don't care when people make jokes against any race, including my own. No good comes out of taking offense to any joke against any group. I even laugh when people makes jokes against white people if they are clever.

The point is that we culturally sometimes pride people for being gay or Mexican. I'm saying that it shouldn't be considered racist, white supremacist or whatever slur you want to throw out each time someone makes a snide comment. These people aren't in a cultural that oppressed them today, so don't try to victimize everyone that gets their fee fees hurt.

Yes, vox and Crowder go back and forth. I think that Carlos is trying to play the victim to get his political enemy banned. They debunk a lot of his videos.


>>I would not accept that Mexican is meant as a race without proof. Mexico is a country, and not a country predicated on a racial construct.

Race: A race is a grouping of humans based on shared physical or social qualities into categories generally viewed as distinct by society.

Is this good enough for you?


>>I don't remember him saying the "n-word". There aren't a lot of times that word should be used, so I probably wouldn't support it.

I was supposed to add an if to it. If the n-word was used in the same scenario as when Steven was insulting Carlos would you agree with it?

>>Ok, being gay and Mexican are inherently bad.

So you are against homosexuality and Mexicans?

>>I don't think that those are on the same level as autism. If you want to consider ethnicity and sexuality to be the same as mental illness, that is on you.

You can't change being gay, Mexican or autistic. That is the problem I have with what he said.

>>No reason to be so sensitive.

Oh so when a minority is being picked on a majority we shouldn't care. Okay. (sarcasm)

>>People pride each other now for their "diversity", not for autism.

What does this got to do with anything?

>>We weren't talking about YouTube regulations, so I don't know why you brought them up. We were discussing if it was a joke, which it was.

Did you not realize that Carlos v Steven part has more to it then just that video? I am simply telling the story that you neglected to mention.



I don't remember him saying the "n-word". There aren't a lot of times that word should be used, so I probably wouldn't support it.

Ok, being gay and Mexican are inherently bad. I don't think that those are on the same level as autism. If you want to consider ethnicity and sexuality to be the same as mental illness, that is on you. No reason to be so sensitive. People pride each other now for their "diversity", not for autism. We weren't talking about YouTube regulations, so I don't know why you brought them up. We were discussing if it was a joke, which it was.

I would not accept that Mexican is meant as a race without proof. Mexico is a country, and not a country predicated on a racial construct.


>>Not really. If you consider it within the context of his channel, it isn't bad.

How about Steven Crowder saying the n-word in a similar context to what you consider isn't that bad?

>>By mentioning he is gay and Mexican, he is using satire to show how left-leaning news sources like to have a defacto affirmative action program.

By mentioning he is gay and Mexican. He is attacking a person based on traits he cannot change. It is like using autistic in a derogatory way. Do you accept if Steven Crowder called an autistic child autistic while smiling about it?

>>They try to get super "diverse" pendants. He also adds "not gay" "half asian" before his employees' names sometimes. He is a comedian, and you can't take everything he says at face value

Allowing comedians to hide behind the slogan it's just a joke bro is nonsense. If Steven Crowder could actually make a joke he would not pick on low hanging fruit implying his racism and homophobia when using Mexican and gay in a joking way. Instead of picking on things he has accomplished which you know would actually take talent to mock he instead picks those. Kind of suspicious don't you think? Bad jokes don't excuse you for the comments deemed to be harassment and if you actually looked at Youtube's guidelines. What Steven did is harassment. Even if I accept it's just a joke bro it still harassment which is why Youtube took action.


Let me break it down:

"shows or feels discrimination or prejudice against people of other races"

In another way:

Showing discrimination or prejudice to other races.

It is implied it is based on their race.


Racist: a person who shows or feels discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or who believes that a particular race is superior to another.

The above definition indicates that if you discriminate against someone, and they happen to be of a different race, that you are therefore discriminating on the basis of a race. An invalid definition is not exactly confidence inspiring.


Not really. If you consider it within the context of his channel, it isn't bad. By mentioning he is gay and Mexican, he is using satire to show how left-leaning news sources like to have a defacto affirmative action program. They try to get super "diverse" pendants. He also adds "not gay" "half asian" before his employees' names sometimes. He is a comedian, and you can't take everything he says at face value


>> I know you'll have something, so I don't want to accept.

Guess you are backing down.

>>By your logic though, Dave Rubin would be pro life for not challenging Ben Shapiro on abortion too toughly. Dave Rubin is pro choice.

What logic? I didn't give my arguments yet.


Homophobia comes with white supremacy. Most if not all of them are Christians so homophobia is prevalent in white supremacy. Not all Christians are homophobic but being Christian and being a white supremacist leads very little to wonder. If they think blacks are inferior they would also think homosexuality is also inferior. Kind of implied but I doubt a person wouldn't give the ground to me instead of defending them.


I made a long-ass topic comment about it when a conservative on this site was defending Steven Crowder.

Here it is:


Don't forget homophobic too bro. I like Steven Crowder but this loses points of respect for him. Have you heard of that situation?


I know you'll have something, so I don't want to accept.

By your logic though, Dave Rubin would be pro life for not challenging Ben Shapiro on abortion too toughly. Dave Rubin is pro choice.



I ain't answering what I will be spoiling in my debate.


When did he do this?